Bad Cop, No Donut

"This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time."
"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"
"I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

H/S "This interaction is being recorded and streamed off-site in real time"

I/S "It probably isn't, but OK ... that's your right. Just make sure you get my good side."

H/S "Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I/S "As you've committed an offense, you're being detained until you provide proof of identity"

H/S "I decline to answer questions without a lawyer."

I/S "That's your choice, you'll be held in custody until you provide proof of identity" (handcuffs out for emphasis)

-- It's at this point they usually pull out the Driver's License they claim they never had. Identity proved, ticket or summons issued and transaction complete.

--- But, sometimes, they like to play stupid games and I get paid to play along.

You have a vivid imagination...or you're hallucinating, not sure which.

PS-I will give you one million dollars if you can show where I ever claimed to not have a drivers' license.

So, I'm guessing that instead of just being ignorant of the law ... you're also completely unaware of the concept of a suppositional example. The phrases you spouted earlier are so trite that I hear them all the time, What I'm giving you is a typical interaction when I meet someone (like yourself) who thinks they don't have to talk to me when they've committed (or are suspected of committing) and offense and I get to show them just how wrong they are.

Because I work foot patrol in an urban transport system, on an average shift I talk to forty people. Of those, twenty will have committed a misdemeanor offense (no ticket, smoking, open container). Of those, eighteen will be completely cooperative and after giving details will leave with a warning. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not rewarded for giving out tickets. In fact, officers who give out too many tickets are often chastised. Of those twenty, two will be uncooperative but the situation will eventually resolve itself. They usually claim to have no ID and after finding out they can be arrested until ID is proven, will produce ID. An average of two person per shift will have committed a felony offense (theft, robbery, assault, drug trafficking, or wanted on felony warrant) and will be arrested regardless of how cooperative or uncooperative they are.

So, 90% of police interactions result in no negative result for the offender -- except for having to spend five minutes talking to me. If you have a bad time with police ... there is an extremely high probability that you brought that problem on yourself. Believe me, police aren't interested in you if you're not committing an offense. When I do interact with a non-offender, it's usually someone I know (local shopkeeper or regular commuter), or a kid who wants a high-five, or a tourist who wants a picture with a 'real American cop'.

I love my job. I love making the average commuter feel safe. I love helping a frantic mum down the stairs with her stroller. I love walking a frightened girl to the parking lot late at night because there are a lot of 'scary kids' hanging around. I love getting the homeless guy out of the cold. I love playing with the dogs who are walked through the stations. I listening to the kids problems and the old-folks stories. I love being (mostly) outdoors in rain and shine. I even love the folks who just don't get it -- who believe we're there to make their life a living hell. Because, what they never get is, if I wasn't there, someone must meaner than myself would be giving them actual hell -- and they wouldn't get to file a complaint about it.

What a crock of bullshit! You start off showing your true colors, then after I point out that you are making my case against cops stronger, you then switch to "I'm such a nice guy who helps everybody."
Look around the site this story is linked to, then think - are there really any "good cops"? The answer is NO.

Report: Cop and His Wife Allegedly Torture Their Children for Months


An alarming report has surfaced involving allegations that a police officer and his wife were sadistically torturing their children for over 100 days.

Officer Michael McIntosh has pleaded guilty to 15 counts of aggravated child abuse.

His wife, Jessica Cox, is the step-mother of the children, is now on trial for multiple charges as well, including aggravated child abuse.
The children, two boys, were just 14 and 16 when the torture reportedly occurred.

Prosecutors stated that the boys have permanent scars that are allegedly the result of the torture.

Cop and His Wife Tortured Their Children for Months: Report
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?
Look around the site this story is linked to, then think - are there really any "good cops"? The answer is NO.

Report: Cop and His Wife Allegedly Torture Their Children for Months


An alarming report has surfaced involving allegations that a police officer and his wife were sadistically torturing their children for over 100 days.

Officer Michael McIntosh has pleaded guilty to 15 counts of aggravated child abuse.

His wife, Jessica Cox, is the step-mother of the children, is now on trial for multiple charges as well, including aggravated child abuse.
The children, two boys, were just 14 and 16 when the torture reportedly occurred.

