Bad Cop, No Donut


No thanks. I'm flattered by the offer but I'm already in a committed relationship.

Also, what with you being an intravenous drug user, I'm pretty sure you're a high HIV risk.

See folks - this is how cops work: If they don't actually have something on you, they make shit up. Thank you, Officer fncceo.

And we come to arrest you ... PLEASE resist.

Thank you for the threat. Now I am in fear for my life. How many times have you and your department been sued because of your words and deeds, fncceo?
If we met professionally I wouldn't give you the time of day without a warrant.


Well, you SAY that.
Now post a picture of your real self.
You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.

Nice. After begging a guy to resist for the crime of not worshiping the police so he can be beaten to a bloody pulp you are going to put the saint hat on. It must be difficult to be so hypocritical and keep a straight face.

Now you go with the other normal statement of the cops and worshippers. You will need us one day. Pfui. Your mask slipped. Previously you said your department fires cops who lie. Yet is it a lie in your mind when you throw a beating on a guy who needs it? He resisted and I used the force required to subdue the suspect. Isn't that the phrase you were taught to use?

More people are learning. The ranks of the worshippers and sycophants are thinning

You don't have to worship police. But...
... and this part is really gonna eat you up...

You HAVE to comply.

And your hatred and tantrums is not gonna change that. It's all just impotent posturing.

No, we do not have to comply. If your orders are unlawful we can refuse to follow them; if your actions are unlawful and violent, we can resist with violence. So fuck you and all of your "brothers in blue".
“You Don’t Have a Dog Anymore” Cops Take Turns Shooting Family’s Dog While Laughing

I hear 2 gunshots. As I’m getting up I hear the third. As soon as I’m standing, I can see out my side window. Police. Fourth shot. I look at what they’re doing & see my dog on the ground. My dog starts screaming. I scream. More shots. Five, six, seven, eight. There’s 2 cops taking turns shooting him with smiles on their faces. I run out yelling “What the hell!!!!!” They said “Is this your dog?” “Yes!!” I replied. “What happened??!!” The officer said (& I quote!!) “Well you don’t have a dog anymore. He’s done now!” & laughed in my face.

Read more at "You Don't Have a Dog Anymore" Cops Take Turns Shooting Family's Dog While Laughing
No, we do not have to comply

Let me share a little video that we watch in the squad room. It will have us all in stitches every time.

It's about people just like you who THOUGHT they knew the law ... hilarious.
No, we do not have to comply

Let me share a little video that we watch in the squad room. It will have us all in stitches every time.

It's about people just like you who THOUGHT they knew the law ... hilarious.

Pump you and your boyfriends up before you go home and beat up your wives and kids, tough guy?

Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence

Domestic violence takes place in up to a staggering 40 percent of law enforcement families, but police departments mostly ignore the problem or let it slide, write ex-police wife Susanna Hope and award-winning investigative journalist Alex Roslin in their new book, Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence. The following excerpt is adapted from their book, available on Amazon or as an eBook from their website, and is being published as part of the Ms. Blog’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month series.

Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence - Ms. Magazine Blog
Screw your rights - cops like their freebies.

Alabama sheriff opposes constitutional carry due to loss of revenue (VIDEO)

“This money generated from the pistol permit goes to buy our uniforms, equipment, our firearms, our training, our ammunition to train and send people to the police academy. Once you take away that funding where’s the money going to come from?” says Abston.
[Maybe the whining bitches should have a bake sale.]

Alabama sheriff opposes constitutional carry due to loss of revenue (VIDEO)

Every cop is part of a standing army - an army you were warned about by your "founding fathers". Just as they did for Stalin, Hitler, et al, they will do for their masters in the U.S. when ordered to do so. I am not speaking to you people for grins, I am speaking to you to awaken you. Cops are NOT your friends. Look at this picture and tell me they are "serving and protecting" you.


No thanks. I'm flattered by the offer but I'm already in a committed relationship.

Also, what with you being an intravenous drug user, I'm pretty sure you're a high HIV risk.

See folks - this is how cops work: If they don't actually have something on you, they make shit up. Thank you, Officer fncceo.

And we come to arrest you ... PLEASE resist.

Why is it that every cop or supporter always eventually go to this? What the opponents need most of all is a good beating. If I disagree with someone it never enters my mind that if I beat them they will see my side of it.

Yet when the cop gets a paper cut from the donut box we are supposed to be overwhelmed with concern. The funniest thing is that you wonder why people don't like you. You wonder why they don't like cops. Perhaps you or your brethren of the Thin Blue Li(n)e have tried to beat them or friends until they learned to obey like good little supporters.
Because most cops are simply thugs. In a different time and place, they could easily have been union goons, a loan shark's leg-breakers, a dictator's private killers, Gestapo thugs...your basic cheap, not-too-bright muscle.
You wonder why they don't like cops.

No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.
What drugs do you carry to plant on people, and what caliber is your throwdown?
"This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time."
"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
"I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

H/S "This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time"

I/S "It probably isn't, but OK ... that's your right. Just make sure you get my good side."

