Bad Assumption

Just because a law may not be obeyed by all is no reason not to have the law
but it is a reason to enforce it, and have measures in place to enforce it and code by which violators are penalized.
And why circumstantial evidence that makes sense, should be counted as proof.

also NOTHING is more damaging than a government official that doesn't obey the law.

Prosecutional discretion is always part of any law
it has no business being.
The laws are to enforced without passion or prejudice.

I am speeding to get my pregnant wife to the hospital

That is why we have prosecutional discretion
If a crook defrauds millions from investors, which they sure did during the recent derivatives bubble, then they get away scot-free in a world without laws.

In fact, the most often question asked of me when I discussed these crimes back then was, "What laws did they break?"

See, if there is no law against it, in the minds of idiots it is okay for a slimeball to take your money through fraudulent means.

And because they got away with it, they are still doing it.
If self defense fails, which it frequently does, then a murderer gets away scot-free in a world without laws.
Which is why I do Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts, Combat, and Wrestling classes.
And Why I also carry a gun, a knife and compact retractable baton in a compact combo holster.

Which is why my kids are doing martial arts, and which is why I married a woman that is large and strong enough to win.
Just because a law may not be obeyed by all is no reason not to have the law
but it is a reason to enforce it, and have measures in place to enforce it and code by which violators are penalized.
And why circumstantial evidence that makes sense, should be counted as proof.

also NOTHING is more damaging than a government official that doesn't obey the law.

Prosecutional discretion is always part of any law
it has no business being.
The laws are to enforced without passion or prejudice.

I am speeding to get my pregnant wife to the hospital

That is why we have prosecutional discretion

Your pregnant wife needs to be in an emergency vehicle.
Because your pregnant wife isn't the problem of another motorist.
A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?
A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?

I never said I wanted a world without laws.... I said they need to be enforced.
Try reading.
If self defense fails, which it frequently does, then a murderer gets away scot-free in a world without laws.
Which is why I do Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts, Combat, and Wrestling classes.
And Why I also carry a gun, a knife and compact retractable baton in a compact combo holster.

Which is why my kids are doing martial arts, and which is why I married a woman that is large and strong enough to win.

If self defense fails, which it frequently does, then a murderer gets away scot-free in a world without laws.
Which is why I do Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts, Combat, and Wrestling classes.
And Why I also carry a gun, a knife and compact retractable baton in a compact combo holster.

Which is why my kids are doing martial arts, and which is why I married a woman that is large and strong enough to win.
It would still be a piece of cake for me to harm you or your family if I set my mind to it. If I was your investment manager, I could steal from you and you would never know you were robbed. Almost every living American is being robbed right now.

People are raped, murdered, stabbed, shot, robbed, and molested every minute of the day.

This is not evidence laws are useless. Quite the contrary. It is evidence laws are necessary.
A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?

I never said I wanted a world without laws.... I said they need to be enforced.
Try reading.
I agree they need to be enforced.

The trick is catching the crooks to begin with. And then proving their crimes to a jury.

The reason Wall Street crooks get fined lunch money is because prosecutors know the average Joe Schmuckatelli on a jury would not understand the complexities of the crimes that are being committed.

So the prosecutors feel a fine is better than nothing. But did you know the securities laws actually have limits on the size of the fines they can levy? They are paltry. Lunch money. They do not have the power to put these crooks out of business.

Some of our laws need to be made more burly. Stronger. Punitive.

Other laws are stupid and need to be obsoleted.

I believe in good laws, not more laws.
A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?

I never said I wanted a world without laws.... I said they need to be enforced.
Try reading.
I agree they need to be enforced.

The trick is catching the crooks to begin with. And then proving their crimes to a jury.

The reason Wall Street crooks get fined lunch money is because prosecutors know the average Joe Schmuckatelli on a jury would not understand the complexities of the crimes that are being committed.

So the prosecutors feel a fine is better than nothing. But did you know the securities laws actually have limits on the size of the fines they can levy? They are paltry. Lunch money. They do not have the power to put these crooks out of business.

Some of our laws need to be made more burly. Stronger. Punitive.

Other laws are stupid and need to be obsoleted.

I believe in good laws, not more laws.

Theft and other such crimes, and civil torts, doesn't leave DNA evidence, so the DNA or No-Case culture by judges and juries needs to go away.
A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?

I never said I wanted a world without laws.... I said they need to be enforced.
Try reading.
I agree they need to be enforced.

The trick is catching the crooks to begin with. And then proving their crimes to a jury.

The reason Wall Street crooks get fined lunch money is because prosecutors know the average Joe Schmuckatelli on a jury would not understand the complexities of the crimes that are being committed.

So the prosecutors feel a fine is better than nothing. But did you know the securities laws actually have limits on the size of the fines they can levy? They are paltry. Lunch money. They do not have the power to put these crooks out of business.

Some of our laws need to be made more burly. Stronger. Punitive.

Other laws are stupid and need to be obsoleted.

I believe in good laws, not more laws.

A law that makes it illegal to make other people miserable, or create a bad environment also isn't stupid, and doesn't need to be repealed.
The worst assumption of all, is that the law will be obeyed..

Which is exactly why gun control laws are pointless and it's best to give law abiding citizens to defend arm and defend themselves. Thank you for affirming that.

A rapist rarely stops with one rape.

A child molester rarely stops with one child.

You really want a world without laws, BlueJay?

I never said I wanted a world without laws.... I said they need to be enforced.
Try reading.
I agree they need to be enforced.

The trick is catching the crooks to begin with. And then proving their crimes to a jury.

The reason Wall Street crooks get fined lunch money is because prosecutors know the average Joe Schmuckatelli on a jury would not understand the complexities of the crimes that are being committed.

So the prosecutors feel a fine is better than nothing. But did you know the securities laws actually have limits on the size of the fines they can levy? They are paltry. Lunch money. They do not have the power to put these crooks out of business.

Some of our laws need to be made more burly. Stronger. Punitive.

Other laws are stupid and need to be obsoleted.

I believe in good laws, not more laws.
There is a list of reasons why people are victims of violent crimes everyday.

And there ARE these.

1. The use of public transportation opens you up to violent crime.
2. The use of slow moving vehicles with no doors, I.e. a Bicycle or a Motor cycle opens you up to violent crime.

3. Living in a bad neighborhood because either A, you refuse to acknowledge the facts about them, or B you refuse to make enough money for better, with the stupid ass belief that money is evil.
And it opens you up to violent crime.

4. You refuse to acknowledge the facts about who the bad people in the world are, and where they are, and then you go join them, and it opens you up to violent crime.

5. Because you don't lift weights, or train to fight in a professional manner, with semi pro skills or greater.

6. Because you don't arm yourself.

7. Because you make your front door, into an open hallway.

Those are the biggest reasons.
The worst assumption of all, is that the law will be obeyed..

And few laws when violated have as much or more impact on people's lives than violating the following list of laws, that are the most commonly violated laws in human history.

Hate Crime legislation
RICO legislation
The Americans with Disabilities Act
The Affirmative Action laws
The Equal Pay Act
The Bill of Worker's Rights
The Sherman Anti Trust Act
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

I would like to see evidence these are "the most commonly violated laws in human history".

Sounds like hyperbole.

I bet traffic laws are the most commonly violated laws in human history. I violate at least one of them at least once a day.

That and drug laws.

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