Bahaha. Yale has to cancel their global warming protest due to cold LOL

Climate Change is real.....the climate has been changing anytime it wants to 4.5 Billion years. Four white oilmen in Houston do not nor can not change the climate with their weather machine nor did a white Texas President shift a Cat 5 Hurricane into the 9th Ward to eradicate Black people.
Climate Change is real.....the climate has been changing anytime it wants to 4.5 Billion years. Four white oilmen in Houston do not nor can not change the climate with their weather machine nor did a white Texas President shift a Cat 5 Hurricane into the 9th Ward to eradicate Black people.

Wait.. what? You mean.. I've been lied to?

The only question I have on this story is why in the world someone would schedule something like this in the winter.

Are you not just asking for something like this to happen?

You stupid idiots.... it's cold because it is getting warmer.

I thought they had to rebrand it as climate change?

No doubt having overestimated the intelligence of the unwashed who find themselves intellectually unequipped to discern a distinction between macrocosm and microcosm.... even to the extent where you can Doublethink your way into believing it can't be cold in February... :cuckoo:

When you have to pretend terms mean different things from what they mean in order to take your position, it's a golden indication you're on shall we say, shaky ground.

The only question I have on this story is why in the world someone would schedule something like this in the winter.

Are you not just asking for something like this to happen?


Answer: liberalism is a mental disease.
I thought they had to rebrand it as climate change?

In the 70s, they said another Ice Age. In the 80s-90s, it was Global Warming. Finally, some genius got it correct with Climate Change so you can grab more control of people and their money no matter which way the wind blows or its temperature.

Remember the left's whole ozone hole drama? The left hates that fossil fuel energy corporations are making billions in profits, that is the root of all their schemes, lies, and hatred.
You fools......don't you realize how bad global warming just 4 weeks the temperature is going to increase by 40 degrees.....40 degrees....that is worse than any other worse case is the end as we know It's just the spring coming? You're sure? Oh...........never mind......
I thought they had to rebrand it as climate change?

In the 70s, they said another Ice Age. In the 80s-90s, it was Global Warming. Finally, some genius got it correct with Climate Change so you can grab more control of people and their money no matter which way the wind blows or its temperature.

Remember the left's whole ozone hole drama? The left hates that fossil fuel energy corporations are making billions in profits, that is the root of all their schemes, lies, and hatred.

jealousy of successful people is the primary motivator for all liberals.
You fools......don't you realize how bad global warming just 4 weeks the temperature is going to increase by 40 degrees.....40 degrees....that is worse than any other worse case is the end as we know It's just the spring coming? You're sure? Oh...........never mind......

This summer its going to be hotter than its been...all year ALARM!!
That Mother Nature! Such a wicked sense of humor!
ITT people that don't understand the difference between the climate and weather. But yet claim they are smarter than Ph.Ds in climatology.

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