Bad Cop, No Donut

You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams.

And that post still... wasn't a response. Because you have no response.

That's the difference between you and me. I claim to have the truth, and give you links, and facts showing you the truth.

You give me nothing.... and just claim I'm not interested in your truth. A truth you can't show, can't prove, and can't support. Yeah, I'm not interested in your pseudo 'truth'.

Why should we. You won't follow links. That shows you are interested only in spouting propaganda instead of discussing the issue. Pfui.

So I posted direct information, that directly supported my position. I haven't seen anything posted by anyone else, that contradicted, addressed, or even claimed to address anything I've posted.

Are you a hypocrite? You expect me to follow your links, when you haven't followed a single one of mine? You expect me to do, what none of you have.

Practice what you preach brother. Lead by example first. Otherwise, you are wasting your time. I'm not going to do for you, what none of you have done for me. Wasting your time.
You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams. You dream of a state where the police can freely harass, beat, torture, and even kill anyone they wish, so long as they claim it was legitimate. You are perfectly fine with police corruption, perjury, and just about anything else they wish to do.

How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?

You still haven't responded to a single thing I posted.

Nice pictures. They don't prove anything. I think the first one was a spoof too.

Nor do they contradict anything I posted.

Opinion | In Texas, police search woman’s vagina for marijuana

Oh. I forgot. You don't do links.

Interesting that while on another thread, there are dozens of left-wingers screaming that women should be allowed to walk around topless, and now you are complaining that a cop briefly exposed this woman's top.

Anyway.... So I looked it up, the officer followed procedure. The city gave $25K to the lady, and changed the policy to no longer require the bra shake.

That's it? That's your great and massive example of endless police abuse? That's what you have?

I didn't bother with the Texas one, because again, none of this changes anything I posted.

What is your point? Make a point. What is your point! There are bad cops? Of course there are. There are bad humans everywhere. Cops are human. Some are going to be bad. WHAT IS YOUR POINT!??!

People have nothing to say, nothing to add to the conversation, and then complain "wah wah you are not looking at my evidence that proves nothing!".... ugh.... children.
Yanno, I accept the fact that there are bad apples in the mix, but if they show themselves they need to be kicked out.
I mean, we do that in the military, so why are the police let off the hook? We prosecute military members to the fullest extent of the law, so why are police members let free?
Yanno, I accept the fact that there are bad apples in the mix, but if they show themselves they need to be kicked out.
I mean, we do that in the military, so why are the police let off the hook? We prosecute military members to the fullest extent of the law, so why are police members let free?

I can list dozens on dozens that are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I will say that we don't handle it as well as we should........ because of unions. You know, Unions, that the left loves constantly? In my world there would be no unions.

But if you want to know why a truly terrible cop that was blatantly abusing his position, taking bribes, concealing evidence..... is sent on "paid leave"... that's a union rule.

There is no military recruit Union. That's why it's easier to prosecute them.
We prosecute military members to the fullest extent of the law, so why are police members let free?

Service members are subject to the UCMJ, while Police are subject to civil and criminal law, with a much stricter standard of proof than the UCMJ.

Police, when found guilty of a crime, are convicted as frequently as other members of the public. However, police are often tried by the press or by public opinion well before any court even convenes and when they are ultimately acquitted or receive a less than harsh sentence there will be public outcry.

We are often bombarded with anecdotal 'evidence' that police just walk free all the time but I could just as easily show stories of recidivist criminals who frequently don't receive convictions or receive lighter than we might like sentences because that's the way our system works. Most people arrested for crimes never see the inside of a prison. Many frequently don't even go to court.

Where police are held to a higher standard is in our off-duty conduct. A DUI conviction would not affect most people's careers. It would end most cops careers. I must explain to my SGT if I even receive a speeding ticket and the SGT will decide if I can keep my qualification to drive a police vehicle. Even accusation of family violence will result in my losing my OST qualification (and being unable to carry a firearm) which means I am only capable of administrative duties until the accusation is heard and dismissed. A conviction of family violence will often end a policeman's career. In most careers your boss wouldn't even know about your domestic issues.

And that's how it should be. Police should be and are held to a higher standard of public conduct that civilians.
No, I never do. Just as I don't wonder why teenagers hate parents.

I already know it's a combination of insecurity and immaturity.

And I seriously don't mind. If you're not offending, you can hate me to your hearts content and, like a parent, I'll be there to help when you get yourself in a jam.

You're welcome.

So, cops are violent thugs who rape and murder with impunity, but it's the public who are immature? :eek:

What is the difference between the police and the Mafia? The Mafia have a code of honor.
Cops don't get away with shit?

DUI Officer Found Drunk Behind the Wheel, Doesn’t Get Arrested
DUI Officer Found Drunk Behind the Wheel, Doesn't Get Arrested - Filming Cops

Drunk Arizona Cop Turns Angry After Demanding Blue Courtesy in DUI Stop and Not Receiving It
Drunk Arizona Cop Turns Angry After Demanding Blue Courtesy in DUI Stop and Not Receiving It - PINAC News

Seattle cop gets 2 days in jail for DUI reduced to Reckless Driving
Seattle cop gets 2 days in jail for DUI reduced to Reckless Driving - Seattle DUI Lawyer
No, we do not have to comply

Let me share a little video that we watch in the squad room. It will have us all in stitches every time.

It's about people just like you who THOUGHT they knew the law ... hilarious.

Cool, thugs with badges assaulting people and murdering some with impunity.

You sure do make a good case that the public should respect you gang banging fucks.
How do corrupt police officers get away with crimes?

An Alabama police officer reportedly wanted to murder a local resident and make it look like a case of self-defense. The murder didn't happen, but the officer wasn't charged.

Officer Troy Middlebrooks of the Alexander City Police Department kept his job...

How do corrupt police officers get away with crimes?
Let me get this straight. If we assault another human being, we go to jail. If we assault a cop, we go to jail for a felony. But if a cop assaults us (in gang fashion as in the following story) he/they get a paid vacation while their fellow gang members find a way to justify his/their criminal actions. Who says there are not different standards for cops and who says cops are not treated as if they are above the law?

WATCH: Three Ohio Cops Suspended for Brutal Arrest of Timid Man Standing on Sidewalk at Hospital

Three Ohio cops were suspended after a video surfaced on social media showing them brutally arresting a man standing on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets after leaving a hospital.

The officers were suspended by their employer, Ohio Health Protective Services, while the security company investigates the incident, according to ABC6 in Columbus.

Video footage shows one officer pushing, pepper-spraying and beating 38-year-old Shelton Adams before arresting him for disorderly conduct.

Adams does not appear to be resisting.

Nor does he appear to be acting disorderly.

WATCH: Three Ohio Cops Suspended for Brutal Arrest of Timid Man Standing on Sidewalk at Hospital - PINAC News

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