Bad Cop, No Donut

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?

Once again. Let me ask this question. Why are our choices either corrupt police who lie regularly or anarchy?

Police are not going to operate in a system where someone like you, can lie in court, or pretend that "all police officers lie", and end up getting them thrown in jail.

No one would. If I went to a job, where anyone I work with can lie, and get me fired because "all managers lie", there would be no managers.

Or even just co-workers. If I live under a system where someone can run off and say "he lied!", and get me fired, then I'm not working there. In fact, I've worked at places like that. I quit.

If you think that you are going to throw police in jail, every time you think they lied... then you are going to end up with no police.

And again, you are acting like this is theoretical. This isn't a theory. It's a fact.

We've seen how your system plays out. Chicago.

Laquan McDonald was breaking into cars, and wielding a knife. When the police stopped him, he cut the tires on the patrol car with the knife, and started damaging it. He obviously had no respect for the law, or the police officer, and was a threat to society.

He was shot. As a result, the officer was charged with first degree murder. There was a DOJ investigation into the police department of Chicago. The ACLU filed charges, and the city agreed to terms to change police policy.

What was the result? Did you end up with a perfect police department where no one ever lied, was ever corrupt?

No. The police determined that they simply would no longer patrol, or make stops. They simply stuck to the middle class, and upper class areas that have extremely low crime.

The police themselves said this. "We are still doing what we are required to do. When someone calls 911, we go".

After the bodies are on the ground, and someone calls 911, then they show up, and have the body removed.

So how's that working for you? You got what you wanted right? You got rid of the police officers that lied. You stopped police from shooting dangerous criminals. You stopped the police from 'profiling'.

So how's that working for you? How are the poor, and the black community doing in Chicago these days? Is it the Utopia you wanted, or is it Anarchy?

You tell me. You answer that question.

Chicago's violent gangs looting freight cars filled with guns
2 killed, 2 wounded at Washington Park gas station: 'Old Man Bill got shot!'
13 wounded, 1 fatally, in Chicago shootings

Answer the question: How's it working?

"We've seen how your system plays out. Chicago."
You don't know my "system". I do not support criminality.
As for Chicago - it hasn't changed much since before cops were busy harassing everyone they saw. And why are cops bothering people less? Could it be they are under scrutiny by the public more now than ever? Their "moral is down". In simple words: they can't get away with the shit they use to. And cops are still making stops, just not as many as before. In other words, harassment is down.

Laquan McDonald? The kid was shot 16 FUCKING TIMES! Cops lied all over their reports trying to cover up the murder. You're using the wrong example if you are wanting sympathy for the devils.
Threats, intimidation and brute force is all you cowards know.

You're intimidated by a person smiling?

Now your posts are beginning to make sense.
This is what you are responding to:
"What??? Is this stock picture you found on the web suppose to intimidate somebody? Give it up, boy. I am old and I am dying and you and your boyfriends don't worry me in the least.

Threats, intimidation and brute force is all you cowards know."

Costumed gang members don't intimidate me, but I am concerned for old people, weak people, pets and babies when I see them.
Threats, intimidation and brute force is all you cowards know

Do you find this picture intimidating as well?


I'm just trying to figure out what triggers your phobia. Is it the smiles? Of is it something else?
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cops have NO duty to protect the people who pay the taxes that pay their salaries. They also ruled police departments do not have to hire people who have above average intelligence. In other words, those most likely to be capable of assessing situations and making sound judgement calls, can be denied employment in favor of those of average to below average I.Q.s who are more likely to not question orders and just do 'their jobs'.

Most psychopaths start off by torturing and killing animals. It is argued that many psychopaths choose working as police officers as a means of acting out their tendencies without fear of consequences.

While I think most cops are certainly good people it only takes a few to terrorize a community. These are the donks that need to be weeded out. The people that already have an inborn need to control others and force their will on people.

Let the good cops do their job, train them well and pay them well. But the bad ones HAVE to be gotten rid of.

