Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

She was certainly demonized. If you questioned the war, you were accused of not supporting the troops. That was a horrible lie. You must have believed that crap.
The leftist student protesters hated the war and hated the soldiers.
Saigon fell a year before I graduated high school. Romney was right, it was his rhetoric that was flawed. ”I was lied to by experts and I believed them.“ makes the same point and doesn’t make him look weak minded.
Not only lied to him but the President. Bad strategy from the top down. But as far as the war itself, any struggle against totalitarianism is a noble cause. What exists in Vietnam now is not communism but like mainland China a fascist state. I hope I live long enough to see that change. Communism always becomes Fascism we as a country always need to oppose it and promote Democracy around the globe.
So that means there are no paid Russian trolls shitposting pro-Putin threads on USMB, and they didn't interfere in our elections in 2016 and 2020?
In what alternate reality was that supposed to make any sense?

Go on. Explain your point to us, aside from the butthurt being the point. This should be hilarious.
My grandfather was in the 11th Airborne during the war. He served three tours and came back full of PTSD, Nightmares and hatred towards the communists.
Redirecting the hatred to the people who sent him there would have been more reasonable and rational.
There was a lot of fear mongering and misinformation going on back then about the Domino theory and the evils of Communism

Most of America bought into it
You mean like the attack LBJ, the great democrat, staged saying the Viet Cong attacked the US?

The hell you say!

He should have been impeached!

Thank God that is all fixed now in the media
Yes they did. It didn't start then, nor has it ended.
They screwed up badly and then doubled down on their righteousness. Remember when Bush told Chirac that he was fighting Gog and Magog? These people are so tiresome and never learn.
Normal people think it's _good_ to take sides against genocidal fascists who have announced they want to keep invading country after country.
For the last time, Obama was not a fascist when he attacked Libya

He was a democracy loving peace lover who won a Nobel Peace Prize

There! I'm glad I set that right again.
Redirecting the hatred to the people who sent him there would have been more reasonable and rational.
Maybe. He seemed to direct his hate towards the people who would use American soldiers for bayonet practice, those who would behead Americans, then cut off their genitalia and stuff it into the head, those who would stake people to the ground and let them die of heat and thirst, those who would beat prisoners of war until they died of septic shock, those who would lay booby traps in villages, those who fought him, shot at him, captured and murdered his friends. Those people. He truly cared for the South Vietnamese people, but hated the North Vietnamese with every fiber of his being.
she gave notes she got from American pow's to their captors ..... what would you call that ?
What did the notes say? I don't remember. Once we screwed up in Vietnam there was no turning back and they could draft as many young men as they wanted.
Maybe. He seemed to direct his hate towards the people who would use American soldiers for bayonet practice, those who would behead Americans, then cut off their genitalia and stuff it into the head, those who would stake people to the ground and let them die of heat and thirst, those who would beat prisoners of war until they died of septic shock, those who would lay booby traps in villages, those who fought him, shot at him, captured and murdered his friends. Those people. He truly cared for the South Vietnamese people, but hated the North Vietnamese with every fiber of his being.
They did all of those things. How far would you go against an invader of your country?
What did the notes say? I don't remember. Once we screwed up in Vietnam there was no turning back and they could draft as many young men as they wanted.
That Jane Fonda turned in POWs is a fabrication of pro-war morons.
Completely made up

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