Bad year for the Liberals.

Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

What might be brewing next is a wholesale revolt against the black criminal class. Joined by the black productive class.
You sound like Charlie Manson

Helter Skelter baby
Liberals have had better years. But it wasn't as bad as you slopeheads think.

The Tea Party has been brought to heel, and will continue to lose their stupid battles going forward. Their temper trantrums are tiring the American people. The 1950s aren't coming back, get over it. They sucked anyway.
That is because you have no brains to remember that the Democrats and that mental and physical cripple pledged their alliance to "Uncle Joe" Stalin.


Instead of asking for a link, try to read a bit of history and maybe you'll see that FDR allied himself and his country with the second biggest mass murderer in history. (BTW, the biggest mass murderer was also a communist).

Thank you for admitting that you don't understand the terms "allied" and "pledged alliance" since you erroneously conflated them. Becoming allies in WW2 was a matter of expediency. In exchange for equipment the USSR provided the necessary manpower. There was no "pledged alliance" involved since neither side trusted the other. Furthermore the alliance completely collapsed at the end of WW2 and was substituted with the NATO alliance against the USSR. Your "mass murderer" red herring is beyond pathetic.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

What might be brewing next is a wholesale revolt against the black criminal class. Joined by the black productive class.

Against my better instincts to just walk away from this stink bait I am going to ask this question instead;

What about the "brewing wholesale revolt against the WHITE COLLAR criminal class"?
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

I have to disagree.

Zimmerman and Robertson are symbolic. Doesn't effect the governance of this nation.

Not saying it does or that it has to. It still is a loss for the libs and both left them hurting.

The Lie of the year, Obamacare, and the falling popularity don't really deliver a lose to them. Obama's already been reelected. Obamacare is still law and people knew he was lying when they reelected him last year.

Still a loss for them, and an embarrassment. You can tell by just the posts here in the USMB.
Wasn't George Zimmerman arrested something like 30 times after his acquittal? This is their hero? And on the other end of the spectrum there is this racist homophobe who actually is as dumb as he looks.

All in all, I've never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks for reminding me.

You probably aren't even believing that line of bull shit yourself.

Oh but you see, none of it is bullshit. The guy from Duck Dynasty does look dumb and sounds even dumber. And on the other bookend is George Zimmerman who has been arrested after being found not guilty. I guess when you cannot celebrate any real accomplishments; you have to rely on pop-culture rejects as your heroes.

Again, I've never beeh happier to be a liberal. Once again, thanks for reminding me.

Yeah you keep telling yourself that. I love watching you guys try to lick your wounds clean.
It's been an awesome year for liberals, your mass media examples are shitty meaningless distractions.

Obamacare and the failure of half-baked liberalism

Surprise! – More Liberal Failure

Liberal socialism: A quantifiable record of failure

California. There is no better example of a failed, liberal, politically correct, socialist state than California. The only things the “Golden State” is succeeding in is causing people and businesses to flee the state and the welcoming of illegal aliens into the state.

California has no remedy for replacing the tax dollars and/or the viable, job-producing businesses being driven out due to onerous government/political restrictions and an unrelenting tax burden. Nor does California have a remedy to provide for the millions of illegal aliens squatting within the state.

That said, if you are a person of means who feels guilty for being same, then California is the place to be.

Some may choose to disagree with me, but financially California is in no better shape than Detroit (better climate notwithstanding).

California, New York, Michigan, Chicago, and Philadelphia, Pa., are among the most visible examples of the inmates running the asylum. Calling me names and threatening me with death doesn’t change the fact that what the California, liberal, Marxist types are proposing and supporting doesn’t work. If it did, California, New York and Chicago would be shining examples of financial stability and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If you are fortunate enough to have substantial financial wherewithal, you could pretty much live where you choose, and allowing that your tax attorneys and accountants were doing their jobs, you could get along nicely on what was left after you had paid taxes on the percentage of income that was left exposed. But, who looks after those making $50,000 or less per year?

The summum bonum of society in America is not achieved by government expansion, government intrusion, or by socialism, which has been a proven failure everywhere in the world it has been imposed, including California.