There is no such animal as a "good cop". If there were, the "bad cops" would be "weeded out" very quickly. There would be no "bad cops". Nearly every cop who tries to rat out "bad cops" is attacked by his fellow cops.

My favorite meme on this topic:
View attachment 96929

What laws do you think are manifestly unjust?

And since the cops have no control over the laws, how can you blame them for being bad?

Basically what you are advocating is Chicago. All the police should just leave, and let the criminals rape murder and steal. Anarchy for the win?

I assume you support all the police in Chicago basically ignoring crime ridden areas? Will you still support that in your area?

Once again. Let me ask this question. Why are our choices either corrupt police who lie regularly or anarchy?

Police are not going to operate in a system where someone like you, can lie in court, or pretend that "all police officers lie", and end up getting them thrown in jail.

No one would. If I went to a job, where anyone I work with can lie, and get me fired because "all managers lie", there would be no managers.

Or even just co-workers. If I live under a system where someone can run off and say "he lied!", and get me fired, then I'm not working there. In fact, I've worked at places like that. I quit.

If you think that you are going to throw police in jail, every time you think they lied... then you are going to end up with no police.

And again, you are acting like this is theoretical. This isn't a theory. It's a fact.

We've seen how your system plays out. Chicago.

Laquan McDonald was breaking into cars, and wielding a knife. When the police stopped him, he cut the tires on the patrol car with the knife, and started damaging it. He obviously had no respect for the law, or the police officer, and was a threat to society.

He was shot. As a result, the officer was charged with first degree murder. There was a DOJ investigation into the police department of Chicago. The ACLU filed charges, and the city agreed to terms to change police policy.

What was the result? Did you end up with a perfect police department where no one ever lied, was ever corrupt?

No. The police determined that they simply would no longer patrol, or make stops. They simply stuck to the middle class, and upper class areas that have extremely low crime.

The police themselves said this. "We are still doing what we are required to do. When someone calls 911, we go".

After the bodies are on the ground, and someone calls 911, then they show up, and have the body removed.

So how's that working for you? You got what you wanted right? You got rid of the police officers that lied. You stopped police from shooting dangerous criminals. You stopped the police from 'profiling'.

So how's that working for you? How are the poor, and the black community doing in Chicago these days? Is it the Utopia you wanted, or is it Anarchy?

You tell me. You answer that question.

Chicago's violent gangs looting freight cars filled with guns
2 killed, 2 wounded at Washington Park gas station: 'Old Man Bill got shot!'
13 wounded, 1 fatally, in Chicago shootings

Answer the question: How's it working?

So it's just too hard to have honest police. That is your answer. If we expect the cops to tell the truth, well that's just too hard. They won't show up to work.

I wonder what our world would look like if our history was guided by attitudes like yours. The Military would still be segregated, as would cities and business's. It was just too hard to desegregate. Yet we did it. We as a nation did it. Sure it caused problems, but we ended up with a better military because of it.

it's just too hard is always an excuse from someone who doesn't want to do it in the first place. I rejected it when the people used it as an excuse to avoid discussion on Immigration Enforcement. It's just too hard to deport millions of people. We can't do that. This is just the way it is.

I'm one of those folks who sent a Brick to Congress when George W. Bush was President and the idea of amnesty was floated. I'm one of those folks who sent letters when Obama was talking about it. We can't do it we were told, because it is just too hard, this is the way it is.

So why don't we just grant amnesty? I mean it's just too hard to enforce those laws right? We're talking about millions of people who should be deported. The numbers are staggering, and any handful we deport would be a drop in the bucket. We wouldn't even make a dent in the total numbers. But we are finally doing something, we're taking on the challenge others said was impossible, just too hard.

France marched to war in 1914 wearing red pants and blue coats. It was just too hard to change the uniform. This is what the French Soldier wants the Generals said. They refused big cannons, it's just too hard to move the guns up quickly. We saw what happened when France avoided the hard decision and actions. Their soldiers died by the millions. But at least they felt good wearing wearing red pants right?

