Bad Guys Try to Steal Tools from Store, 6 Customers Draw Guns

My contention is that it was none of their business.

The matter concerns Home Depot, their loss department, the police and the thieves.

And I think you'll find this to be Home Depot's corporate policy with regard to theft of their property if you bother to look.

Clearly the wanna be cowboys didn't bother reviewing the store's policy with regard to witnessing a theft before they went out their and surrounded the vehicle with guns drawn.
Well I'm sure they would have conferred with store officials and their lawyers had they more time.

And just so you know....this did not happen at a Home Depot so all your blather about corporate policy and loss policy was a bunch of misinformed bullshit!
It happened in little rural Marysville, Washington at the Coastal Farm and Ranch Store. It sure helps to know what the fuck you are talking about, I find.
You look less stupid that way.
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Well I'm sure they would have conferred with store officials and their lawyers had they more time.

And just so you know....this did not happen at a Home Depot so all your blather about corporate policy and loss policy was a bunch of misinformed bullshit!
It happened in little rural Marysville, Washington at the Coastal Farm and Ranch Store. It sure helps to know what the fuck you are talking about, I find.

It's still none of their business, even if it wasn't Home Depot. How do you like that?

Here's a picture of the scene, btw, one posted at the source of the report. There's quite a few other stores for open for public shopping in the lot.

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I am so used to saying Home Depot, though. Heh heh. So, you got me on the Home Depot, I don't even care if make an ass outta myself about it, but it's still a matter for the police. Not wanna be police.

And to repeat what Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday, “Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern” .

The department is still asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.
It happened in little rural Marysville, Washington at the Coastal Farm and Ranch Store. It sure helps to know what the fuck you are talking about, I find.

With 17 stores across the Pacific Northwest and growing.

Far from a mom and pop operation.
It's still none of their business, even if it wasn't Home Depot. How do you like that?
Not very much.
Small town and a small local business. You don't have any idea what the interpersonal dynamics were in that situation
and how people watch out for one another in little communities so while I might see your view with regards to a mega
box chain like Home Depot in a strip mall somewhere (that's might) I don't think you have any clue about this incident.
With 17 stores across the Pacific Northwest and growing.

Far from a mom and pop operation.
Farther still from a Home Depot! Marysville is a small town of about 60,000.
I grew up in a town about that size and I know how people look out for others. Crime is considered everyone's business.
I am so used to saying Home Depot, though. Heh heh. So, you got me on the Home Depot, I don't even care if make an ass outta myself about it, but it's still a matter for the police. Not wanna be police.

And to repeat what Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday, “Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern” .

The department is still asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.
I agree that discharging a firearm in a parking lot is a serious thing but I doubt you can admit that shooting out a tire from a distance of a few feet away isn't likely a threat to anyone.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
Got any examples of someone being killed when another person shot at their tires? The evidence so far indicates that it works perfectly.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.

They shot out the tires.

It's a great story.

And they hit one of the guys with the car.....I WOULD HAVE BLOWN THEM AWAY.

Props for contraint.
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?!

My contention is that it was none of their business.

The matter concerns Home Depot, their loss department, the police and the thieves.

And I think you'll find this to be Home Depot's corporate policy with regard to theft of their property if you bother to look.

Clearly the wanna be cowboys didn't bother reviewing the store's policy with regard to witnessing a theft before they went out their and surrounded the vehicle with guns drawn.

And so Home Depot will now get a chance to deal with it.

Thanks guy's.

BTW: It is their business.

Your contention is meaningless.
Drawing a gun to protect property is not a legit use of a gun. If they can figure out who fired the shots they will be charged with illegal discharge of a weapon.
It would be my policy to let them never fire at someone fleeing the scene with property.....not worth the risks to people around you.
Let me point out once more that no rounds were fired until the detained thieves ran their car at one of the men if front of them. At that point it wasn't just a case of theft was assault with a deadly weapon and self defense comes into play. And as I already pointed out the self restraint of the six citizens was admirable.
Not sure why some a-holes insist on berating these men. Must be a left wing problem.
Drawing a gun to protect property is not a legit use of a gun. If they can figure out who fired the shots they will be charged with illegal discharge of a weapon.
It seems very legit to me.

It's not. Your gun is not there to protect the inventory of a local hardware store. It's to protect life. Not only your life, but others lives as well. Stealing nail guns is not a threat to life so you get the plate and take pics and call the cops. You don't start blasting away at tires in the middle of a parking lot on a holiday weekend.

They stood in front of the car not allowing him to leave. That's illegal. You can't draw a weapon, stand in front of a car and when they hit you start shooting. That's illegal my friend. If you aren't a police officer you can't detain people at gunpoint.

Again, this is like the other thread. You can't ACTIVELY cause a problem and then draw your gun to "solve" it. You were on the offense the moment you stepped in front of that car.
It's not. Your gun is not there to protect the inventory of a local hardware store. It's to protect life. Not only your life, but others lives as well. Stealing nail guns is not a threat to life so you get the plate and take pics and call the cops. You don't start blasting away at tires in the middle of a parking lot on a holiday weekend.

They stood in front of the car not allowing him to leave. That's illegal. You can't draw a weapon, stand in front of a car and when they hit you start shooting. That's illegal my friend. If you aren't a police officer you can't detain people at gunpoint.

Again, this is like the other thread. You can't ACTIVELY cause a problem and then draw your gun to "solve" it. You were on the offense the moment you stepped in front of that car.
So I'm not required or supposed to stop a robbery in progress but when local merchants jack up prices to cover inventory loss I suppose I should just smile and eat the loss to me?
Meanwhile drug addicts and other low lives smile knowing they can get away with
crime so easily and it happens over and over?
And the thieves that tried to run over one of the men? Are the six men required to become human speed bumps for low life thieves? Your support of such legal principles are asinine.

You want to leave things up to the police that aren't even obligated to save your life when someone is slaughtering everyone around you? (recent lawsuit in Broward county that reaffirmed that the police aren't required to lift a finger when crazed gunman Nikolas Cruz is murdering classmates)
The police are nothing more than armed revenue collectors... little more than modern day Sheriffs of Nottingham.
The law is an ass in this case, as it so often is and if I carried a gun, which I don't, and I had a chance to use it to save my personal property and that of other people I would damned well use it, fuck the law!

I will take my chances in court and if on a jury and this case came before me I would vote to acquit every time regardless
of your corrupt senseless laws.
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As if tires stop bullets. Anyone could have been killed. Shooting in this situation, especially by an unorganized group, was insane and reprehensible.

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