Bad Guys Try to Steal Tools from Store, 6 Customers Draw Guns

From the link to the original story...

Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday said it’s unclear if the other people involved fired their guns lawfully, as they left before law enforcement got there. Security footage showed one of them getting in a vehicle just as the first officer arrived, Thomas said.

“Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern,” Thomas said.

The department is asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.
Yep come forward and get jailed.
You have no point.

Home Dopot has a loss department, cameras all over the place, including the parking lot to aquire their tag number, and they have a telephone to call the police.

If the wanna be cowboys felt like they had the responsibility to police the shopping center, they could have pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote their tag number down and walked back in the store.

That's what responsible people do. What if one of the three shots that were fired in the shopping center parking lot killed someone's kid you stupid motherfucker? And for what? Some nail guns that weren't even their property in the first place?
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?
Sure....:icon_rolleyes: . That's likely. Tires were shot out. Not children, stupid motherfucker!
That is the right thing to do, if you are a citizen don't stay around for thanks, that is being humble.
As if tires stop bullets. Anyone could have been killed. Shooting in this situation, especially by an unorganized group, was insane and reprehensible.
The shooting began when the thieves tried to run down one of the citizens intervening.
Some people don't get it and they don't even try to.
If the guys who shot come forward, they are going to be charged guaranteed. I wouldn’t put it past these thieves to try and hire a lawyer to file a suit.

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From the link to the original story...

Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday said it’s unclear if the other people involved fired their guns lawfully, as they left before law enforcement got there. Security footage showed one of them getting in a vehicle just as the first officer arrived, Thomas said.

“Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern,” Thomas said.

The department is asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.

They were aiming at the tires.

Bullets ricochet, and can go anywhere. Not bright.

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You have no point.

Home Dopot has a loss department, cameras all over the place, including the parking lot to aquire their tag number, and they have a telephone to call the police.

If the wanna be cowboys felt like they had the responsibility to police the shopping center, they could have pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote their tag number down and walked back in the store.

That's what responsible people do. What if one of the three shots that were fired in the shopping center parking lot killed someone's kid you stupid motherfucker? And for what? Some nail guns that weren't even their property in the first place?
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?
Sure....:icon_rolleyes: . That's likely. Tires were shot out. Not children, stupid motherfucker!

Bullets can go through things easily. Cops and soldiers are killed by friendly fire and during training exercises often. It’s not often publicized, and definitely not anything like TV. I don’t know about you, but I would be fucking pissed if one of these stray bullets hit my car, dirt ball thief or not. Try getting your insurance company to pay out on that.

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Drawing a gun to protect property is not a legit use of a gun. If they can figure out who fired the shots they will be charged with illegal discharge of a weapon.

And get arrested, lose their permit for life, go to court, get probation if they are lucky, and spend about 20 grand on legal fees, plus courts, fines, psychological evaluation, anger management, etc, etc, etc. Very cool in a movie, beyond stupid in reality.

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Drawing a gun to protect property is not a legit use of a gun. If they can figure out who fired the shots they will be charged with illegal discharge of a weapon.

According to you, or according to the laws of Washington state ?

He is correct. It would be according to the laws in any state. Granted these thieves were assholes, but the guys who shot, would be charged with a more serious crime. And unfortunately, any lawyer representing the store would have the owner distance themselves from there do-gooders so quickly your head would spin.

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It's not. Your gun is not there to protect the inventory of a local hardware store. It's to protect life. Not only your life, but others lives as well. Stealing nail guns is not a threat to life so you get the plate and take pics and call the cops. You don't start blasting away at tires in the middle of a parking lot on a holiday weekend.

They stood in front of the car not allowing him to leave. That's illegal. You can't draw a weapon, stand in front of a car and when they hit you start shooting. That's illegal my friend. If you aren't a police officer you can't detain people at gunpoint.