Want to see color photographs of the Calvary that rode with Napolean? Cameras didn't exist, the same uniform existed in 1914 as France went to war. It was just too hard to change the uniforms.

Nothing great has ever become of the attitude of it's just too hard. Apollo was impossible when it was proposed. Nothing existed. It all had to be invented or developed. Because we dedicated ourselves to something great, we did it because it was hard, we got the achievement.

Your position applied to any other problem would be a liberal cop out. The same lame excuses were used to justify taking no real action on immigration.

You say the police would not go to court if someone were able to lie and ruin their lives. Guess what, it happened this week. People went to jail based upon lies the police told. We live in the system you say that the police would not participate in if they were similarly treated. People are convicted based upon lies. People are sent to prison with their lives ruined over lies of the police.

What do I want that is so outrageous? I want the police to be held accountable for their lies. Not mistakes. Lies. I've written before that we should forgive honest mistakes. But why would we, who would be evil enough to argue that lies, abuses, brutality, and more lies would be the best we could get?

You give me a choice. Fine I'll make it. You have given me the choice of rampant abuses, lies, and victimization at the hands of a corrupt system. Or anarchy. Given those choices, I'll take Anarchy. At least with Anarchy I have the chance of building a better future, where honor and honesty are more than words said with a sneer. If reforming the corruption is beyond the will of the people, and the choice is a version of 1984 or anarchy, I'll take the anarchy. I'd much rather have the reform. I'd argue that reform is possible, and it can be done wisely if we move carefully and with full consideration. You insist it is impossible.

So why is immigration enforcement not impossible? I mean how do you intend to deport up to twenty million people? How do you intend to manage all the court cases? It's obviously just too hard, so we should give up right?

I'll say it again. You are an unequaled jackass.
Just HOW bad would a cop have to be for you to not defend him?

I don't see these cops as even being bad. Not the ones I'm looking at. If I'm a police officer, and you are wielding a weapons, and are slashing my tires and damaging my car, when I tell you to drop the knife and get on the ground....?

You deserved to be shot. That officer should be given an award for cleaning the streets of dangerous criminals. Not prosecuted.

Beyond that, I can only respond on a case by case basis. We already have a clear system of investigating and prosecuting bad cops. When that system finds, tries and convicts a bad cop, then I'm on board.

The reason we are here talking about this, is because you think every cop is bad. I don't.

But the irony in this thread is, you are the one who should answering the question how bad should a cop be before you start attacking them.

Why? Because I'm in a middle class neighborhood. I'm not the poor, or black people in the lower class neighborhoods of Chicago, or Dallas, or all over California where the police are pulling out, and letting the criminals run free.

It's not me, or my family being shot, raped, assaulted, or vandalized, because of your policy of attacking all police as corrupt.

We're not affected by the police ditching those people to die. You, and the people you claim to defend, are the ones dying in the increasing violence across the country, as police stop patrolling and refuse to stop criminals.

Like that police officer above. He was called because people saw a man with a knife, breaking into cars. He should up, and did he duty to confront the guy.

Now, what they are doing in Chicago, and again this is well known... the police officers out on patrol, drive as far away from crime areas as possible, so the when the 911 call comes in, they are at the opposite end of town. By the time they get there, the guy is long gone. So they never confront the criminal, never have to pull their gun, never have to fire a shot.

Is this not what you wanted? Now no one gets shot. Of course your stuff is all stolen, and they never catch the guy... but no bad officers, no lying cops, no shot dead criminals. Win for everyone.... except the victims of criminals, but you people never care about that.

So ask yourself the question... what are you willing to put up with before you stop attacking the police? How many dead poor people, and dead black people, will it take before you stop attacking police? How many victims of vandalism, and robbery and assaults, and rape will it take?

YOU answer the question. Real easy to ask everyone else. I'm not getting hurt. Upper, and middle class areas have no shortages of police. It's the low income and black areas that need police to stop the criminals. In California the police forces in most city areas is actually shrinking. They have fewer police today, than they did last year. The number of new recruits has fallen so much, that the number of police retiring is greater than the number of recruits.

