Bad Education


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'll admit, "bad" is subjective. I've lamented for years about improper education as educating is merely a passing on of knowledge, but, I do question, very often, knowledge passed on to the sponges of kids (and some chronological adults)-

This is an example of "a" (make a note of the singular) school (Public Education system) in Pennsylvania-

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

I also contend that if something has o be forced that means it isn't consensual which means it ain't really that good for everyone involved- and I don't care what the topic is either- but, this is beyond sad- read the article to see the statistics of some schools in Pa.

Bad Education
I'll admit, "bad" is subjective. I've lamented for years about improper education as educating is merely a passing on of knowledge, but, I do question, very often, knowledge passed on to the sponges of kids (and some chronological adults)-

This is an example of "a" (make a note of the singular) school (Public Education system) in Pennsylvania-

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

I also contend that if something has o be forced that means it isn't consensual which means it ain't really that good for everyone involved- and I don't care what the topic is either- but, this is beyond sad- read the article to see the statistics of some schools in Pa.

Bad Education
You know these kids staying home for a year and doing shit is probably a godsend for them not shoveling this shit in already empty heads.
Hmm. Nothing in the article mentioned about the decades of kneecapping and defunding public education having a detrimental effect....but you can always turn around and bitch constantly about it. See???!! See??!!.
It doesn't appear that any school child was "forced" to participate or "celebrate" this. Just given an assignment. Hell, I had to do projects in social studies on people I had no interest in...and that was almost 45 years ago. :0

From the article.
"As part of the lesson, the teacher asked students to “describe Davis’ early life,” reflect on her vision of social change, and “define communist”—presumably in favorable terms".
So, not definitely...just "presumably".

And you wonder how right wing media in this country can bend the minds of the simple so easily without actually addressing the deeper underlying issues.
If you don't want your children to come out racist Marxists who want a sex change, don't send them to public schools

Local school boards are challenged financially to meet ever shrinking class room sizes. It seems to me that providing inferior education would encourage parents to seek education elsewhere thus alleviating some of the financial challenges of building more schools in order to comply with smaller class room sizes. Is it possible that making the school environment bad is strategic or even necessary?

I have heard that in Austin Texas it is believed that the city council deliberately engineered bad roads to make the traffic worse to discourage people from moving to Austin. The same type of logic applies. It may not be what is happening but it does sound like a strategy that would work.
If you don't want your children to come out racist Marxists who want a sex change, don't send them to public schools

Local school boards are challenged financially to meet ever shrinking class room sizes. It seems to me that providing inferior education would encourage parents to seek education elsewhere thus alleviating some of the financial challenges of building more schools in order to comply with smaller class room sizes. Is it possible that making the school environment bad is strategic or even necessary?

I have heard that in Austin Texas it is believed that the city council deliberately engineered bad roads to make the traffic worse to discourage people from moving to Austin. The same type of logic applies. It may not be what is happening but it does sound like a strategy that would work.
Why would they do that in Austin?
If you don't want your children to come out racist Marxists who want a sex change, don't send them to public schools

Local school boards are challenged financially to meet ever shrinking class room sizes. It seems to me that providing inferior education would encourage parents to seek education elsewhere thus alleviating some of the financial challenges of building more schools in order to comply with smaller class room sizes. Is it possible that making the school environment bad is strategic or even necessary?

I have heard that in Austin Texas it is believed that the city council deliberately engineered bad roads to make the traffic worse to discourage people from moving to Austin. The same type of logic applies. It may not be what is happening but it does sound like a strategy that would work.
Why would they do that in Austin?

Too many people were living there. The unpredictably of people moving into the city made it very difficult to plan administering social services.
And you wonder how right wing media in this country can bend the minds of the simple so easily without actually addressing the deeper underlying issues.
I don't wonder at that- I do wonder at why people cherry pick, especially when the under lying issue was in the article- the stats- they show the "bending" provided isn't addressing the can't read or write issue- of course, one would have to read, and hopefully acknowledge the problem/issue is as the title says, Bad Education- and also note that it isn't in all the schools- then, if really curious, they would read this, that another posted posted a link to

excerpt: "But speak up you must" — and yet, I'd predict that other parents will not speak up, but will silently agree with Gutmann, then steel themselves and endure the treatment they have been designated to receive. The one thing that makes me think parents might get it together and object is the "mandatory anti-racism training for parents" — if it really is "so sophomoric and simplistic, so unsophisticated and inane."

see, we can all cherry pick- that particular post is from Manhattan- sophmoric is cherry picking- and most political hacks are really good at that, no matter what their title, which shows just how inadequate improper education really is-

And, if one were to actually read, one would also notice from the linked article by the other poster;

This section from the father's letter resonated with me:
"We have today in our country, from both political parties, and at all levels of government, the most unwise and unvirtuous leaders in our nation’s history. Schools like Brearley are supposed to be the training grounds for those leaders. Our nation will not survive a generation of leadership even more poorly educated than we have now, nor will we survive a generation of students taught to hate its own country and despise its history."
But, alas, some, (many, if not most), would prefer to say it's the other sides fault, when clearly, BOTH sides subscribe to and vote to fund, the improper education- notice the part about unwise- and read from there- it's quite obvious as results speak for themselves- as in stats- nation wide, exemplified by the rude and crude behavior of political hacks who are elected- on BOTH sides-

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