Bad year for the Liberals.

I'll always remember 2013 as the year the right wing tossed away all pretensions and pledged their allegiance to Vladimir Putin.

Oh, no doubt!

Can anyone blame them?

He told the IMF to screw off, and made Russia an economic powerhouse

He offered political asylum to Snowden, who exposed the NSA's tyrannical unconstitutional spying network

Helped defeat Al Qaeda in Syria

Preserved Traditional Christian Values in Russia

Supports family values through tax credits for child birth and paid maternity leave

Supports low taxes(in fact, many European billionaires are flocking to Russia)

He is one of the few true right wing leaders in the world today.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Yes, and today brings a new poll. Guess it is time to expect frequent polls for election 2016.

A new CNN poll finds that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are essentially tied in a potential 2016 presidential matchup.

Christie gets the support of 48 percent of registered voters, a 2-point lead over Clinton's 46 percent, but one that is within the poll's 3-point margin of error.

The CNN poll is the third national poll this month to show the two current leading presidential prospects in a tie. A Public Policy Polling survey gave Christie 45 percent to Clinton's 42, and a Quinnipiac poll gave Christie 42 to Clinton's 41.

The close numbers at this early stage indicate that Christie could prove much more competitive against Clinton than other potential 2016 Republican contenders.

The next-closest Republican is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the former vice presidential nominee whose star may have risen from his role in the recent bipartisan budget deal. Clinton leads him by 8 points in the poll.

more: Christie, Clinton tied in new presidential poll | TheHill
You guys hate christie, why is this a win. He will get destroyed in the primaries because he had the audacity to hug and laugh with Obama.

Christie is the GOP mainstream establishment candidate of choice. The Tea Party is divided between the Cruz, Paul, Rubio and Ryan factions. They are going to have to make a choice and stick with it if they seriously want one of them instead. Then there is the Bush wildcard. At this stage it is still too early to tell because the 2014 results will determine the strength of the Tea Party faction. If they hold their own or gain seats they will decide who the GOP picks for 2016 and it won't be Christie. If they lose seats in 2014, and nothing indicates that they will at this stage, then Christie will probably be the nominee.
I'll always remember 2013 as the year the right wing tossed away all pretensions and pledged their allegiance to Vladimir Putin.

Oh, no doubt!

Can anyone blame them?

He told the IMF to screw off, and made Russia an economic powerhouse

He offered political asylum to Snowden, who exposed the NSA's tyrannical unconstitutional spying network

Helped defeat Al Qaeda in Syria

Preserved Traditional Christian Values in Russia

Supports family values through tax credits for child birth and paid maternity leave

Supports low taxes(in fact, many European billionaires are flocking to Russia)

He is one of the few true right wing leaders in the world today.

Delusional! :cuckoo:
How did the year go for Conservatives?

They tried to defund Obamacare........They failed
They shut down government.....Everyone was pissed at them
They blocked immigration reform...That one is going to hurt in 2014
Gay Marriage was approved in ten states
They had approval rates in the teens

An estimated 1.3 million people will be cut off when the federally funded unemployment payments end Saturday.

And the hits just keep on coming...

That's very sad.

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday signed a compromise budget that reduces the risk of another government shutdown and a defense bill that cracks down on sexual assault in the military and smooths the path for transferring detainees from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The two-year U.S. budget agreement, negotiated by Congress earlier this month, and the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2104 were among seven pieces of legislation signed by Obama, who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii.

The budget accord set federal government spending levels for two years. It ended, at least for the time being, three years of bitter bipartisan warfare over spending, taxes and Obama's healthcare law that twice brought the nation to the brink of defaulting on its debt.

However, the pact omits an extension of long-term unemployment benefits favored by Obama. A projected 1.3 million people will lose extended unemployment benefits when they expire on Saturday.

The act authorizes a Pentagon base budget of $526.8 billion in the 2014 fiscal year. That amount will have to be reconciled early in the new year with the $498 billion agreed to in the budget deal.

Obama signs bipartisan budget deal, annual defense bill | Reuters
partisan hack is partisan

Especially since the shutdown precepitated (sp?) the continuing fissure in the GOP.

Again, great year to be a liberal.

meh i disagree about being a good year for either party. In my opinion the Right really was hurting with Obama winning, plus the government shutdown, and then Obamacare melted down. Which basically took all the wind out of the lefts sails.

But the right as per usual are jumping the gun on OC and not waiting it out.

Yeah but you miss the big themes. When the Boehner shutdown started it was over repealing Obamacare. Within about 72 hours, the word "repeal" was dropped from the talking points. The GOP has begrudgingly accepted their neutering on the federal level ultimately leading to capitulation and division that we see today.

The weather is pretty neutral. Neither side finds it especially warm or inviting. The climate is firmly liberal.