So you tell me. You answer the question. Tell me your great solution. Let's hear it.
Just HOW bad would a cop have to be for you to not defend him?

I don't see these cops as even being bad. Not the ones I'm looking at. If I'm a police officer, and you are wielding a weapons, and are slashing my tires and damaging my car, when I tell you to drop the knife and get on the ground....?

You deserved to be shot. That officer should be given an award for cleaning the streets of dangerous criminals. Not prosecuted.

Beyond that, I can only respond on a case by case basis. We already have a clear system of investigating and prosecuting bad cops. When that system finds, tries and convicts a bad cop, then I'm on board.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

The reason we are here talking about this, is because you think every cop is bad. I don't.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

But the irony in this thread is, you are the one who should answering the question how bad should a cop be before you start attacking them.

When they commit any act of dishonesty, criminality, or corruption while on duty, or when they violate civil rights or conspire to do so.

Why? Because I'm in a middle class neighborhood. I'm not the poor, or black people in the lower class neighborhoods of Chicago, or Dallas, or all over California where the police are pulling out, and letting the criminals run free.

It's not me, or my family being shot, raped, assaulted, or vandalized, because of your policy of attacking all police as corrupt.

We're not affected by the police ditching those people to die. You, and the people you claim to defend, are the ones dying in the increasing violence across the country, as police stop patrolling and refuse to stop criminals.

Describe in detail which people I "claimed to defend" and how, exactly, I did so. Be specific.

Like that police officer above. He was called because people saw a man with a knife, breaking into cars. He should up, and did he duty to confront the guy.

Now, what they are doing in Chicago, and again this is well known... the police officers out on patrol, drive as far away from crime areas as possible, so the when the 911 call comes in, they are at the opposite end of town. By the time they get there, the guy is long gone. So they never confront the criminal, never have to pull their gun, never have to fire a shot.

Shit-can them.

Is this not what you wanted? Now no one gets shot. Of course your stuff is all stolen, and they never catch the guy... but no bad officers, no lying cops, no shot dead criminals. Win for everyone.... except the victims of criminals, but you people never care about that.

Straw man.

So ask yourself the question... what are you willing to put up with before you stop attacking the police? How many dead poor people, and dead black people, will it take before you stop attacking police? How many victims of vandalism, and robbery and assaults, and rape will it take?

Straw man.,

YOU answer the question. Real easy to ask everyone else. I'm not getting hurt. Upper, and middle class areas have no shortages of police. It's the low income and black areas that need police to stop the criminals. In California the police forces in most city areas is actually shrinking. They have fewer police today, than they did last year. The number of new recruits has fallen so much, that the number of police retiring is greater than the number of recruits.

So you tell me. You answer the question. Tell me your great solution. Let's hear it.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.

End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream.
Just HOW bad would a cop have to be for you to not defend him?

I don't see these cops as even being bad. Not the ones I'm looking at. If I'm a police officer, and you are wielding a weapons, and are slashing my tires and damaging my car, when I tell you to drop the knife and get on the ground....?

You deserved to be shot. That officer should be given an award for cleaning the streets of dangerous criminals. Not prosecuted.

Beyond that, I can only respond on a case by case basis. We already have a clear system of investigating and prosecuting bad cops. When that system finds, tries and convicts a bad cop, then I'm on board.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

The reason we are here talking about this, is because you think every cop is bad. I don't.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

But the irony in this thread is, you are the one who should answering the question how bad should a cop be before you start attacking them.

When they commit any act of dishonesty, criminality, or corruption while on duty, or when they violate civil rights or conspire to do so.

Why? Because I'm in a middle class neighborhood. I'm not the poor, or black people in the lower class neighborhoods of Chicago, or Dallas, or all over California where the police are pulling out, and letting the criminals run free.

