Bad Cop, No Donut

They will clam up, take the fifth...and probably walk.

I highly doubt they would walk. There is video evidence, their police reports, eye witnesses and the victims testimonies also. I guarantee, if they are charged, their attorneys would be wanting to talk plea deals in a heartbeat.
At what point do people wake up and realize these guys are not guarding angels? This guy has probably busted dozens of people for DUI, but, when it comes to him "it's the bartenders fault". Yeah. Fuck the police.

Internal report: Deputy was drunk at helm of squad
By Mike Longaecker on Jan 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

HUDSON -- A St. Croix County sheriff’s deputy likely consumed at least 15 shots of vodka before getting behind the wheel of his squad, where he was found passed out with the vehicle’s transmission in drive and his foot on the brake.

Those findings were detailed in an internal investigation report on former deputy Ryan Fowler, who resigned his position Dec. 1, as part of a separation agreement with St. Croix County. The documents, released by the county to RiverTown Multimedia through a data request, chronicle an Oct. 12 incident while Fowler was on assignment with a four-person attachment sent to North Dakota to assist with Dakota Access Pipeline protesters.

Internal report: Deputy was drunk at helm of squad
If IA investigated then it wasn't swept under the rug. Duh!
IA (Internal Affairs) is made up of cops who investigate their thin blue line brothers. These people consider each other as ''family''. Would you want the Crips and Bloods doing an IA investigation every time one of them was accused of wrong doing? Of course not. So why are cops allowed to investigate themselves?
If IA investigated then it wasn't swept under the rug. Duh!
IA (Internal Affairs) is made up of cops who investigate their thin blue line brothers. These people consider each other as ''family''. Would you want the Crips and Bloods doing an IA investigation every time one of them was accused of wrong doing? Of course not. So why are cops allowed to investigate themselves?
Nah, you're clueless.
If IA investigated then it wasn't swept under the rug. Duh!
IA (Internal Affairs) is made up of cops who investigate their thin blue line brothers. These people consider each other as ''family''. Would you want the Crips and Bloods doing an IA investigation every time one of them was accused of wrong doing? Of course not. So why are cops allowed to investigate themselves?
Nah, you're clueless.
See the first quote in my signature and move along.
Suppose this man was one of your relatives. Would you still be a copsucker?

Disturbing Video Shows Rapist Cop Sodomize Innocent Man Over Suspended License

Allen Park, MI — Kevin Campbell was driving his wife’s new minivan home in June when he was targeted for revenue collection by Allen Park Police Officer Daniel Mack. The resultant stop would end with Mack kidnapping Campbell, throwing him in a cage, and forcefully penetrating his anus with his hand — all over a suspended license.

The incident began on June 7, 2016, when Campbell was stopped because Mack claimed his wife’s new minivan’s temporary license plate wasn’t visible through the back glass.

“He said he couldn’t see the license plate. I thought that was very weird and odd that he couldn’t see a license plate by it being 7:00 in the afternoon,” said Campbell.

Campbell was driving on a suspended license as he was unable to afford the fees needed to reinstate it. For his suspended license, officer Mack arrested Campbell, placed him in handcuffs and patted him down.

What began as a routine revenue collection stop, quickly morphed into a nightmare as Mack accused Campbell of having drugs on him.

Read more at Disturbing Video Shows Rapist Cop Sodomize Innocent Man Over Suspended License

“Please Don’t Shoot Me” Body Cam Shows Innocent Unarmed Dad Killed by a Cop Begging for His Life

Phoenix, AZ — Mesa Police Officer Philip Brailsford has been charged with the second-degree murder of Daniel Shaver, an innocent father of two. The shooting was captured on his body cam.

On January 18, Brailsford, along with several other officers, responded to a call about a suspect with a rifle in a hotel room. The ‘rifle’ was nothing more than a pellet gun that was used in Shaver’s business of pest control. However, Shaver was not in possession of the pellet gun when he was murdered in cold blood by officer Brailsford.

Read more at "Please Don't Shoot Me" Body Cam Shows Innocent Unarmed Dad Killed by a Cop Begging for His Life


No thanks. I'm flattered by the offer but I'm already in a committed relationship.