Again, this is like the other thread. You can't ACTIVELY cause a problem and then draw your gun to "solve" it. You were on the offense the moment you stepped in front of that car.
So I'm not required or supposed to stop a robbery in progress but when local merchants jack up prices to cover inventory loss I suppose I should just smile and eat the loss to me?
Meanwhile drug addicts and other low lives smile knowing they can get away with
crime so easily and it happens over and over?
And the thieves that tried to run over one of the men? Are the six men required to become human speed bumps for low life thieves? Your support of such legal principles are asinine.

You want to leave things up to the police that aren't even obligated to save your life when someone is slaughtering everyone around you? (recent lawsuit in Broward county that reaffirmed that the police aren't required to lift a finger when crazed gunman Nikolas Cruz is murdering classmates)
The police are nothing more than armed revenue collectors... little more than modern day Sheriffs of Nottingham.
The law is an ass in this case, as it so often is and if I carried a gun, which I don't, and I had a chance to use it to save my personal property and that of other people I would damned well use it, fuck the law!

I will take my chances in court and if on a jury and this case came before me I would vote to acquit every time regardless
of your corrupt senseless laws.

It was a retail theft, not a robbery. If someone attempts to actually rob you, it’s a different thing. You would then still be scrutinized, and put yourself in debt forever defending yourself.

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It was a retail theft, not a robbery. If someone attempts to actually rob you, it’s a different thing. You would then still be scrutinized, and put yourself in debt forever defending yourself.
I'm not saying I would detain someone with a gun, I don't carry. But if several people see theft in a store they patronize, realizing that will cost them ultimately when a store raises prices to cover losses, and their sense of law and order is stronger than their urge to look the other way (or let the cops handle things which often amounts to nothing) then I can't blame them.
Bullets can go through things easily. Cops and soldiers are killed by friendly fire and during training exercises often. It’s not often publicized, and definitely not anything like TV. I don’t know about you, but I would be fucking pissed if one of these stray bullets hit my car, dirt ball thief or not. Try getting your insurance company to pay out on that.
The thieves attempted to run over one of the men detaining them. Shots fired in self defense or to protect another
are perfectly justifiable.
You validate my point about the left defending criminals.

You have no point.

Home Dopot has a loss department, cameras all over the place, including the parking lot to aquire their tag number, and they have a telephone to call the police.

If they wanna be cowboys and felt like they had the responsibility to police the shopping center, they could have pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote their tag number down and walked back in the store. That's what responsible people do.

What if one of the three shots that were fired in the shopping center parking lot killed someone's kid you stupid motherfucker? And for what? Some nail guns that weren't even their property in the first place? Whatt hey should have done was mind their business. There's a reason they put cameras in the parking lot after all.
All they will need to do is claim to be an illegal and you loons will defend them.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
When police fail at their jobs, the citizens take over.

It's all quite simple, and an American tradition. Laws get too lax. Criminals take over. Fattened and lazy law enforcement turns a blind eye. Citizens rise up. Just watch any Western on TV. True they're hyped up a bit but the bare bones of this system actually existed.

And the thing is, when criminals start to view on social media that citizens are packin' heat and they could get their asses shot, they tend to back off. Word of mouth. It's the darndest thing.
All they will need to do is claim to be an illegal and you loons will defend them.

They illegally detained someone at gunpoint. What they did was escalate a situation of a common theft that didn't even involve them i ntyher first place to a violent situation with bullets flying. It was reckless and it was stupid. Unless they can prove ownership of the stolen assets, they were the aggressors here. They had no business even approaching the thieves, much less with guns drawn.

Per the reports this was a very crowded strip mall. The other store owners locked their doors and hid in the back saying they were afraid of being hit by a stray bullet.

As far as loons go, I promise not one of you half-wits defending these gun weilding wanna be cowboys would last thirty seconds with a real conservative in a gun debate. Not one of you. Hell, most of you on here who claim to be conservatives are better leftists than the actual admitted leftists when it comes to gun discussion. I've seen it too many times on here.

This kind of wanna be cowboy nonsense is precisely why actual responsible gun owners are put on the defensive all of the time.
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