Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

Not at all unlike the leftist assholes today, who want Murica to get into WW3 over Ukraine.
The best way to get into WW3 is to let Putin think he can get away with anything. It would also embolden the Chinese. Heard anything about them going after Taiwan since Vlad got his nose bloodied?
The best way to get into WW3 is to let Putin think he can get away with anything. It would also embolden the Chinese. Heard anything about them going after Taiwan since Vlad got his nose bloodied?
Thanks for that, Chimpy Bush......

I remember thinking so at the time.
You should never have been attacked. I never saw anything like that on the east coast.
Here in Florida, we gave them a parade. Free meals at Fat Boys BBQ and the Laotian lady gave them free meals at her restaurant. some of them along with my uncle was confused by it because they were fed propaganda that we all hated them. In reality, it was just fringe folks like today's Antifa.
The best way to get into WW3 is to let Putin think he can get away with anything. It would also embolden the Chinese. Heard anything about them going after Taiwan since Vlad got his nose bloodied?

Putin showed he was incapable of defeating Ukraine

He knows NATO would destroy him if he escalates
Here in Florida, we gave them a parade. Free meals at Fat Boys BBQ and the Laotian lady gave them free meals at her restaurant. some of them along with my uncle was confused by it because they were fed propaganda that we all hated them. In reality, it was just fringe folks like today's Antifa.
We have them reduced rent in our apartment complex.
Originally posted by rightwinger
He knows NATO would destroy him if he escalates

Let's leave the whole issue of the war in Ukraine aside for a moment so I can ask you a good question:

How can a country or military organization win a war they're too afraid to fight?
Let's leave the whole issue of the war in Ukraine aside for a moment so I can ask you a good question:

How can a country or military organization win a war they're too afraid to fight?

No idea what you are proposing?
I mean France, Britain or NATO cannot possibly win a war against Russia if they're too afraid to wage it in the first place (as they are).
There was a lot of fear mongering and misinformation going on back then about the Domino theory and the evils of Communism

Most of America bought into it
Evidence that the crowd is always wrong (or they wouldn't be a 'crowd').
I mean France, Britain or NATO cannot possibly win a war against Russia if they're too afraid to wage it in the first place (as they are).
Not afraid but a quote from George Washington comes to mind. '' Wise Generals choose their battles and not let the battle be thrust upon them.''
I mean France, Britain or NATO cannot possibly win a war against Russia if they're too afraid to wage it in the first place (as they are).

Who says they are afraid?

Right now they are providing Ukraine with the weapons to kill Russians
Ukraine is not in NATO, we do not have to defend them
But we support them
Originally posted by rightwinger
Who says they are afraid?
Right now they are providing Ukraine with the weapons to kill Russians
Ukraine is not in NATO, we do not have to defend them
But we support them

Ukraine is not in NATO, but I have a strange feeling that if Russia invaded the Baltic states the fear of waging war on Russia would still be overwhelming.

Now... it's obvious that somewhere along the line NATO would take off its gloves, let's say, if Russia invaded a major eastern European country like Poland.

If Germany or any western european country was attacked war would be a certainty.

But I still think the fear of facing Russia would override a piece of paper signed by the baltic midgets.
Those kids were right about the Vietnam War, they saw through the Bullshit

History has proven them correct
I was in the Army when the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident' occurred that was the justification for our entry into the war. Everyone knew it was bullshit but had no choice but to go alone with it. However, most of the young guys in my unit were gung ho and couldn't wait to go over there, even though we had no infantry training. Stupid.
Right now, I support providing Ukraine with weapons, humanitarian supplies and intelligence

If Putin starts using Chemical Weapons, I would support US and NATO denying airspace

If Putin goes nuclear, all bets are off
if Putin goes nuclear it might lead to a nuclear war ! we are living in dangerous times .
Those of us that are old enough remember George Romney's brainwashing by vietnam comment
Probably the closest thing to the truth at that time, but was viserated over his comment.
Proposes a bit of a quadrium for mItts comment about calsi.

What makes you think anyone was "brainwashed" about Vietnam?

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