Bad news for Republicans

The people who vote for hillary want what you have you selfish sob. That America doesn't exist you greedy baby boomers.

Lucky for me I'm smarter than the masses and luckier like you and I have savings too.
Hillarys people want it without working for it, Mona. I'm not selfish...just smart and prudent. I take care of my family...and they all have prospered...without any handouts.
So did everyone in your generation grampa. A janitor could say that in your era

Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb
Hillarys people want it without working for it, Mona. I'm not selfish...just smart and prudent. I take care of my family...and they all have prospered...without any handouts.
So did everyone in your generation grampa. A janitor could say that in your era

Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Deltex's kids do have it better...because he taught them life, to be successful. It's too bad others don't have the upbringing they did.
Omg what an arrogant and ignorant post.

Ok, what about dicktex's neighbors friends and extended family? What about every other American? The fact is most young adults won't have it as easy as our parents had it.

BTW, I won't have it as good as my parents because my social security and Medicare won't be as good as theirs is. And my dad got a pension. No one today gets a pension. Those three things are hard to beat.

But my brother is a VP millionaire. So what dickhead taught his kids is irrilivant. If they aren't all smart one of them might be a receptionist.

Lucky for me I make good money and I save plus I'll get half what my parents leave me.

That's another thing assholes like dick got that this generation won't. Most baby boomers got money from their parents when they died. In the future seniors will have to live with their kids. And that's after the kid lived at home till he was 30.

Dicklick could graduate highschool and walk into a factory job with no experience and start a family. So no surprise his kids turned out ok.
So did everyone in your generation grampa. A janitor could say that in your era

Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
just trying to help sassy ,,,,,,want you at your best tomorrow,,,,,,,,you sorta screwed up today
So did everyone in your generation grampa. A janitor could say that in your era

Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny
I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?

Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?

Are you referring to Obama the man who labeled us his enemy early on?
Yea it was Obama who picked the right with the GOP when he first got started.

Eddie thes people don't live in reality
Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy
Except he wasn't a janitor, Sealydidlo
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
just trying to help sassy ,,,,,,want you at your best tomorrow,,,,,,,,you sorta screwed up today

Oh goof grief...go soak your head're irrelevant to me
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Deltex's kids do have it better...because he taught them life, to be successful. It's too bad others don't have the upbringing they did.
Omg what an arrogant and ignorant post.

Ok, what about dicktex's neighbors friends and extended family? What about every other American? The fact is most young adults won't have it as easy as our parents had it.

BTW, I won't have it as good as my parents because my social security and Medicare won't be as good as theirs is. And my dad got a pension. No one today gets a pension. Those three things are hard to beat.

But my brother is a VP millionaire. So what dickhead taught his kids is irrilivant. If they aren't all smart one of them might be a receptionist.

Lucky for me I make good money and I save plus I'll get half what my parents leave me.

That's another thing assholes like dick got that this generation won't. Most baby boomers got money from their parents when they died. In the future seniors will have to live with their kids. And that's after the kid lived at home till he was 30.

Dicklick could graduate highschool and walk into a factory job with no experience and start a family. So no surprise his kids turned out ok.

And you're an admitted felon and have committed numerous acts of tax evasion. With any luck, you'll get 3 squares and a cot one day.
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy

chump change
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Deltex's kids do have it better...because he taught them life, to be successful. It's too bad others don't have the upbringing they did.
Omg what an arrogant and ignorant post.

Ok, what about dicktex's neighbors friends and extended family? What about every other American? The fact is most young adults won't have it as easy as our parents had it.

BTW, I won't have it as good as my parents because my social security and Medicare won't be as good as theirs is. And my dad got a pension. No one today gets a pension. Those three things are hard to beat.

But my brother is a VP millionaire. So what dickhead taught his kids is irrilivant. If they aren't all smart one of them might be a receptionist.

Lucky for me I make good money and I save plus I'll get half what my parents leave me.

That's another thing assholes like dick got that this generation won't. Most baby boomers got money from their parents when they died. In the future seniors will have to live with their kids. And that's after the kid lived at home till he was 30.