Prosecutors stated that the boys have permanent scars that are allegedly the result of the torture.

Cop and His Wife Tortured Their Children for Months: Report

Yeah, because no non-cap has ever harmed their children..... grow up.
I'm such a nice guy who helps everybody."

Cause I AM a nice guy. Most people with whom I interact professionally will confirm that.

However, a certain percentage of police interactions do not go in the persons favour. In those cases I might not be perceived as a nice guy.

However, if I'm perceived as a nice-guy or an arse-hole is 100% the decision of the offender.

I have a job to do. I didn't create that job. Elected officials do that. Sometimes that job runs counter to what someone believes is their right. If that's the case, my job requires me to secure your compliance using the legal means placed at my disposal.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?

Once again. Let me ask this question. Why are our choices either corrupt police who lie regularly or anarchy?
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?
So you support cops violating people because they are 'just following orders'? Ever heard of the Nuremberg trials? 'Just following orders' got a lot of enforcers executed and rightfully so.

"What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?"
Any law that is not natural law. You might want to look up "natural law" as I am sure you are not familiar with it. Then compare it to "arbitrary law", which are the laws cops enforce.
Look around the site this story is linked to, then think - are there really any "good cops"? The answer is NO.

Report: Cop and His Wife Allegedly Torture Their Children for Months


An alarming report has surfaced involving allegations that a police officer and his wife were sadistically torturing their children for over 100 days.

Officer Michael McIntosh has pleaded guilty to 15 counts of aggravated child abuse.

His wife, Jessica Cox, is the step-mother of the children, is now on trial for multiple charges as well, including aggravated child abuse.
The children, two boys, were just 14 and 16 when the torture reportedly occurred.

Prosecutors stated that the boys have permanent scars that are allegedly the result of the torture.

Cop and His Wife Tortured Their Children for Months: Report

Yeah, because no non-cap has ever harmed their children..... grow up.

When "non-caps [sic]" commit crimes against children, they are reported. This thread is about cops who commit crimes and I am reporting them as such.
I'm such a nice guy who helps everybody."

Cause I AM a nice guy. Most people with whom I interact professionally will confirm that.

However, a certain percentage of police interactions do not go in the persons favour. In those cases I might not be perceived as a nice guy.

However, if I'm perceived as a nice-guy or an arse-hole is 100% the decision of the offender.

I have a job to do. I didn't create that job. Elected officials do that. Sometimes that job runs counter to what someone believes is their right. If that's the case, my job requires me to secure your compliance using the legal means placed at my disposal.
No, you are not a "nice guy". Nice guys do not enforce arbitrary, bullshit laws. You do. Makes you a bad guy. A very bad guy. When you put somebody in jail for smoking a harmless plant or ticket somebody for harming nobody, you cannot hold yourself up as a good man. I don't care who make the laws - it is the one "just following orders" or "just doing my job" who has vacated his morals in favor of a little power and a paycheck.

Your job is to keep the sheep in line and rob them at the point of a gun every chance you get. Your entire job depends on you abusing your fellow human beings.

You have bragged on here about how you and your fellow road pirates enjoy watching videos of other road pirates assaulting and harming people who are of no threat. You have threatened me with violence and have shown yourself as the low I.Q. baboon cities love to hire to enforce their freedom stealing laws. If you honestly think you are a "nice guy", you're even more mentally deficient than I accuse you of being.

You want to be a good guy? Start busting the cops you see committing crimes and abusing their powers. But you wont do that, will you? Naw. Because of that "thin blue line" and your fellow gang members will make your life miserable, if they don't outright murder you.
I'm such a nice guy who helps everybody."

Cause I AM a nice guy. Most people with whom I interact professionally will confirm that.

However, a certain percentage of police interactions do not go in the persons favour. In those cases I might not be perceived as a nice guy.

However, if I'm perceived as a nice-guy or an arse-hole is 100% the decision of the offender.

