Baghdad attack

It's not as if Obama prematurely pulled our troops out.

Wonder if there's anything else he's premature about ?

2003-2011 wasn't long enough? How long should the occupation have continued? How many US deaths were "enough"? The US should never have invaded, we gave radical Islam a rallying point, and left many military supplies; the invasion could SOON be the biggest military error in US history.


There was never an occupation. That is liberal bullshit propaganda.

This country still has bases in Germany, Japan and South Korea. Most people (especially left wing morons) have little to no clue about logistics and the realities of war.

This war on terror is and was never about defeating one person in bin laden, and was never about one group in al qaeda.

It is far more than that, and the morons on the left dictate too much on politicians. This is the same thing that happened in Vietnam where politicians were under heavy pressure from the millions of ignorant college know it all hippies who sympathized with communism. We abandoned the South Vietnamese and the khmer rouge is what you got. The onslaught of Pol Pot was the result and mass genocide. Yes, I blame ignorant liberals for that. Yes, the same left who thinks it was unjust to stop the spread of ruthless communism. Why? Cause the left are communists. Real simple.

They still think defending South Korea from the ruthless spread of communism was really mean and unjust of this country to defend our allies. Well, we can all see the difference between North Korea and South Korea now, right? Wait a minute. The left wing communists ignore that, just like they ignore all of things they choose to ignore.

In this case with Iraq, and the war on terror, it only further illustrates that this country and drug addict left wing morons have absolutely no clue what it is. Hell, most of them to this dat are truthers and think Bush and Cheney were in on it with bin laden. Yes, they do.

Hence the reasons they blame Bush for "letting bin laden go" after the Tora Bora situation. This war on terror is not and was not about a thump and run and just let some terror group get a foothold again, only to see the same situation arise and another 911 happen.

The big problem is the notion that these camelniggers are able to create mass murder with out a gun. They are fanatics, and are trying desperately to launch mass devastation on America.

The only long term answer is education. Our influence is very good. Unlike what you read from the American hating hypocritical pieces of shit who supposedly cares so much about the poor and hate religious fanaticism, you would think it would be good to influence such a backward people. I mean they stone their women for BEING RAPED.

Proves even further that the left does not stand for a thing, other than their united disdain for white American Christianity and capitalism. Though they enjoy all of the amenities of that evil capitalism, they rail against it cause of what they think is a utopia in communism.

Either way, no one knows what this war on terror entails, and we are already doomed to suffer a worse version of 911. Hope we are all prepared.

The far right loons now will whine over us leaving too early. which is not true. But they lose sight of the fact that the whole war was built on a fabrication. The Iraq war was a "war of choice." I hope I never see such a blunder again.
2003-2011 wasn't long enough? How long should the occupation have continued? How many US deaths were "enough"? The US should never have invaded, we gave radical Islam a rallying point, and left many military supplies; the invasion could SOON be the biggest military error in US history.


There was never an occupation. That is liberal bullshit propaganda.

This country still has bases in Germany, Japan and South Korea. Most people (especially left wing morons) have little to no clue about logistics and the realities of war.

This war on terror is and was never about defeating one person in bin laden, and was never about one group in al qaeda.

It is far more than that, and the morons on the left dictate too much on politicians. This is the same thing that happened in Vietnam where politicians were under heavy pressure from the millions of ignorant college know it all hippies who sympathized with communism. We abandoned the South Vietnamese and the khmer rouge is what you got. The onslaught of Pol Pot was the result and mass genocide. Yes, I blame ignorant liberals for that. Yes, the same left who thinks it was unjust to stop the spread of ruthless communism. Why? Cause the left are communists. Real simple.

They still think defending South Korea from the ruthless spread of communism was really mean and unjust of this country to defend our allies. Well, we can all see the difference between North Korea and South Korea now, right? Wait a minute. The left wing communists ignore that, just like they ignore all of things they choose to ignore.

In this case with Iraq, and the war on terror, it only further illustrates that this country and drug addict left wing morons have absolutely no clue what it is. Hell, most of them to this dat are truthers and think Bush and Cheney were in on it with bin laden. Yes, they do.

Hence the reasons they blame Bush for "letting bin laden go" after the Tora Bora situation. This war on terror is not and was not about a thump and run and just let some terror group get a foothold again, only to see the same situation arise and another 911 happen.

The big problem is the notion that these camelniggers are able to create mass murder with out a gun. They are fanatics, and are trying desperately to launch mass devastation on America.

The only long term answer is education. Our influence is very good. Unlike what you read from the American hating hypocritical pieces of shit who supposedly cares so much about the poor and hate religious fanaticism, you would think it would be good to influence such a backward people. I mean they stone their women for BEING RAPED.

Proves even further that the left does not stand for a thing, other than their united disdain for white American Christianity and capitalism. Though they enjoy all of the amenities of that evil capitalism, they rail against it cause of what they think is a utopia in communism.

Either way, no one knows what this war on terror entails, and we are already doomed to suffer a worse version of 911. Hope we are all prepared.

The far right loons now will whine over us leaving too early. which is not true. But they lose sight of the fact that the whole war was built on a fabrication. The Iraq war was a "war of choice." I hope I never see such a blunder again.

The crisis is today, and Obama has been President 5 and a half years.
I was listening to Talk Radio while on my way to grocery shop today and Iraq was the subject. Christians are being persecuted, raped, and crucified in record numbers there. One of the Generals from Desert Storm said Iraq is forever lost to us now. Very sad but it shows an ugly truth. These people have been killing each other for centuries.. Nothing we do can or will change that. The blood and treasure we've sacrificed has been in vain thus anyone who wants a presence in that God forsaken country, send your son first.
33 dead, including 29 women; the attacks came in a housing project. The Iraqi government has not named the "source" of this brutality, but if it is IS, the US, by following the "let them kill each other" position, could be in for a disaster in the near future.