It's not me, or my family being shot, raped, assaulted, or vandalized, because of your policy of attacking all police as corrupt.

We're not affected by the police ditching those people to die. You, and the people you claim to defend, are the ones dying in the increasing violence across the country, as police stop patrolling and refuse to stop criminals.

Describe in detail which people I "claimed to defend" and how, exactly, I did so. Be specific.

Like that police officer above. He was called because people saw a man with a knife, breaking into cars. He should up, and did he duty to confront the guy.

Now, what they are doing in Chicago, and again this is well known... the police officers out on patrol, drive as far away from crime areas as possible, so the when the 911 call comes in, they are at the opposite end of town. By the time they get there, the guy is long gone. So they never confront the criminal, never have to pull their gun, never have to fire a shot.

Shit-can them.

Is this not what you wanted? Now no one gets shot. Of course your stuff is all stolen, and they never catch the guy... but no bad officers, no lying cops, no shot dead criminals. Win for everyone.... except the victims of criminals, but you people never care about that.

Straw man.

So ask yourself the question... what are you willing to put up with before you stop attacking the police? How many dead poor people, and dead black people, will it take before you stop attacking police? How many victims of vandalism, and robbery and assaults, and rape will it take?

Straw man.,

YOU answer the question. Real easy to ask everyone else. I'm not getting hurt. Upper, and middle class areas have no shortages of police. It's the low income and black areas that need police to stop the criminals. In California the police forces in most city areas is actually shrinking. They have fewer police today, than they did last year. The number of new recruits has fallen so much, that the number of police retiring is greater than the number of recruits.

So you tell me. You answer the question. Tell me your great solution. Let's hear it.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.

End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

I would only answer that on a case by case basis.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

So I rest my case. You just made my point. You say only 90% or 95% are bent... ok, let's reduce the police force down to 5%, or 10%... see what happens. Hope you enjoy your wife and daughters raped, finding your home trashed, and like being shot.

Straw man.
Straw man.,

Wrong. It is not a straw man. It is exactly what is happening around the country. Chicago being the most blatant example.

You claim it's a false possibility, when it's a literal fact.

Shit-can them.

Ok. Let's do that. Fire them all. You think they won't find something else to do? And who will you call when there are no police? I already pointed out that new officer recruits are so low, that California's police force is shrinking year over year. Texas recently canceled classes, because the numbers of enrolled police students was to low.

Police departments facing recruit shortage

"What I saw was a 63 percent decrease in the applications in four years,” said Eagan Police Chief James McDonald.

Now what? Anarchy? What is your solution?

What happens when you call 911 like they did in Detroit, and they say no one is available to come?

Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says 'War-Like' Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors

"Iorio says the once 2,000 strong force is shrinking rapidly; since the start of summer, hundreds of officers have left the department."

But at least they are not corrupt.... right?

Straw man my butt. This is fact. It is exactly what is happening.

Ironically, I predicted this directly in 2007. I said openly, if you guys don't stop attacking the police, the police will disappear, and you'll find out what real violence is about. Sure enough, I was dead on right.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.
End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream

That's not going to solve anything. Several of the people who were fired from their jobs, and resulted in police refusing to patrol, had body cams. Many of the people who were shot, were filmed the entire time. Nothing would change from that.

Nothing. You will end up with Chicago across the country. Murders and rapes, vandalism and assault will happen across the entire country instead of just Chicago and similar cities.

Police are not going to do that job, if when they do that job, you attack them, and imprison them, every time they do their job.

Now if your goal is anarchy, then this is a great way to do it.

We are in the middle of a drug death crisis. And your idea is to simply let the drug cartels have complete control? Start a Narco-state? Are you stupid? We'll end the drug war, when every last drug user is dead. That will be the end. Not one second sooner.
Threats, intimidation and brute force is all you cowards know

Do you find this picture intimidating as well?


I'm just trying to figure out what triggers your phobia. Is it the smiles? Of is it something else?

