Bad news for Republicans

Is this another thread where the left will credit Obama for something he had nothing to do with? Tune in next week when the left credits Obama for an asteroid not hitting the earth.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl
If things are better, why are Republicans so angry? Who's lying to them and telling them that they should be angry?
Sealy republicans will ALWAYS be angry when a dem is in the WH they'll lie ,make up facts blame him or next year her,for any pitfalls in their ugly lives....thats what they do when they can't make it in america
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl
If things are better, why are Republicans so angry? Who's lying to them and telling them that they should be angry?

There are other things than the economy that makes Republicans potensially angry. What about the fact that more and more children grow up with single mothers, and fewer and fewer are getting married, making children suffer from it. Cultural degeneration.

And republicans want government to fix that? Attacking planned parenthood who gives out lots of free birth control seems pretty counter productive.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

During the last election Mitt Romney said, “If President Obama is elected you will not be able to get a job.” But unemployment is now lower than it ever was under Reagan.

Mitt also said if we bailed out the car companies you could kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. But we did bail them out, and it’s doing better than ever.

Donald Trump said Obamacare would be a job killer. But it didn’t kill jobs. It didn’t result in death panels. It didn’t bankrupt the states. It didn’t bankrupt the nation. It didn’t bankrupt Medicare. It didn’t bankrupt the insurance industry.

Or how about Newt Gingrich in 2012 saying if you want ten dollar a gallon gasoline, Barack Obama should be your candidate.

Or the NRA president saying that a reelected Obama would erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

Or Rick Santorum warning that if gay marriage became the law of the land our country will fall.

You know, for a party that’s so anti-gay, they sure pull a lot of stuff out of their ass.

The basis for the Republican Party’s comprehensive track record of being wrong about everything is their decision to oppose anything President Obama suggests. The Republican refusal to compromise combined with a failed social and economic ideology has created an inability for Republicans to be right.

The Republican refusal to recognize facts has left them living a parallel universe that is governed by their feelings and beliefs. Republicans can’t share common ground with the rest of us because they invent their own reality. Until Republicans decide to join the rest of us, they are going to be off on an island watching the rest of the world pass them by.

The United States is changing, evolving, and growing while the castaways on GOP island cling on to the past.

1% sucks....regardless of your daffy copy and paste
better than losing 800,000 a month under your last president
Just how desperate is the GOP to stop The Donald? The New York Times lays it out

Mr. McConnell has begun preparing senators for the prospect of a Trump nomination, assuring them that, if it threatened to harm them in the general election, they could run negative ads about Mr. Trump to create space between him and Republican senators seeking re-election. Mr. McConnell has raised the possibility of treating Mr. Trump’s loss as a given and describing a Republican Senate to voters as a necessary check on a President Hillary Clinton, according to senators at the lunches.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

During the last election Mitt Romney said, “If President Obama is elected you will not be able to get a job.” But unemployment is now lower than it ever was under Reagan.

Mitt also said if we bailed out the car companies you could kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. But we did bail them out, and it’s doing better than ever.

Donald Trump said Obamacare would be a job killer. But it didn’t kill jobs. It didn’t result in death panels. It didn’t bankrupt the states. It didn’t bankrupt the nation. It didn’t bankrupt Medicare. It didn’t bankrupt the insurance industry.

Or how about Newt Gingrich in 2012 saying if you want ten dollar a gallon gasoline, Barack Obama should be your candidate.

Or the NRA president saying that a reelected Obama would erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

Or Rick Santorum warning that if gay marriage became the law of the land our country will fall.

You know, for a party that’s so anti-gay, they sure pull a lot of stuff out of their ass.

The basis for the Republican Party’s comprehensive track record of being wrong about everything is their decision to oppose anything President Obama suggests. The Republican refusal to compromise combined with a failed social and economic ideology has created an inability for Republicans to be right.

The Republican refusal to recognize facts has left them living a parallel universe that is governed by their feelings and beliefs. Republicans can’t share common ground with the rest of us because they invent their own reality. Until Republicans decide to join the rest of us, they are going to be off on an island watching the rest of the world pass them by.

The United States is changing, evolving, and growing while the castaways on GOP island cling on to the past.

1% sucks....regardless of your daffy copy and paste
better than losing 800,000 a month under your last president

You smell like a dirty sock...that was pitiful this morning "eddie", anyone that has posted for any amount of time could see that one.
Is this another thread where the left will credit Obama for something he had nothing to do with? Tune in next week when the left credits Obama for an asteroid not hitting the earth.

They can't, since many did.

Maybe they could credit him for Earth's orbiting the Sun.
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?

What happened in 2007 that hadn't happened to such degree or magnitude since 1929?

See what I mean, Dummy?

The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

During the last election Mitt Romney said, “If President Obama is elected you will not be able to get a job.” But unemployment is now lower than it ever was under Reagan.

Mitt also said if we bailed out the car companies you could kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. But we did bail them out, and it’s doing better than ever.

Donald Trump said Obamacare would be a job killer. But it didn’t kill jobs. It didn’t result in death panels. It didn’t bankrupt the states. It didn’t bankrupt the nation. It didn’t bankrupt Medicare. It didn’t bankrupt the insurance industry.

Or how about Newt Gingrich in 2012 saying if you want ten dollar a gallon gasoline, Barack Obama should be your candidate.

Or the NRA president saying that a reelected Obama would erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

Or Rick Santorum warning that if gay marriage became the law of the land our country will fall.

You know, for a party that’s so anti-gay, they sure pull a lot of stuff out of their ass.

The basis for the Republican Party’s comprehensive track record of being wrong about everything is their decision to oppose anything President Obama suggests. The Republican refusal to compromise combined with a failed social and economic ideology has created an inability for Republicans to be right.

The Republican refusal to recognize facts has left them living a parallel universe that is governed by their feelings and beliefs. Republicans can’t share common ground with the rest of us because they invent their own reality. Until Republicans decide to join the rest of us, they are going to be off on an island watching the rest of the world pass them by.

The United States is changing, evolving, and growing while the castaways on GOP island cling on to the past.

1% sucks....regardless of your daffy copy and paste
better than losing 800,000 a month under your last president

Under a Democrat controlled congress you mean. Who ran congress from 2006-2010 yes the blithering idiot Democrats that's who. Who controlled taxes and regulations and spending during that time? Yes the blithering idiot Democrats that's who. Who got bitch slapped by voters in not one but two epic beatings? Yes Democrats. Oh man it sucks to be you.
The Donald
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief
after the worst recession ever??? not bad
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

It the big banks hadn't sucked trillions of dollars out of our economy in 2007, I imagine it would have been much better.

"The financial crisis triggered a global economic recession that resulted in more than $4.1 trillion in losses, unemployment rates that climbed to more than 10 percent in the United States and higher elsewhere, and increased poverty. Stock markets around the world crashed. American investors lost roughly 40 percent of the value of their savings. Housing prices plummeted from their record highs in 2006. Consumers reduced their spending, manufacturing declined, global trade diminished, and countries adopted protectionist measures, many turning their attention inward to focus on problems caused by the financial crisis.""
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?

What happened in 2007 that hadn't happened to such degree or magnitude since 1929?

See what I mean, Dummy?

What happened in the ensuing nine years you incredible dolt? You were given an incredibly low bar to jump and you fell flat on your sagging tits. Try again you insufferable marooooooon.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

So, what should it be for the average american household, after 8 years of a successful presidency?
you tell me agit,,,,,what should it be with before obama, banks failing auto business in the crapper great recession losing 800000 workers a month gwb handing obama a cesspool???

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