Bad year for the Liberals.

ok so we have George Zimmerman's continued innocence, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, the Democrat run city of Detriot's bankruptcy, the WWII veterans fiasco, and the fact that the government shutdown failed to hurt the GOP.

Yeah, bad year for the Democrats but that isn't all, feel free to add more.

Polling from We the People at 13% was the lowest ever in the history of the GOP right after the shutdown and that "failed to hurt"? You lost 1/3rd of your own partisan base in that poll. No wonder the establishment Republicans shut down the Tea Party antics and compromised on the budget as hastily as they could.

That 13% is for congress moron, and since you are totally devoid of a clue, let me help you: congress contains democrats, far too many if them.

Your butthurt has clouded your thinking.

Yes, you are correct! The GOP rating was 28% which was 10% BELOW the prior low water mark! Interesting to note that is essentially the same rating the Tea Party has so it looks not even moderate Republicans approve of the GOP any longer.
As long as Republicans block everything, it's a bad year for everyone.
Last time I checked Obama was still President and the ACA is still signing people up.

GOP had a record low approval rating and the Tea Party failed miserably on their attempts to shut down the government, destroy the economy and repeal the ACA.

So does than make it a bad year for conservatives too?

It certainly does. And thank you for giving BedPan,, I mean PredFan, a reality check.

You lefties couldn't find reality with a global positioning satellite.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts!
Every year is a good year for liberals

As long as they keep conservatives in their place

Dear RW: the proper way to keep Conservatives in their place is to enforce the Constitutional or Biblical laws to check themselves.

It does NOT work for the liberals/Democrats to commit the same wrongs and impose the "equal and opposite" biases as REVENGE.

Two wrongs don't make things right, but create twice as much garbage to clean up in politics and in the media with the aftermath that escalates.

I myself am having a bad year trying to hold fellow liberals and Democrats to Constitutional inclusion and equal representation, if all that is being rewarded is the same political bullying and biases that the parties claim to be against.

This habit of fighting by bullying is costing so much of our resources, time and energy as a nation that we are losing our historic sites, in addition to our Constitutional integrity.

I was debating whether to give up trying to save a historic site, given that the Democrat party and resources are all tied up with the messes made over unconstitutional policies, instead of fixing old messes and redirecting revenue to pay for programs without more taxes.

Such a shame, especially when self-sustaining solutions that could have worked to pay for health care and other govt reforms came out of the Democrat and progressive constituency, yet the party leaders overrode this to get elected instead of solving problems by listening and including their own constituents.

Very sad to see America's resources and heritage lost because people are too busy dividing and fighting for political power by party.
Polling from We the People at 13% was the lowest ever in the history of the GOP right after the shutdown and that "failed to hurt"? You lost 1/3rd of your own partisan base in that poll. No wonder the establishment Republicans shut down the Tea Party antics and compromised on the budget as hastily as they could.

That 13% is for congress moron, and since you are totally devoid of a clue, let me help you: congress contains democrats, far too many if them.

Your butthurt has clouded your thinking.

Yes, you are correct! The GOP rating was 28% which was 10% BELOW the prior low water mark! Interesting to note that is essentially the same rating the Tea Party has so it looks not even moderate Republicans approve of the GOP any longer.

Why not have BOTH major parties fund their OWN policies and programs.
And leave/limit federal govt to just policies that are agreed to across the board as Constitutional as agreed by ALL parties.

Wouldn't that straighten out govt quickly?

To ask the parties if you want a program continued so badly, then agree to sign up for YOUR MEMBERS to pay into it. So only the Internet/Military etc. that ALL parties agree to get funded by ALL parties; otherwise, the programs only supported by one party or another get funded by them respectively!
The GOP is fractured like never before with the Speaker chastising his own caucus....yeah real good stuff there for the GOP. Currently a GOP appointee runs Detroit. The shutdown is blamed on the GOP only.

Never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks again for reminding me.
The shutdown was reid and obamaturds fault for those of us that understand it.

If you feel that way, you do not understand anything. Sorry.
I understand a lot. Libtards are the ones who lie and deflect. Sorry I see thru libtards stupidity.
The GOP is fractured like never before with the Speaker chastising his own caucus....yeah real good stuff there for the GOP. Currently a GOP appointee runs Detroit. The shutdown is blamed on the GOP only.

Never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks again for reminding me.
The shutdown was reid and obamaturds fault for those of us that understand it.

Then why did Boehner admit Republicans shut down the government and that it was a disaster?

Didnt he get the memo to blame Obama?
Since when do libtards care what boehner says? House passed a bill, sent to senate, the idiot reid refused to do his job and blocked it and allowed the gov't. to shutdown. Simple enough even a dimwitted libtard can understand.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Obama re elected, Obamacare ruled constitutional, DOMA ruled unconstitutional,Chevy Volt doing well, Obama kills Bin Laden....
Obama kills Bin Laden....

The US Navy SEALs popped bin Laden. All Obama did was make a no brainer decision and then watch it on TV. Don't make it sound like Obama flew the choppers, fast roped in, shot Osama in the head, and then flew back for a beer.
Liberals believe Obama personally killed UBL and terrorism is waning worldwide....Libya didn't even happen in their demented minds.