Ladies and gentlemen, please go back through this thread and read Officer fncceos' posts. He has shown a strong propensity toward violence against innocent people, now he exposes his immaturity. From my experiences dealing with cops, Officer fncceo is the average cop. When you have face to face contact with a cop, this is what you can expect. The average cop is a bully. fncceo claims to be a "nice guy". Has anybody reading this thread seen any evidence of that? I haven't.

Again, I thank you for your every post, Officer fncceo - you are doing a much better job of exposing your profession for what it is than I could have hoped to have done.
Just HOW bad would a cop have to be for you to not defend him?

I don't see these cops as even being bad. Not the ones I'm looking at. If I'm a police officer, and you are wielding a weapons, and are slashing my tires and damaging my car, when I tell you to drop the knife and get on the ground....?

You deserved to be shot. That officer should be given an award for cleaning the streets of dangerous criminals. Not prosecuted.

Beyond that, I can only respond on a case by case basis. We already have a clear system of investigating and prosecuting bad cops. When that system finds, tries and convicts a bad cop, then I'm on board.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

The reason we are here talking about this, is because you think every cop is bad. I don't.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

But the irony in this thread is, you are the one who should answering the question how bad should a cop be before you start attacking them.

When they commit any act of dishonesty, criminality, or corruption while on duty, or when they violate civil rights or conspire to do so.

Why? Because I'm in a middle class neighborhood. I'm not the poor, or black people in the lower class neighborhoods of Chicago, or Dallas, or all over California where the police are pulling out, and letting the criminals run free.

It's not me, or my family being shot, raped, assaulted, or vandalized, because of your policy of attacking all police as corrupt.

We're not affected by the police ditching those people to die. You, and the people you claim to defend, are the ones dying in the increasing violence across the country, as police stop patrolling and refuse to stop criminals.

Describe in detail which people I "claimed to defend" and how, exactly, I did so. Be specific.

Like that police officer above. He was called because people saw a man with a knife, breaking into cars. He should up, and did he duty to confront the guy.

Now, what they are doing in Chicago, and again this is well known... the police officers out on patrol, drive as far away from crime areas as possible, so the when the 911 call comes in, they are at the opposite end of town. By the time they get there, the guy is long gone. So they never confront the criminal, never have to pull their gun, never have to fire a shot.

Shit-can them.

Is this not what you wanted? Now no one gets shot. Of course your stuff is all stolen, and they never catch the guy... but no bad officers, no lying cops, no shot dead criminals. Win for everyone.... except the victims of criminals, but you people never care about that.

Straw man.

So ask yourself the question... what are you willing to put up with before you stop attacking the police? How many dead poor people, and dead black people, will it take before you stop attacking police? How many victims of vandalism, and robbery and assaults, and rape will it take?

Straw man.,

YOU answer the question. Real easy to ask everyone else. I'm not getting hurt. Upper, and middle class areas have no shortages of police. It's the low income and black areas that need police to stop the criminals. In California the police forces in most city areas is actually shrinking. They have fewer police today, than they did last year. The number of new recruits has fallen so much, that the number of police retiring is greater than the number of recruits.

So you tell me. You answer the question. Tell me your great solution. Let's hear it.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.

End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

I would only answer that on a case by case basis.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

So I rest my case. You just made my point. You say only 90% or 95% are bent... ok, let's reduce the police force down to 5%, or 10%... see what happens. Hope you enjoy your wife and daughters raped, finding your home trashed, and like being shot.

Straw man.
Straw man.,

Wrong. It is not a straw man. It is exactly what is happening around the country. Chicago being the most blatant example.

You claim it's a false possibility, when it's a literal fact.

Shit-can them.

Ok. Let's do that. Fire them all. You think they won't find something else to do? And who will you call when there are no police? I already pointed out that new officer recruits are so low, that California's police force is shrinking year over year. Texas recently canceled classes, because the numbers of enrolled police students was to low.

Police departments facing recruit shortage

"What I saw was a 63 percent decrease in the applications in four years,” said Eagan Police Chief James McDonald.

