Bail Out the Oil Companies Next?

More Bailouts

  • Yes

  • No

  • Hell No

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Let them go bankrupt, then nationalize them, then scale them down as we transition to green energy.

This is very disturbing thinking.

Stop subsidzing them and let them fail if you're such a fan of pure Capitalism.

The oil and gas industry in the US employees 10.3 MILLION Americans. Do you want an industry that employees that many AMERICANS to fail?


We need to phase them out.

As we get green energy sources online

If we even stand a chance of avoiding a catastrophe a million times worse than COVID

Take the profit motive out of polluting the earth.

Nationalize it.

We need to be more like India.
We can burn dried dung to power our economy.

No pollution, or profit, in sight.

Then move there.

Why would I do that when we can use your awesome ideas right here?
These fierce defenders of profligate power, vested interests, big business and mega money are a never ending source of wonder and amusement. One wonders at their motivations for working against their and our interests.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?
Here is a crazy idea, have courts do their job and overturn governors attack on the US constitution. Then US citizens will move about the towns, states, and country that pre-3rd world invasion, Western civilization demands.
Let them go bankrupt, then nationalize them, then scale them down as we transition to green energy.

Die commie die.

Threatening the First Lady and her family will get jailed.

Who the fuck do you think you are?
An American. You?

Lol, you are about as American as the Rosenbergs.

Where did your addled wibble mind get a threat to the first lady out of my statement calling you a commie pinko cocknocker?
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?

Do you want gasoline shortages, or heating oil shortages?
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.

No. Government is government. Business is Business. when you mix the two you get Venezuela.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?

Do you want gasoline shortages, or heating oil shortages?

I will be fine. Scared to answer the question? Are they too big to fail and need government bailouts?
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.

It's a critical national resource.

Which they do an excellent job of extracting.

A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Sounds awful!!! What's their profit margin? 100%? 200% It must be some atrocious number that only the rapacious oil companies can manage, eh?
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?

Do you want gasoline shortages, or heating oil shortages?

I will be fine. Scared to answer the question? Are they too big to fail and need government bailouts?

I answered the question with a valid question. You lied with your response.

The funny thing is they aren't even asking for any bailout yet.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.

It's a critical national resource.

Which they do an excellent job of extracting.

A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Sounds awful!!! What's their profit margin? 100%? 200% It must be some atrocious number that only the rapacious oil companies can manage, eh?

Commie morons like Creepy never realize that every stage of a process from extraction to the gas pump takes their cut of the profit, each entity only realizes a much smaller markup, that not only includes profit, but also covers operating costs.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.

It's a critical national resource.

Which they do an excellent job of extracting.

A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Sounds awful!!! What's their profit margin? 100%? 200% It must be some atrocious number that only the rapacious oil companies can manage, eh?

Commie morons like Creepy never realize that every stage of a process from extraction to the gas pump takes their cut of the profit, each entity only realizes a much smaller markup, that not only includes profit, but also covers operating costs.

The only thing that liberals are worse at than economics.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?

Do you want gasoline shortages, or heating oil shortages?

I will be fine. Scared to answer the question? Are they too big to fail and need government bailouts?

And you're also stupid. The oil companies are doing fine. They need no bailout. The commodities brokers are the ones who got slammed. You know the evil capitalists.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
So, they're too big to fail?

Do you want gasoline shortages, or heating oil shortages?

I will be fine. Scared to answer the question? Are they too big to fail and need government bailouts?

And you're also stupid. The oil companies are doing fine. They need no bailout. The commodities brokers are the ones who got slammed. You know the evil capitalists.

And the smart ones hedged themselves somewhere else in case something like this happened.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
I like this thread, the communists are starting to come out from under the rocks for all to see.
Im against a govt bailout to oil and I work for one of the big three. Occidental owns anadarko now, btw.

I disagree. We should bailout the oil companies as long as we ban exports and imports with Canada being exempt. BUT, before we do, we need to bail out small business that meets the size standards.

  • Be a for-profit business of any legal structure

  • Be independently owned and operated

  • Not be nationally dominant in its field

  • Be physically located and operate in the U.S. or its territories

I disagree. No bailouts for large corporations. The small businesses across america and people who are laid off need help. I agree with a couple of your items.

So it would be better that they get wiped out (if it happens), all their employees laid off, their stock worthless (eliminating much value in people's 401k's and IRA's) and their assets bought by the highest bidder (which might be a foreign entity)?

We are going to need gasoline and fuel oil once the lockdown is lifted, and these companies have to be there. I doubt they will need a bailout, because they are used to wild fluctuations in their sales and their overall market.
Nationalize them.


Commies are gonna commie.
Why should they be allowed to get rich off of national resources?

Fuck em. Nationalize it.

It's called opportunity. Nationalization is idiotic, kind of like you.
It's a critical national resource. A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Nationalize them.

It's a critical national resource.

Which they do an excellent job of extracting.

A few companies should not be allowed to profit to the point where they hold the rest of the nation hostage.

Sounds awful!!! What's their profit margin? 100%? 200% It must be some atrocious number that only the rapacious oil companies can manage, eh?
Yes, they are a greedy bunch, aren't they? There has been many federal investigations with oil companies and always come back with zilch in excessive profits.
Crep should do a little research on the subject.

As the table below shows, the Integrated Oil and Gas industry made an average profit of 6.2 cents per dollar of sales, which ranks #114 out of 215 industries by profit margin, and puts oil companies right in the middle of industries by profitability.

If the Senate Finance Committee wants to investigate "excessive" or "windfall" profits, they might consider going after some of the other industries that have benefited from higher commodity prices and achieved much higher profit margins than oil (at 6.2%), like silver (44.7%), copper (24%), gold (21%), and industrial metals (21%) and lumber (17.7%).
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