Obama kills Bin Laden....

The US Navy SEALs popped bin Laden. All Obama did was make a no brainer decision and then watch it on TV. Don't make it sound like Obama flew the choppers, fast roped in, shot Osama in the head, and then flew back for a beer.
Obama kills Bin Laden....

The US Navy SEALs popped bin Laden. All Obama did was make a no brainer decision and then watch it on TV. Don't make it sound like Obama flew the choppers, fast roped in, shot Osama in the head, and then flew back for a beer.

All bin Laden ever did was make a no brainer decision

Don't make it sound like bin laden flew the planes into the buildings and brought the US to its knees
Last edited:
ok so we have George Zimmerman's continued innocence, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, the Democrat run city of Detriot's bankruptcy, the WWII veterans fiasco, and the fact that the government shutdown failed to hurt the GOP.

Yeah, bad year for the Democrats but that isn't all, feel free to add more.

The GOP is fractured like never before with the Speaker chastising his own caucus....yeah real good stuff there for the GOP. Currently a GOP appointee runs Detroit. The shutdown is blamed on the GOP only.

Never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks again for reminding me.
The shutdown was reid and obamaturds fault for those of us that understand it.

America knows who shut down the government, Boehner under Teaparty orders. Obama and Reid stood firm against those two idiots.
The GOP is fractured like never before with the Speaker chastising his own caucus....yeah real good stuff there for the GOP. Currently a GOP appointee runs Detroit. The shutdown is blamed on the GOP only.

Never been happier to be a liberal. Thanks again for reminding me.
The shutdown was reid and obamaturds fault for those of us that understand it.

America knows who shut down the government, Boehner under Teaparty orders. Obama and Reid stood firm against those two idiots.

And since one bookend of the GOP "good year" is an oft-arrested neighborhood watch program and MMA wannabe and the other is racist, homophobic and statutory-rape aficionado idiot; yes, I've never been happier to be a liberal.
The shutdown was reid and obamaturds fault for those of us that understand it.

America knows who shut down the government, Boehner under Teaparty orders. Obama and Reid stood firm against those two idiots.

And since one bookend of the GOP "good year" is an oft-arrested neighborhood watch program and MMA wannabe and the other is racist, homophobic and statutory-rape aficionado idiot; yes, I've never been happier to be a liberal.

It is amazing that Republicans would celebrate Zimmerman and Duck Boy as the highlights of the year

But I guess when you own a Do Nothing Congress you have little else to brag about
Obama kills Bin Laden....

The US Navy SEALs popped bin Laden. All Obama did was make a no brainer decision and then watch it on TV. Don't make it sound like Obama flew the choppers, fast roped in, shot Osama in the head, and then flew back for a beer.

All bin Laden ever did was make a no brainier decision

Don't make it sound like bin laden flew the planes into the buildings and brought the US to its knees

And what Bush did was nothing at all:

[ame=]Bush "truly not concerned" about Bin Laden! - YouTube[/ame]
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Yes, and today brings a new poll. Guess it is time to expect frequent polls for election 2016.

A new CNN poll finds that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are essentially tied in a potential 2016 presidential matchup.

Christie gets the support of 48 percent of registered voters, a 2-point lead over Clinton's 46 percent, but one that is within the poll's 3-point margin of error.

The CNN poll is the third national poll this month to show the two current leading presidential prospects in a tie. A Public Policy Polling survey gave Christie 45 percent to Clinton's 42, and a Quinnipiac poll gave Christie 42 to Clinton's 41.

The close numbers at this early stage indicate that Christie could prove much more competitive against Clinton than other potential 2016 Republican contenders.

The next-closest Republican is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the former vice presidential nominee whose star may have risen from his role in the recent bipartisan budget deal. Clinton leads him by 8 points in the poll.

more: Christie, Clinton tied in new presidential poll | TheHill

Gawd, I REALLY hope Christie doesn't end up being our nominee.
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Yes, and today brings a new poll. Guess it is time to expect frequent polls for election 2016.

A new CNN poll finds that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are essentially tied in a potential 2016 presidential matchup.

Christie gets the support of 48 percent of registered voters, a 2-point lead over Clinton's 46 percent, but one that is within the poll's 3-point margin of error.

The CNN poll is the third national poll this month to show the two current leading presidential prospects in a tie. A Public Policy Polling survey gave Christie 45 percent to Clinton's 42, and a Quinnipiac poll gave Christie 42 to Clinton's 41.

The close numbers at this early stage indicate that Christie could prove much more competitive against Clinton than other potential 2016 Republican contenders.

The next-closest Republican is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the former vice presidential nominee whose star may have risen from his role in the recent bipartisan budget deal. Clinton leads him by 8 points in the poll.

more: Christie, Clinton tied in new presidential poll | TheHill

Gawd, I REALLY hope Christie doesn't end up being our nominee.

I REALLY hope you nominate Paul or Cruz
Bad year for the Liberals.
If you waited until after the November elections, you wouldn't be eating crow like you did in 08 & 12. But you've eaten so much, you must like the taste by now.

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