Back surgery

Well I'm home.
I was up and walking about six hours after surgery and it hurt like a MOFO!!!!! The nurse said she'd never seen anyone walk so soon after the procedure.
On the plus side I have no shooting nerve pain down my leg anymore and the pain is centered on the incision which according to the Doc is a very good sign.
I was suppossed to stay in the hospital till Sunday but he said in light of my fast progress he'd let me head home today at noon.

So they wheeled me out to the Wife's SUV for the ride home.
Apparently the ride home inflamed things a bit and the pain was intense when I got out of the SUV to the point the NORCO had little effect.
After taking an extra NORCO and some bed rest I'm back to where I started before leaving the hospital so all is as good as can be expected at this point.
I gotta say that the back surgery made my hip replacement and cancer surgery look like a cakewalk in comparison.
Well I'm home.
I was up and walking about six hours after surgery and it hurt like a MOFO!!!!! The nurse said she'd never seen anyone walk so soon after the procedure.
On the plus side I have no shooting nerve pain down my leg anymore and the pain is centered on the incision which according to the Doc is a very good sign.
I was suppossed to stay in the hospital till Sunday but he said in light of my fast progress he'd let me head home today at noon.

So they wheeled me out to the Wife's SUV for the ride home.
Apparently the ride home inflamed things a bit and the pain was intense when I got out of the SUV to the point the NORCO had little effect.
After taking an extra NORCO and some bed rest I'm back to where I started before leaving the hospital so all is as good as can be expected at this point.
I gotta say that the back surgery made my hip replacement and cancer surgery look like a cakewalk in comparison.

Nice to hear from you and to know you made it out alive! :D

Make sure you get plenty of rest and don't push yourself too much. You wouldn't want to injure yourself, and your other muscles are going to be compensating for any other weakness you might have due to the surgery and being cut. Make sure you attend all of your PT appointments too. I'm sure that is going to be a very important factor in making a full recovery.
Has anyone experienced it?
Getting two and three vertebrae fused on Friday.

I didn't have a fusion but I did have a laminectomy and a 2 level laminotomy.

I was in pain for over a year not able to stand or walk for more than 20 minutes at a time

My MRI showed severe stenosis affecting L2,3 and 4. I had part of my L3 vertebra removed and the spaces where the nerve bundles ran through L2 and L4 widened.

After recovery from the procedure I have been completely pain free
Well I'm home.
I was up and walking about six hours after surgery and it hurt like a MOFO!!!!! The nurse said she'd never seen anyone walk so soon after the procedure.
On the plus side I have no shooting nerve pain down my leg anymore and the pain is centered on the incision which according to the Doc is a very good sign.
I was suppossed to stay in the hospital till Sunday but he said in light of my fast progress he'd let me head home today at noon.

So they wheeled me out to the Wife's SUV for the ride home.
Apparently the ride home inflamed things a bit and the pain was intense when I got out of the SUV to the point the NORCO had little effect.
After taking an extra NORCO and some bed rest I'm back to where I started before leaving the hospital so all is as good as can be expected at this point.
I gotta say that the back surgery made my hip replacement and cancer surgery look like a cakewalk in comparison.

Nice to hear from you and to know you made it out alive! :D

Make sure you get plenty of rest and don't push yourself too much. You wouldn't want to injure yourself, and your other muscles are going to be compensating for any other weakness you might have due to the surgery and being cut. Make sure you attend all of your PT appointments too. I'm sure that is going to be a very important factor in making a full recovery.

I had my surgery before the muscles had a chance to atrophy and the Doc said PT wouldnt be necessary as long as I got up and moving.
It was the same with my hip replacement.
The moral of the story? Dont wait until everything goes to shit before getting surgery.
Has anyone experienced it?
Getting two and three vertebrae fused on Friday.

I didn't have a fusion but I did have a laminectomy and a 2 level laminotomy.

I was in pain for over a year not able to stand or walk for more than 20 minutes at a time

My MRI showed severe stenosis affecting L2,3 and 4. I had part of my L3 vertebra removed and the spaces where the nerve bundles ran through L2 and L4 widened.

After recovery from the procedure I have been completely pain free

Thats good to hear.
Mine has gotten slightly better each day and the nerve pain is gone. The only real bitch is coughing or sneezing at this point.
funny how you can find those horror stories about any 'procedure' that is what kills me...they call this shit a procedure...not an operation ....
i dont think the patient should watch those damn procedures.....when i watched the knee replacement on youtube i felt like i was betraying my husband by letting them do that to him....when we met with his doctor i understood what he was talking about ...hubby had no clue and doc told him not to watch the films before the procedure...good advice...
now riddle me this...did they give you any advice/counsel on pain killers and addition....hubby got kick ass drugs with me being his only drug advisors ...that was just not right...and they just offered him more drugs...he refused thus pissing off me lol but that stuff is powerful and addicting
i dont think the patient should watch those damn procedures.....when i watched the knee replacement on youtube i felt like i was betraying my husband by letting them do that to him....when we met with his doctor i understood what he was talking about ...hubby had no clue and doc told him not to watch the films before the procedure...good advice...

I considered watching the procedure on Youtube...for all of five seconds.
now riddle me this...did they give you any advice/counsel on pain killers and addition....hubby got kick ass drugs with me being his only drug advisors ...that was just not right...and they just offered him more drugs...he refused thus pissing off me lol but that stuff is powerful and addicting

Just NORCO,and to be honest it worked better than the morphine drip.

I learned my lesson on opioids after my cancer surgery.
It stopped me up so bad my stitches nearly burst and they had to go in through my nose to clear the blockage at my small intestine.
That really Sucked!!!
Has anyone experienced it?
Getting two and three vertebrae fused on Friday.
good luck

and wish you a speedy recovery

So far so good.


how long the doc say you will be laid up

He said it would take a week for most of the post op surgery pain to go away,and another month and a half to two months for the bones to fuse completely.

that sounds about right from people i know that have had similar done

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