Bad news for Republicans

"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
Oh my, let's go back to the GOP way, a start laying off 500,000 a month. That makes for such a better economy. Ah yes, for the good old time of 2008 and 2009. You boys really had a good thing going then. If only you had had a couple more years, you could have exceeded the crash of '29. Yessirreee Bob! You really know how to improve the economy.
Oh my, let's go back to the GOP way, a start laying off 500,000 a month. That makes for such a better economy. Ah yes, for the good old time of 2008 and 2009. You boys really had a good thing going then. If only you had had a couple more years, you could have exceeded the crash of '29. Yessirreee Bob! You really know how to improve the economy.
2008-2009, that is Obama's years? Obama and the Democrat's idea of an economy is what? Importing more stuff from China? Killing Energy, making the USA weaker? Selling our technologies to China? What a great way to make an "economy".

Yes, 2008-09, Democrat years. This idiot can't remember yesterday let alone see what is happening today, and what will happen tomorrow.
The typical family made 57k? It takes two people to make 57k. That sucks!

Real Median Household income is rising. - "That sucks!""

More women are forgoing employment to raise families. - "LFPR is falling! That sucks!"

Another day in Drudge America.....
Oh my, let's go back to the GOP way, a start laying off 500,000 a month. That makes for such a better economy. Ah yes, for the good old time of 2008 and 2009. You boys really had a good thing going then. If only you had had a couple more years, you could have exceeded the crash of '29. Yessirreee Bob! You really know how to improve the economy.
2008-2009, that is Obama's years? Obama and the Democrat's idea of an economy is what? Importing more stuff from China? Killing Energy, making the USA weaker? Selling our technologies to China? What a great way to make an "economy".

Yes, 2008-09, Democrat years. This idiot can't remember yesterday let alone see what is happening today, and what will happen tomorrow.
2008 was the last full year under the worst POTUS of the modern era......go ahead and Google it....
The typical family made 57k? It takes two people to make 57k. That sucks!

Real Median Household income is rising. - "That sucks!""
More women are forgoing employment to raise families. - "LFPR is falling! That sucks!"
Another day in Drudge America.....
You are celebrating a falling standard of living?

No.....I'm pointing out the conflicting bleats.....median household income is rising....

This is good.

The number of people working in households appears to be falling......if so, those actually working are making up the slack, and then some. .....
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Well almost half of Republicans have had enough of the Republican party. That's a good sign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is stretching his lead to its widest margin, garnering support from nearly half of GOP voters nationwide in a new poll today.

Forty-nine percent of Republican voters say they back Trump for the Republican nomination in the new CNN-ORC poll released this morning. Sen. Marco Rubio earns 16 percent support, Sen. Ted Cruz earns 15 percent, Dr. Ben Carson has 10 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich has 6 percent.

Anyone who is a Rubio, Cruz or Kasich supporter is an absolute loser and moron.

I love this election year because it's only March and the GOP have already lost. At least after tonight anyways.

What I hope is that Trump isn't just another rich greedy Republican in moderate clothing. I believe he is.
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Well almost half of Republicans have had enough of the Republican party. That's a good sign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is stretching his lead to its widest margin, garnering support from nearly half of GOP voters nationwide in a new poll today.

Forty-nine percent of Republican voters say they back Trump for the Republican nomination in the new CNN-ORC poll released this morning. Sen. Marco Rubio earns 16 percent support, Sen. Ted Cruz earns 15 percent, Dr. Ben Carson has 10 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich has 6 percent.

Anyone who is a Rubio, Cruz or Kasich supporter is an absolute loser and moron.

I love this election year because it's only March and the GOP have already lost. At least after tonight anyways.

What I hope is that Trump isn't just another rich greedy Republican in moderate clothing. I believe he is.
Trumpet is the only one of that vile bunch who loses to sanders and hillary
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Well almost half of Republicans have had enough of the Republican party. That's a good sign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is stretching his lead to its widest margin, garnering support from nearly half of GOP voters nationwide in a new poll today.

Forty-nine percent of Republican voters say they back Trump for the Republican nomination in the new CNN-ORC poll released this morning. Sen. Marco Rubio earns 16 percent support, Sen. Ted Cruz earns 15 percent, Dr. Ben Carson has 10 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich has 6 percent.

Anyone who is a Rubio, Cruz or Kasich supporter is an absolute loser and moron.

I love this election year because it's only March and the GOP have already lost. At least after tonight anyways.

What I hope is that Trump isn't just another rich greedy Republican in moderate clothing. I believe he is.
Trumpet is the only one of that vile bunch who loses to sanders and hillary
Huh? You think Kasich Rubio or Cruz beats Hillary? If that were true they wouldn't be losing to Trump.
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Well almost half of Republicans have had enough of the Republican party. That's a good sign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is stretching his lead to its widest margin, garnering support from nearly half of GOP voters nationwide in a new poll today.

Forty-nine percent of Republican voters say they back Trump for the Republican nomination in the new CNN-ORC poll released this morning. Sen. Marco Rubio earns 16 percent support, Sen. Ted Cruz earns 15 percent, Dr. Ben Carson has 10 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich has 6 percent.

Anyone who is a Rubio, Cruz or Kasich supporter is an absolute loser and moron.

I love this election year because it's only March and the GOP have already lost. At least after tonight anyways.

What I hope is that Trump isn't just another rich greedy Republican in moderate clothing. I believe he is.
Trumpet is the only one of that vile bunch who loses to sanders and hillary
Huh? You think Kasich Rubio or Cruz beats Hillary? If that were true they wouldn't be losing to Trump.
I know it sounds crazy but look at what the polls are saying That's why I'm rooting for trump
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Well almost half of Republicans have had enough of the Republican party. That's a good sign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is stretching his lead to its widest margin, garnering support from nearly half of GOP voters nationwide in a new poll today.

Forty-nine percent of Republican voters say they back Trump for the Republican nomination in the new CNN-ORC poll released this morning. Sen. Marco Rubio earns 16 percent support, Sen. Ted Cruz earns 15 percent, Dr. Ben Carson has 10 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich has 6 percent.

Anyone who is a Rubio, Cruz or Kasich supporter is an absolute loser and moron.

I love this election year because it's only March and the GOP have already lost. At least after tonight anyways.

What I hope is that Trump isn't just another rich greedy Republican in moderate clothing. I believe he is.
Trumpet is the only one of that vile bunch who loses to sanders and hillary
Huh? You think Kasich Rubio or Cruz beats Hillary? If that were true they wouldn't be losing to Trump.
I know it sounds crazy but look at what the polls are saying That's why I'm rooting for trump
I'm nervous but I do think once America has booted out every real Republican then they will come to their senses. Like I have these 2 woman at work who don't like Hillary because they hear all the negative stuff being said about her, but then they act like they want to throw up when I mention Trump.

Be careful wishing for Trump. He's exceeded expectations so far.

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