Most years a good for liberals. This one was better than most. Don't believe me? Look at who was cited in the original post...Zimmerman and this clown from Duck Dynasty. These are your recognized "leaders"? Ohhhhhhhkay.
It's been an awesome year for liberals, your mass media examples are shitty meaningless distractions.

Obamacare and the failure of half-baked liberalism

Surprise! – More Liberal Failure

Liberal socialism: A quantifiable record of failure

California. There is no better example of a failed, liberal, politically correct, socialist state than California. The only things the “Golden State” is succeeding in is causing people and businesses to flee the state and the welcoming of illegal aliens into the state.

California has no remedy for replacing the tax dollars and/or the viable, job-producing businesses being driven out due to onerous government/political restrictions and an unrelenting tax burden. Nor does California have a remedy to provide for the millions of illegal aliens squatting within the state.

That said, if you are a person of means who feels guilty for being same, then California is the place to be.

Some may choose to disagree with me, but financially California is in no better shape than Detroit (better climate notwithstanding).

California, New York, Michigan, Chicago, and Philadelphia, Pa., are among the most visible examples of the inmates running the asylum. Calling me names and threatening me with death doesn’t change the fact that what the California, liberal, Marxist types are proposing and supporting doesn’t work. If it did, California, New York and Chicago would be shining examples of financial stability and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If you are fortunate enough to have substantial financial wherewithal, you could pretty much live where you choose, and allowing that your tax attorneys and accountants were doing their jobs, you could get along nicely on what was left after you had paid taxes on the percentage of income that was left exposed. But, who looks after those making $50,000 or less per year?

The summum bonum of society in America is not achieved by government expansion, government intrusion, or by socialism, which has been a proven failure everywhere in the world it has been imposed, including California.

The greater good of and for America was born in the hearts and minds of our Founding Fathers who understood that less government was better government. But I’m getting off my intended point.

Whether you attribute the quotation, “Psychological disorder is any personal construction which is used repeatedly in spite of consistent invalidation” to George Kelly, in his book on Personal Construct Theory, or not, I agree with him; repeating the same thing failure after failure is a psychological disorder. It is also an abuse of power since it is nearly always the government – urged on by radical extremists of one order or another – that is able to pass laws and then find a court to uphold same at the expense of the people both monetarily and vis-à-vis the stripping away of our constitutional rights. - MYCHAL MASSIE
Liberalism isn't going anywhere.

With the economy on our hands and our situation, liberal policies will prevail.

As more and more drop Christianity, conservative "ethics" will die down in politics. (Not fiscal conservatism)

As diplomatic relations and policies continue, a liberal approach will be taken. (Rmoney emberassed us infront of the world when he went overseas)
Overall, a bad year for Republicans

Their party is fractured. they have open warfare between the moderates and the TeaTards. The government shutdown was a humiliation. Thes are viewed as a party of obstruction with no vision of their own

But the Democrats had a website that kept crashing
I'll always remember 2013 as the year the right wing tossed away all pretensions and pledged their allegiance to Vladimir Putin.

That is because you have no brains to remember that the Democrats and that mental and physical cripple pledged their alliance to "Uncle Joe" Stalin.
I'll always remember 2013 as the year the right wing tossed away all pretensions and pledged their allegiance to Vladimir Putin.

That is because you have no brains to remember that the Democrats and that mental and physical cripple pledged their alliance to "Uncle Joe" Stalin.


Instead of asking for a link, try to read a bit of history and maybe you'll see that FDR allied himself and his country with the second biggest mass murderer in history. (BTW, the biggest mass murderer was also a communist).
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Yes, and today brings a new poll. Guess it is time to expect frequent polls for election 2016.

A new CNN poll finds that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are essentially tied in a potential 2016 presidential matchup.

Christie gets the support of 48 percent of registered voters, a 2-point lead over Clinton's 46 percent, but one that is within the poll's 3-point margin of error.

The CNN poll is the third national poll this month to show the two current leading presidential prospects in a tie. A Public Policy Polling survey gave Christie 45 percent to Clinton's 42, and a Quinnipiac poll gave Christie 42 to Clinton's 41.

The close numbers at this early stage indicate that Christie could prove much more competitive against Clinton than other potential 2016 Republican contenders.

The next-closest Republican is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the former vice presidential nominee whose star may have risen from his role in the recent bipartisan budget deal. Clinton leads him by 8 points in the poll.

more: Christie, Clinton tied in new presidential poll | TheHill

To get to those kinds of numbers for Christie, the poll had to be taken of mostly democrats.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.
People are finally seeing how stupid libtards are.
Last time I checked Obama was still President and the ACA is still signing people up.

GOP had a record low approval rating and the Tea Party failed miserably on their attempts to shut down the government, destroy the economy and repeal the ACA.

So does than make it a bad year for conservatives too?
The ACA will and is proving to be just another shitty law. Obama and that idiot Reid are the ones that shut down the Gov't. Libtards are so stupid.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

What might be brewing next is a wholesale revolt against the black criminal class. Joined by the black productive class.

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