H/S "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I/S "As you've committed an offense, you're being detained until you provide proof of identity"

H/S "I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

I/S "That's your choice, you'll be held in custody until you provide proof of identity" (handcuffs out for emphasis)

-- It's at this point they usually pull out the Driver's License they claim they never had. Identity proved, ticket or summons issued and transaction complete.

--- But, sometimes, they like to play stupid games and I get paid to play along.

"This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time."
"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
"I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

H/S "This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time"

I/S "It probably isn't, but OK ... that's your right. Just make sure you get my good side."

H/S "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I/S "As you've committed an offense, you're being detained until you provide proof of identity"

H/S "I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

I/S "That's your choice, you'll be held in custody until you provide proof of identity" (handcuffs out for emphasis)

-- It's at this point they usually pull out the Driver's License they claim they never had. Identity proved, ticket or summons issued and transaction complete.

--- But, sometimes, they like to play stupid games and I get paid to play along.


Betting these are the "stupid games" you like to play:

Pedophile Cop Pleads Guilty to Raping & Impregnating Child He Was Mentoring

It’s important to understand how pedophiles operate. “There are family members, friends, and neighbors, even teachers, coaches and clergy who treat children better than most adults, listen to what they are really saying and strive to meet their emotional, physical and spiritual needs as a means of fulfilling their own sexual needs and desires. They’re often in positions of authority: clergy members, coaches, or police officers,” writes the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse.
Read more at Pedophile Cop Pleads Guilty to Raping & Impregnating Child He Was Mentoring
"This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time."
"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
"I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

H/S "This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time"

I/S "It probably isn't, but OK ... that's your right. Just make sure you get my good side."

H/S "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I/S "As you've committed an offense, you're being detained until you provide proof of identity"

H/S "I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

I/S "That's your choice, you'll be held in custody until you provide proof of identity" (handcuffs out for emphasis)

-- It's at this point they usually pull out the Driver's License they claim they never had. Identity proved, ticket or summons issued and transaction complete.

--- But, sometimes, they like to play stupid games and I get paid to play along.

You have a vivid imagination...or you're hallucinating, not sure which.

PS-I will give you one million dollars if you can show where I ever claimed to not have a drivers' license.
"This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time."
"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
"I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

H/S "This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time"

I/S "It probably isn't, but OK ... that's your right. Just make sure you get my good side."

H/S "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I/S "As you've committed an offense, you're being detained until you provide proof of identity"

H/S "I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

I/S "That's your choice, you'll be held in custody until you provide proof of identity" (handcuffs out for emphasis)

-- It's at this point they usually pull out the Driver's License they claim they never had. Identity proved, ticket or summons issued and transaction complete.

--- But, sometimes, they like to play stupid games and I get paid to play along.

You have a vivid imagination...or you're hallucinating, not sure which.

PS-I will give you one million dollars if you can show where I ever claimed to not have a drivers' license.

So, I'm guessing that instead of just being ignorant of the law ... you're also completely unaware of the concept of a suppositional example. The phrases you spouted earlier are so trite that I hear them all the time, What I'm giving you is a typical interaction when I meet someone (like yourself) who thinks they don't have to talk to me when they've committed (or are suspected of committing) and offense and I get to show them just how wrong they are.

Because I work foot patrol in an urban transport system, on an average shift I talk to forty people. Of those, twenty will have committed a misdemeanor offense (no ticket, smoking, open container). Of those, eighteen will be completely cooperative and after giving details will leave with a warning. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not rewarded for giving out tickets. In fact, officers who give out too many tickets are often chastised. Of those twenty, two will be uncooperative but the situation will eventually resolve itself. They usually claim to have no ID and after finding out they can be arrested until ID is proven, will produce ID. An average of two person per shift will have committed a felony offense (theft, robbery, assault, drug trafficking, or wanted on felony warrant) and will be arrested regardless of how cooperative or uncooperative they are.

So, 90% of police interactions result in no negative result for the offender -- except for having to spend five minutes talking to me. If you have a bad time with police ... there is an extremely high probability that you brought that problem on yourself. Believe me, police aren't interested in you if you're not committing an offense. When I do interact with a non-offender, it's usually someone I know (local shopkeeper or regular commuter), or a kid who wants a high-five, or a tourist who wants a picture with a 'real American cop'.

I love my job. I love making the average commuter feel safe. I love helping a frantic mum down the stairs with her stroller. I love walking a frightened girl to the parking lot late at night because there are a lot of 'scary kids' hanging around. I love getting the homeless guy out of the cold. I love playing with the dogs who are walked through the stations. I listening to the kids problems and the old-folks stories. I love being (mostly) outdoors in rain and shine. I even love the folks who just don't get it -- who believe we're there to make their life a living hell. Because, what they never get is, if I wasn't there, someone must meaner than myself would be giving them actual hell -- and they wouldn't get to file a complaint about it.

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