Also, what with you being an intravenous drug user, I'm pretty sure you're a high HIV risk.

No thanks. I'm flattered by the offer but I'm already in a committed relationship.

Also, what with you being an intravenous drug user, I'm pretty sure you're a high HIV risk.

See folks - this is how cops work: If they don't actually have something on you, they make shit up. Thank you, Officer fncceo.

And we come to arrest you ... PLEASE resist.

No thanks. I'm flattered by the offer but I'm already in a committed relationship.

Also, what with you being an intravenous drug user, I'm pretty sure you're a high HIV risk.

See folks - this is how cops work: If they don't actually have something on you, they make shit up. Thank you, Officer fncceo.

And we come to arrest you ... PLEASE resist.

Why is it that every cop or supporter always eventually go to this? What the opponents need most of all is a good beating. If I disagree with someone it never enters my mind that if I beat them they will see my side of it.

Yet when the cop gets a paper cut from the donut box we are supposed to be overwhelmed with concern. The funniest thing is that you wonder why people don't like you. You wonder why they don't like cops. Perhaps you or your brethren of the Thin Blue Li(n)e have tried to beat them or friends until they learned to obey like good little supporters.
You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.
You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.

Nice. After begging a guy to resist for the crime of not worshiping the police so he can be beaten to a bloody pulp you are going to put the saint hat on. It must be difficult to be so hypocritical and keep a straight face.

Now you go with the other normal statement of the cops and worshippers. You will need us one day. Pfui. Your mask slipped. Previously you said your department fires cops who lie. Yet is it a lie in your mind when you throw a beating on a guy who needs it? He resisted and I used the force required to subdue the suspect. Isn't that the phrase you were taught to use?

More people are learning. The ranks of the worshippers and sycophants are thinning

You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.

Nice. After begging a guy to resist for the crime of not worshiping the police so he can be beaten to a bloody pulp you are going to put the saint hat on. It must be difficult to be so hypocritical and keep a straight face.

Now you go with the other normal statement of the cops and worshippers. You will need us one day. Pfui. Your mask slipped. Previously you said your department fires cops who lie. Yet is it a lie in your mind when you throw a beating on a guy who needs it? He resisted and I used the force required to subdue the suspect. Isn't that the phrase you were taught to use?

More people are learning. The ranks of the worshippers and sycophants are thinning

You don't have to worship police. But...
... and this part is really gonna eat you up...

You HAVE to comply.

And your hatred and tantrums is not gonna change that. It's all just impotent posturing.
You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.

Nice. After begging a guy to resist for the crime of not worshiping the police so he can be beaten to a bloody pulp you are going to put the saint hat on. It must be difficult to be so hypocritical and keep a straight face.

Now you go with the other normal statement of the cops and worshippers. You will need us one day. Pfui. Your mask slipped. Previously you said your department fires cops who lie. Yet is it a lie in your mind when you throw a beating on a guy who needs it? He resisted and I used the force required to subdue the suspect. Isn't that the phrase you were taught to use?

More people are learning. The ranks of the worshippers and sycophants are thinning

You don't have to worship police. But...
... and this part is really gonna eat you up...

You HAVE to comply.

And your hatred and tantrums is not gonna change that. It's all just impotent posturing.

Not really. Two Years ago my neighbor whom I have had many long talks with about many subjects had jury duty. The result thanks to the cops following the lie script regularly was a hung jury since my neighbor heard the boys in blue use exactly the lies you all tell regularly. The ones I told him about. The ones I showed him videos of. He heard them and became a true believer. He doubted me before. He didn't any longer.

The DA dropped the case. The defendant went free. So my information and willingness to discuss the issue kept at least one person out of prison. Perhaps this has happened more than once. Another friend refused to answer any questions except identifying information without a lawyer present. Another friend whom I have had many long talks.

Family and friends all know to tell the cops jack shit. If we met professionally I wouldn't give you the time of day without a warrant.

Unlike the police. I don't commit crimes. I especially don't lie. 16 Arlington police officers suspected of faking traffic stops surrender peace officer licenses | Tarrant County | Dallas News

Crying shame isn't it? Damned fine cops busted for just doing their jobs.
If we met professionally I wouldn't give you the time of day without a warrant.


Well, you SAY that.

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