Gunmen kill at least 33 people in Baghdad attack

29 die as militants raid Baghdad apartments | National News - WYFF Home

Early reports are that the victims were Sunni and perpetrators Shiite, so it was not ISIS.

Iraq is in a civil war with both Shiites and Sunni's committing atrocities.

We do not have a "let them kill each position". What an absurd comment. They will kill each other if we are there or not there. However, if we are there, they will kill us to.

Our position is not in for a disaster in the near future over a minor atrocity. To repeat, they have been happening every day. And BOTH sides are committing them.

If you want to send 150k troops to repress the Sunni areas of Iraq for the next 20 years at the costs of 2-3 trillion dollars and the lives of thousands of US soldiers. Fortunately, you are in the minority.

Some have posted "let then kill each other"; I agree that is absurd. IS has accomplished the first goal, pit Shi'ia against Sunni. Whoever you blame in the US for "allowing" this inevitable result of the 2003 invasion, the question remains, what should the US do?

Not a damn thing.
The far left will do anything to cover the fact that Obama screwed this up. So they will use the tired old Bush defense..

Another lame duck far left thread to protect their messiah Obama. Boring!

Obama screwed up Bush's invasion, really. Why not answer a question just once, without the "far left" drivel; I am not far left, nor are 75% of Americans who credit the mid east mess with events other than Obama following Bush's timeline. Bush began this, he owns it. But Obama has to contend with this and all the other messes left behind.

When the far left rants on like this and does not even acknowledge that Osama screwed up, then it just goes to show that the far left is still pushing propaganda over fact,

The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

What do you get for being a good little far left Obama drone?

Do you get to be exempt from Obamacare?
What then should have been after 2009 that was not done the first six years? I maintain the diversion into Iraq was in error, the fight against al Qaeda should have remained the top military priority, and I know as much of war as Bush & Cheney, likely more, I wasn't a C student at Harvard. saddam was never an Islamic extremist, soon Iraq will be theirs.

Yeap, you sure knew more than Cheney or Bush who were privy to the intel. Yet, none of you left wing know it alls ever really wonder why obama expanded the war on terror, never closed GTMO like he promised in the 2008 campaign, tried to remain in Iraq, killed mythical terrorists with drones, and that was all because he probably did not have information he was not privy to as a senator.

I guess I need to repeat myself again, since you repeated your naive disposition. The war on terror is more than one group in al qaeda and a lot more than one man in bin laden.

I see you simply do not get it, and I do think it is funny how you think you know more than the experts who are privy to the intel. Actually it is not funny, considering how you think that about yourself along with all of the other left wing loons who think they know so much about war.

Every day it amazes me how utterly ridiculous it is to read bullshit from the left. All of you reveal how none of you understand one thing about the logistical realities of war, and how you all still insist the war on terror was going to be some short term campaign.

Yes folks. Mark my words if you want. We will be suffering another version of 911, that will probably be a lot worse. Especially if it is a biological weapon they are able to set off here.

The left will blame republicans, they will still think it is about chasing one group, rinse and repeat.

Far from being a leftist, I thought Obama too young and inexperienced to be President; yet he won, and remains. No, Islamic extremism isn't unified. There is no question the US assisted the rise of the several groups of extremists; neither Bush, NOR Obama have a handle on breadth of the extremist appeal. Bush was too concerned with Saudi approval, Obama, too concerned with not appearing "war like". Both failed.

Now, if you can put insults aside, I will not respond with smart comebacks. I last studied military history in the 1980s, this situation is NOW, what are our options?

Actually you just lied, you are far left all the way and the propaganda over facts, just like any far left poster would and exempt Obama to blame Bppppppppppppsh!

Sorry but you have been caught to many times claiming you are not far left and then have shown that you are.

Just admit it and be proud that you are far left like all the other drones on this board.
The far left will do anything to cover the fact that Obama screwed this up. So they will use the tired old Bush defense..

Another lame duck far left thread to protect their messiah Obama. Boring!

Obama screwed up Bush's invasion, really. Why not answer a question just once, without the "far left" drivel; I am not far left, nor are 75% of Americans who credit the mid east mess with events other than Obama following Bush's timeline. Bush began this, he owns it. But Obama has to contend with this and all the other messes left behind.

When the far left rants on like this and does not even acknowledge that Osama screwed up, then it just goes to show that the far left is still pushing propaganda over fact,

The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

What do you get for being a good little far left Obama drone?

Do you get to be exempt from Obamacare?

As I wrote, Obama must contend with this crisis; thank you for the time you spend attaching to a label to every post of mine you happen to glance, tht is very kind.
Obama screwed up Bush's invasion, really. Why not answer a question just once, without the "far left" drivel; I am not far left, nor are 75% of Americans who credit the mid east mess with events other than Obama following Bush's timeline. Bush began this, he owns it. But Obama has to contend with this and all the other messes left behind.

When the far left rants on like this and does not even acknowledge that Osama screwed up, then it just goes to show that the far left is still pushing propaganda over fact,

The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

What do you get for being a good little far left Obama drone?

Do you get to be exempt from Obamacare?

As I wrote, Obama must contend with this crisis; thank you for the time you spend attaching to a label to every post of mine you happen to glance, tht is very kind.

Of course you will claim this to try and not show how far left you truly are, but you place no blame on Obama for allowing the world to burn just so the far left can claim that they were right!

You are going to have to try harder not show how far left you truly are.

Good luck once again on your quest to try and show that you some sort of centrist, when you have been exposed time and time again as a far left drone..

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