Now what? Anarchy? What is your solution?

What happens when you call 911 like they did in Detroit, and they say no one is available to come?

Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says 'War-Like' Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors

"Iorio says the once 2,000 strong force is shrinking rapidly; since the start of summer, hundreds of officers have left the department."

But at least they are not corrupt.... right?

Straw man my butt. This is fact. It is exactly what is happening.

Ironically, I predicted this directly in 2007. I said openly, if you guys don't stop attacking the police, the police will disappear, and you'll find out what real violence is about. Sure enough, I was dead on right.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.
End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream

That's not going to solve anything. Several of the people who were fired from their jobs, and resulted in police refusing to patrol, had body cams. Many of the people who were shot, were filmed the entire time. Nothing would change from that.

Nothing. You will end up with Chicago across the country. Murders and rapes, vandalism and assault will happen across the entire country instead of just Chicago and similar cities.

Police are not going to do that job, if when they do that job, you attack them, and imprison them, every time they do their job.

Now if your goal is anarchy, then this is a great way to do it.

We are in the middle of a drug death crisis. And your idea is to simply let the drug cartels have complete control? Start a Narco-state? Are you stupid? We'll end the drug war, when every last drug user is dead. That will be the end. Not one second sooner.
Dude...Reefer Madness is not a documentary!
Just HOW bad would a cop have to be for you to not defend him?

I don't see these cops as even being bad. Not the ones I'm looking at. If I'm a police officer, and you are wielding a weapons, and are slashing my tires and damaging my car, when I tell you to drop the knife and get on the ground....?

You deserved to be shot. That officer should be given an award for cleaning the streets of dangerous criminals. Not prosecuted.

Beyond that, I can only respond on a case by case basis. We already have a clear system of investigating and prosecuting bad cops. When that system finds, tries and convicts a bad cop, then I'm on board.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

The reason we are here talking about this, is because you think every cop is bad. I don't.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

But the irony in this thread is, you are the one who should answering the question how bad should a cop be before you start attacking them.

When they commit any act of dishonesty, criminality, or corruption while on duty, or when they violate civil rights or conspire to do so.

Why? Because I'm in a middle class neighborhood. I'm not the poor, or black people in the lower class neighborhoods of Chicago, or Dallas, or all over California where the police are pulling out, and letting the criminals run free.

It's not me, or my family being shot, raped, assaulted, or vandalized, because of your policy of attacking all police as corrupt.

We're not affected by the police ditching those people to die. You, and the people you claim to defend, are the ones dying in the increasing violence across the country, as police stop patrolling and refuse to stop criminals.

Describe in detail which people I "claimed to defend" and how, exactly, I did so. Be specific.

Like that police officer above. He was called because people saw a man with a knife, breaking into cars. He should up, and did he duty to confront the guy.

Now, what they are doing in Chicago, and again this is well known... the police officers out on patrol, drive as far away from crime areas as possible, so the when the 911 call comes in, they are at the opposite end of town. By the time they get there, the guy is long gone. So they never confront the criminal, never have to pull their gun, never have to fire a shot.

Shit-can them.

Is this not what you wanted? Now no one gets shot. Of course your stuff is all stolen, and they never catch the guy... but no bad officers, no lying cops, no shot dead criminals. Win for everyone.... except the victims of criminals, but you people never care about that.

Straw man.

So ask yourself the question... what are you willing to put up with before you stop attacking the police? How many dead poor people, and dead black people, will it take before you stop attacking police? How many victims of vandalism, and robbery and assaults, and rape will it take?

Straw man.,

YOU answer the question. Real easy to ask everyone else. I'm not getting hurt. Upper, and middle class areas have no shortages of police. It's the low income and black areas that need police to stop the criminals. In California the police forces in most city areas is actually shrinking. They have fewer police today, than they did last year. The number of new recruits has fallen so much, that the number of police retiring is greater than the number of recruits.

