Bahrain: arrest and torture of children routine, says Amnesty


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It;s terrible to read when anyone is tortured, but to read about children being tortured is horrifying.

Bahrain: arrest and torture of children routine, says Amnesty
110 minors jailed without trial, human rights watchdog's report
16 December, 15:48

(by Alessandra Antonelli) (ANSAmed) - DUBAI

Bahrain routinely arrests and tortures minors, Amnesty International said Monday in its new report on young dissidents in the oil emirate.

Scores of young protesters, some as young as 13, have been blindfolded, beaten, tortured, and threatened with rape while in detention over the past two years, the human rights watchdog alleged. Currently, at least 110 minors are behind bars in Dry Dock adult prison on Muharraq Island. They are either in pretrial detention or awaiting formal charges. Most of them are being detained on suspicion of taking part in ''unauthorized gatherings'' and protests, burning tires or throwing Molotov cocktails at police, Amnesty said.

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