Dicklick could graduate highschool and walk into a factory job with no experience and start a family. So no surprise his kids turned out ok. have some serious issues going on...for starters you lie a lot. Fix that one and then work on your other failings in life. Second should be learning nobody owes you a damn thing
I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy

chump change

How would you know toad? STFU already with your nonsense....maybe sign in as your sock, that was funny watching it tell us how great, smart and intelligent you are LMAO Oldest ploy on the Internets toady
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy

chump change

How would you know toad? STFU already with your nonsense....maybe sign in as your sock, that was funny watching it tell us how great, smart and intelligent you are LMAO Oldest ploy on the Internets toady
you're 2 kinds of a fool ... that person has been posting here for many years and if you can't tell the difference it proves you're not as smart as you think you are,,,,But I knew that
Yea he's an internet mba

I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy
I doubt that.

Home paid off live on a lake. 45 years old. Will retire at 60. Property near lake Michigan and condo on lake Huron and a home in Greece.

But it's nice grampa helped you become a stupid arrogant American chip off the old cock
Baby boomers are the worst generation. They set themselves up good. Good pay, pensions, collective bargaining, high paying no education jobs, job security social security and Medicare and now they don't want us to have any of that.
don't they want their kids to have it better than they did ?? I know that's what I want for mine

Deltex's kids do have it better...because he taught them life, to be successful. It's too bad others don't have the upbringing they did.
Omg what an arrogant and ignorant post.

Ok, what about dicktex's neighbors friends and extended family? What about every other American? The fact is most young adults won't have it as easy as our parents had it.

BTW, I won't have it as good as my parents because my social security and Medicare won't be as good as theirs is. And my dad got a pension. No one today gets a pension. Those three things are hard to beat.

But my brother is a VP millionaire. So what dickhead taught his kids is irrilivant. If they aren't all smart one of them might be a receptionist.

Lucky for me I make good money and I save plus I'll get half what my parents leave me.

That's another thing assholes like dick got that this generation won't. Most baby boomers got money from their parents when they died. In the future seniors will have to live with their kids. And that's after the kid lived at home till he was 30.

Dicklick could graduate highschool and walk into a factory job with no experience and start a family. So no surprise his kids turned out ok.

And you're an admitted felon and have committed numerous acts of tax evasion. With any luck, you'll get 3 squares and a cot one day.
Omg. Selling some weed doesn't make me a felon. I'm no al Capone stupid
And whys
I never said that, stop projecting you look ridiculous to us that know the facts.....oh and stop whining, it's unbecoming
sassy go to bed you need some sleep ,,,,come back tomorrow when you're functioning on a higher limb

Get lost ya little twerp. I don't take direction from any lowly left loon
Obama's been leading you for 8 years granny

Not me, I got onto his game and played him. My grandfather and I's portfolios prove that. By the way toady I'm 31....and already far ahead of you in life. Now ....gfy

chump change
And why does he hate Obama if like the rich he's richer than ever?

Is it because he cares about the masses? We all know that's not it.

Or is it he thinks he'll get even richer under a Republican?

If sassyirishass likes a candidate that's all I need to know that candidate doesn't care about we the people because neither does sassy. He wants a every man for himself society
When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.

Even more?

If we had remained on the spending trajectory established by Scrub, the FY 2017 budget would be 5.75 trillion (and that's taking out TARP and ARRA)


Yes, Bush spent like a drunken sailor and then Obama spent EVEN MORE!
don't you think trying to get out from a great recession takes tons of money?? clinton left the moron enough he could give tax breaks to billionaires and still he kept spending and borrowing from china

don't you think trying to get out from a great recession takes tons of money??

I thought he did that 7 years ago?
So when does the spending go back down to Bush levels, since it's all groovy now.
Maybe with hill ?lots of bloated programs around,,,,,, got to do something to reduce hc costs and fraud in our system

Maybe with hill ?

Hill is gonna fix Obama's fuck ups? That's funny!
What spending has Mitch a
When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.

Even more?

If we had remained on the spending trajectory established by Scrub, the FY 2017 budget would be 5.75 trillion (and that's taking out TARP and ARRA)


Yes, Bush spent like a drunken sailor and then Obama spent EVEN MORE!
don't you think trying to get out from a great recession takes tons of money?? clinton left the moron enough he could give tax breaks to billionaires and still he kept spending and borrowing from china

don't you think trying to get out from a great recession takes tons of money??

I thought he did that 7 years ago?
So when does the spending go back down to Bush levels, since it's all groovy now.
What spending has Mitch and Paul Ryan done the cheap bastards

Thanks for reminding me that they stopped Obama from spending even more.

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