Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

I was drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam war.
There was 50 of us in my platoon.
49 were drafted, 1 had joined.
Most of us didn't want to be there and knew nothing about politics.
We just wanted to complete our 2 years and go back home.
Some didn't get that opportunity.
During discharge we were told not to wear our uniforms if using public transportation to go back home. Especially on the west coast because the protesters were very radical and known to attack lone soldiers in uniform.
Sonny I wasn't born yesterday. N. Vietnam wasn't invaded, just had more bombs dropped on it than were dropped in WWII.
The Viet Cong were Southerners who fought, in league with the north, a guerilla war against the invasion by any means at hand. Vietnam was divided by Europeans, not Vietnamese, as part of the great powers game in vogue at the time. Ho Chi Minh turned to the US for support after the Japanese were defeated. He was spurned in favor of the return of French Colonialism, so he turned to the Soviets for help. Learn your history.
That Jane Fonda turned in POWs is a fabrication of pro-war morons.
Completely made up
I remember thinking so at the time.
I was drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam war.
There was 50 of us in my platoon.
49 were drafted, 1 had joined.
Most of us didn't want to be there and knew nothing about politics.
We just wanted to complete our 2 years and go back home.
Some didn't get that opportunity.
During discharge we were told not to wear our uniforms if using public transportation to go back home. Especially on the west coast because the protesters were very radical and known to attack lone soldiers in uniform.
You should never have been attacked. I never saw anything like that on the east coast.
Normal people think it's _good_ to take sides against genocidal fascists who have announced they want to keep invading country after country.

Vladimir Putin fits the definition of an authoritarian leader perfectly. No argument here because you're 100% correct.

But there's no genocide of white people happening in Ukraine.

The only current genocide of white people is happening in your city, Indianapolis (meaning your entire country, the United States) where a genocidal government is importing millions of non whites every year and the mass media is bombarding the american youth with propaganda glamourizing race mixing.

Normal people should oppose autocratic leaders like Putin. I couldn't agree more.

But normal people should also oppose the genocidal policies being implemented in America, Canada, etc... by the so called western liberal "democracies" for 6 decades and counting.
In reality, stopping a monstrous crime against humanity like genocide is infinitely more important than preserving any democratic freedoms.

But this is a blatant false dichotomy.

One does not need to destroy democracy to stop a genocide.
You should never have been attacked. I never saw anything like that on the east coast.
Nor would you.
You weren't wearing a military uniform.
I was lucky and owned a car. So I drove home.
Assaults on discharged soldiers was a real thing.
The leftist liberals college students were very violent radicals.
Most were ardent marxists.
Nor would you.
You weren't wearing a military uniform.
I was lucky and owned a car. So I drove home.
Assaults on discharged soldiers was a real thing.
The consensus in South Carolina was that the soldiers were innocent, the government was not.
what extreme circumstances would you support sending troops over .

Right now, I support providing Ukraine with weapons, humanitarian supplies and intelligence

If Putin starts using Chemical Weapons, I would support US and NATO denying airspace

If Putin goes nuclear, all bets are off
They wrapped themselves in the flag and called themselves Patriotic as they demanded more troops to “Win this thing by Christmas”

Any politician who opposed the war was called a traitor
yep...and sadly we are seeing a repeat of that now

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