I have a job to do. I didn't create that job. Elected officials do that. Sometimes that job runs counter to what someone believes is their right. If that's the case, my job requires me to secure your compliance using the legal means placed at my disposal.
No, you are not a "nice guy". Nice guys do not enforce arbitrary, bullshit laws. You do. Makes you a bad guy. A very bad guy. When you put somebody in jail for smoking a harmless plant or ticket somebody for harming nobody, you cannot hold yourself up as a good man. I don't care who make the laws - it is the one "just following orders" or "just doing my job" who has vacated his morals in favor of a little power and a paycheck.

Your job is to keep the sheep in line and rob them at the point of a gun every chance you get. Your entire job depends on you abusing your fellow human beings.

You have bragged on here about how you and your fellow road pirates enjoy watching videos of other road pirates assaulting and harming people who are of no threat. You have threatened me with violence and have shown yourself as the low I.Q. baboon cities love to hire to enforce their freedom stealing laws. If you honestly think you are a "nice guy", you're even more mentally deficient than I accuse you of being.

You want to be a good guy? Start busting the cops you see committing crimes and abusing their powers. But you wont do that, will you? Naw. Because of that "thin blue line" and your fellow gang members will make your life miserable, if they don't outright murder you.
I'm such a nice guy who helps everybody."

Cause I AM a nice guy. Most people with whom I interact professionally will confirm that.

However, a certain percentage of police interactions do not go in the persons favour. In those cases I might not be perceived as a nice guy.

However, if I'm perceived as a nice-guy or an arse-hole is 100% the decision of the offender.

I have a job to do. I didn't create that job. Elected officials do that. Sometimes that job runs counter to what someone believes is their right. If that's the case, my job requires me to secure your compliance using the legal means placed at my disposal.
No, you are not a "nice guy". Nice guys do not enforce arbitrary, bullshit laws. You do. Makes you a bad guy. A very bad guy. When you put somebody in jail for smoking a harmless plant or ticket somebody for harming nobody, you cannot hold yourself up as a good man. I don't care who make the laws - it is the one "just following orders" or "just doing my job" who has vacated his morals in favor of a little power and a paycheck.

Your job is to keep the sheep in line and rob them at the point of a gun every chance you get. Your entire job depends on you abusing your fellow human beings.

You have bragged on here about how you and your fellow road pirates enjoy watching videos of other road pirates assaulting and harming people who are of no threat. You have threatened me with violence and have shown yourself as the low I.Q. baboon cities love to hire to enforce their freedom stealing laws. If you honestly think you are a "nice guy", you're even more mentally deficient than I accuse you of being.

You want to be a good guy? Start busting the cops you see committing crimes and abusing their powers. But you wont do that, will you? Naw. Because of that "thin blue line" and your fellow gang members will make your life miserable, if they don't outright murder you.

What??? Is this stock picture you found on the web suppose to intimidate somebody? Give it up, boy. I am old and I am dying and you and your boyfriends don't worry me in the least.

Threats, intimidation and brute force is all you cowards know.

People have permission from the government to resist unlawful arrests.

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense.” (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100).

"An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
How far removed are Mexican cops from American cops? Not very.

Mayor, police officers of Mexican town arrested for killing 10, burning their bodies

MEXICO CITY (AP) – A mayor and four local police officers have been arrested in a western Mexican state in connection with the murder of 10 people who were killed and burned over the weekend, the state's governor said Tuesday.

Michoacán Gov. Silvano Aureoles said in an interview with Imagen Radio Tuesday that authorities initially thought the bodies found in a pickup near a gas pipeline in Cuitzeo had been somehow related to illegal pipeline taps.

However, Aureoles said that the investigation eventually revealed that police from the town of Alvaro Obregón had detained the victims.

Mayor, police officers of Mexican town arrested for killing 10, burning their bodies
Look around the site this story is linked to, then think - are there really any "good cops"? The answer is NO.

Report: Cop and His Wife Allegedly Torture Their Children for Months


An alarming report has surfaced involving allegations that a police officer and his wife were sadistically torturing their children for over 100 days.

Officer Michael McIntosh has pleaded guilty to 15 counts of aggravated child abuse.

His wife, Jessica Cox, is the step-mother of the children, is now on trial for multiple charges as well, including aggravated child abuse.
The children, two boys, were just 14 and 16 when the torture reportedly occurred.