The greater good of and for America was born in the hearts and minds of our Founding Fathers who understood that less government was better government. But I’m getting off my intended point.

Whether you attribute the quotation, “Psychological disorder is any personal construction which is used repeatedly in spite of consistent invalidation” to George Kelly, in his book on Personal Construct Theory, or not, I agree with him; repeating the same thing failure after failure is a psychological disorder. It is also an abuse of power since it is nearly always the government – urged on by radical extremists of one order or another – that is able to pass laws and then find a court to uphold same at the expense of the people both monetarily and vis-à-vis the stripping away of our constitutional rights. - MYCHAL MASSIE

OH! And how can I forget the bankruptcy of a once prosperous US city that was run into the ground by liberal rule!

A bad year for the left, richly deserved.
Liberals have had better years. But it wasn't as bad as you slopeheads think.

The Tea Party has been brought to heel, and will continue to lose their stupid battles going forward. Their temper trantrums are tiring the American people. The 1950s aren't coming back, get over it. They sucked anyway.

The butthurt is strong with this one!
Overall, a bad year for Republicans

Their party is fractured. they have open warfare between the moderates and the TeaTards. The government shutdown was a humiliation. Thes are viewed as a party of obstruction with no vision of their own

But the Democrats had a website that kept crashing

Hey, you MSNBC-worshipping elitist, I see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance. You condom-dispensing cretin, but if BS were currency, you'd be a billionaire.
You probably aren't even believing that line of bull shit yourself.

Oh but you see, none of it is bullshit. The guy from Duck Dynasty does look dumb and sounds even dumber. And on the other bookend is George Zimmerman who has been arrested after being found not guilty. I guess when you cannot celebrate any real accomplishments; you have to rely on pop-culture rejects as your heroes.

Again, I've never beeh happier to be a liberal. Once again, thanks for reminding me.

Yeah you keep telling yourself that. I love watching you guys try to lick your wounds clean.

Again, you're simply making a purposeful incorrect statement; Zimmerman was arrested after he was found not guilty and the DD guy does look as dumb as he sounds. That you're citing these two luminaries as examples of Conservative "victory" is all the truthful victory I need.

Again, I've never been happier to be a liberal. Once again, thanks for reminding me.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

None of that affected me in the least. Try again.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Nope....but I'm sure you wish it was.

Deny it all you want to, I'm be we going to try to change a libs "mind". All of the posts here in this thread by lefties including yours just proves that I'm correct.

A bad year for libs richly deserved.
ok so we have George Zimmerman's continued innocence, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, the Democrat run city of Detriot's bankruptcy, the WWII veterans fiasco, and the fact that the government shutdown failed to hurt the GOP.

Yeah, bad year for the Democrats but that isn't all, feel free to add more.
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ok so we have George Zimmerman's continued innocence, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, the Democrat run city of Detriot's bankruptcy, the WWII veterans fiasco, and the fact that the government shutdown failed to hurt the GOP.

Yeah, bad year for the Democrats but that isn't all, feel free to add more.

The GOP is fractured like never before with the Speaker chastising his own caucus....yeah real good stuff there for the GOP. Currently a GOP appointee runs Detroit. The shutdown is blamed on the GOP only.

Never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks again for reminding me.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

The right's battle against gay rights suffered its biggest series of defeats this year and that battle is all but over,

and the right has lost. But if you think that's canceled out by Phil Robertson getting an extension on his 15 minutes of fame,

well, enjoy that.
ok so we have George Zimmerman's continued innocence, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, the Democrat run city of Detriot's bankruptcy, the WWII veterans fiasco, and the fact that the government shutdown failed to hurt the GOP.

Yeah, bad year for the Democrats but that isn't all, feel free to add more.

Polling from We the People at 13% was the lowest ever in the history of the GOP right after the shutdown and that "failed to hurt"? You lost 1/3rd of your own partisan base in that poll. No wonder the establishment Republicans shut down the Tea Party antics and compromised on the budget as hastily as they could.

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