So you tell me. You answer the question. Tell me your great solution. Let's hear it.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.

End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream.

What about when they quietly bury the case, and either totally whitewash it, or just let the bent cop quit, so he can get a job terrorizing someone else?

I would only answer that on a case by case basis.

Not every cop...there are a handful of good ones. Only about 90-95% are bent.

So I rest my case. You just made my point. You say only 90% or 95% are bent... ok, let's reduce the police force down to 5%, or 10%... see what happens. Hope you enjoy your wife and daughters raped, finding your home trashed, and like being shot.

Straw man.
Straw man.,

Wrong. It is not a straw man. It is exactly what is happening around the country. Chicago being the most blatant example.

You claim it's a false possibility, when it's a literal fact.

Shit-can them.

Ok. Let's do that. Fire them all. You think they won't find something else to do? And who will you call when there are no police? I already pointed out that new officer recruits are so low, that California's police force is shrinking year over year. Texas recently canceled classes, because the numbers of enrolled police students was to low.

Police departments facing recruit shortage

"What I saw was a 63 percent decrease in the applications in four years,” said Eagan Police Chief James McDonald.

Now what? Anarchy? What is your solution?

What happens when you call 911 like they did in Detroit, and they say no one is available to come?

Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says 'War-Like' Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors

"Iorio says the once 2,000 strong force is shrinking rapidly; since the start of summer, hundreds of officers have left the department."

But at least they are not corrupt.... right?

Straw man my butt. This is fact. It is exactly what is happening.

Ironically, I predicted this directly in 2007. I said openly, if you guys don't stop attacking the police, the police will disappear, and you'll find out what real violence is about. Sure enough, I was dead on right.

Body cameras: every second of every minute of every hour of every shift. Make disabling them in any way a Federal crime with mandatory prison time. There are no honest cops opposed to them.
End the war on drugs, stop using police as a revenue stream

That's not going to solve anything. Several of the people who were fired from their jobs, and resulted in police refusing to patrol, had body cams. Many of the people who were shot, were filmed the entire time. Nothing would change from that.

Nothing. You will end up with Chicago across the country. Murders and rapes, vandalism and assault will happen across the entire country instead of just Chicago and similar cities.

Police are not going to do that job, if when they do that job, you attack them, and imprison them, every time they do their job.

Now if your goal is anarchy, then this is a great way to do it.

We are in the middle of a drug death crisis. And your idea is to simply let the drug cartels have complete control? Start a Narco-state? Are you stupid? We'll end the drug war, when every last drug user is dead. That will be the end. Not one second sooner.
Dude...Reefer Madness is not a documentary!

I see that you can mock the truth....

Crisis in Chicago

But I also see you have absolutely no response to the truth. I guess that concludes your side of the debate.
You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams.
You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams.

And that post still... wasn't a response. Because you have no response.

That's the difference between you and me. I claim to have the truth, and give you links, and facts showing you the truth.

You give me nothing.... and just claim I'm not interested in your truth. A truth you can't show, can't prove, and can't support. Yeah, I'm not interested in your pseudo 'truth'.
You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams. You dream of a state where the police can freely harass, beat, torture, and even kill anyone they wish, so long as they claim it was legitimate. You are perfectly fine with police corruption, perjury, and just about anything else they wish to do.

How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?
You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams. You dream of a state where the police can freely harass, beat, torture, and even kill anyone they wish, so long as they claim it was legitimate. You are perfectly fine with police corruption, perjury, and just about anything else they wish to do.

How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?

You are uninterested in the truth, or anything else that interferes with your police-state wet dreams.

And that post still... wasn't a response. Because you have no response.

That's the difference between you and me. I claim to have the truth, and give you links, and facts showing you the truth.

You give me nothing.... and just claim I'm not interested in your truth. A truth you can't show, can't prove, and can't support. Yeah, I'm not interested in your pseudo 'truth'.

Why should we. You won't follow links. That shows you are interested only in spouting propaganda instead of discussing the issue. Pfui.

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