Prosecutors stated that the boys have permanent scars that are allegedly the result of the torture.

Cop and His Wife Tortured Their Children for Months: Report

Yeah, because no non-cap has ever harmed their children..... grow up.

When "non-caps [sic]" commit crimes against children, they are reported. This thread is about cops who commit crimes and I am reporting them as such.

So it's a waste of time. You are just reporting stuff everyone knows, namely that there are good people, and bad people.

That's it? You are wasting our time, reporting the obvious to everyone. Great....

I'll unsubscribe from this thread now. Have a good one.
View attachment 116397

People have permission from the government to resist unlawful arrests.

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense.” (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100).

"An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

I'll look for your youtube video, where you are a shot and killed while resisting arrest.
Look around the site this story is linked to, then think - are there really any "good cops"? The answer is NO.

Report: Cop and His Wife Allegedly Torture Their Children for Months


An alarming report has surfaced involving allegations that a police officer and his wife were sadistically torturing their children for over 100 days.

Officer Michael McIntosh has pleaded guilty to 15 counts of aggravated child abuse.

His wife, Jessica Cox, is the step-mother of the children, is now on trial for multiple charges as well, including aggravated child abuse.
The children, two boys, were just 14 and 16 when the torture reportedly occurred.

Prosecutors stated that the boys have permanent scars that are allegedly the result of the torture.

Cop and His Wife Tortured Their Children for Months: Report

Yeah, because no non-cap has ever harmed their children..... grow up.

When "non-caps [sic]" commit crimes against children, they are reported. This thread is about cops who commit crimes and I am reporting them as such.

So it's a waste of time. You are just reporting stuff everyone knows, namely that there are good people, and bad people.

That's it? You are wasting our time, reporting the obvious to everyone. Great....

I'll unsubscribe from this thread now. Have a good one.
Obviously it wasn't "obvious" to you a couple of post back.
View attachment 116397

People have permission from the government to resist unlawful arrests.

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense.” (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100).

"An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

I'll look for your youtube video, where you are a shot and killed while resisting arrest.

Resisting is justifiable grounds to be shot and killed?

Apparently you forgot to "unsubscribe".
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?

Once again. Let me ask this question. Why are our choices either corrupt police who lie regularly or anarchy?

Police are not going to operate in a system where someone like you, can lie in court, or pretend that "all police officers lie", and end up getting them thrown in jail.

No one would. If I went to a job, where anyone I work with can lie, and get me fired because "all managers lie", there would be no managers.

Or even just co-workers. If I live under a system where someone can run off and say "he lied!", and get me fired, then I'm not working there. In fact, I've worked at places like that. I quit.

If you think that you are going to throw police in jail, every time you think they lied... then you are going to end up with no police.

And again, you are acting like this is theoretical. This isn't a theory. It's a fact.

We've seen how your system plays out. Chicago.

Laquan McDonald was breaking into cars, and wielding a knife. When the police stopped him, he cut the tires on the patrol car with the knife, and started damaging it. He obviously had no respect for the law, or the police officer, and was a threat to society.

He was shot. As a result, the officer was charged with first degree murder. There was a DOJ investigation into the police department of Chicago. The ACLU filed charges, and the city agreed to terms to change police policy.

What was the result? Did you end up with a perfect police department where no one ever lied, was ever corrupt?

No. The police determined that they simply would no longer patrol, or make stops. They simply stuck to the middle class, and upper class areas that have extremely low crime.

The police themselves said this. "We are still doing what we are required to do. When someone calls 911, we go".

After the bodies are on the ground, and someone calls 911, then they show up, and have the body removed.

So how's that working for you? You got what you wanted right? You got rid of the police officers that lied. You stopped police from shooting dangerous criminals. You stopped the police from 'profiling'.

So how's that working for you? How are the poor, and the black community doing in Chicago these days? Is it the Utopia you wanted, or is it Anarchy?

You tell me. You answer that question.

Chicago's violent gangs looting freight cars filled with guns
2 killed, 2 wounded at Washington Park gas station: 'Old Man Bill got shot!'
13 wounded, 1 fatally, in Chicago shootings

Answer the question: How's it working?

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