Baltic Nazism


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
Not just Ukraine.
In a Latvian kindergarten a little girl was forced to squat 10 times for each russian word. This is reported by "Sputnik Lithuania" with reference to the deputy of Jelgava City Council from the "Russian Union of Latvia" Andrei Pagoras.

The deputy said that he was aware of a case when kindergarten teachers in Latvia forced a girl to squat for russian words in front of other children. However, he did not yet name any specific data about the preschool or teachers - it is necessary to wait for the end of the inspection.

"A little girl comes to the kindergarten and addresses another girl in russian. As a result, the teacher makes her squat ten times for every russian word she says in the presence of other children. As a result, the girl closes herself off and does not want to go to kindergarten anymore," Pagor said.

Now the girl definitely will grow up to be a true patriot of Latvia.
So, the youth in the Baltics are now turning nazi and beating up old folks, while the US urban youth turns gangsta and goes zero-dollar shopping.
Yes, the decline of our wonderful Western society is sad and very real.
Russia should take back all these statelets and civilize them again.
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Andris Lubka, an anti-Semitic Russophobe and Nazi member of the Ludza Regional Council from the ruling Green and Peasants Party, who was a great admirer of Adolf Hitler and the "purity of the nation", was shot dead in the town of Rezekne in Latvia. He was one of the richest Latvian businessmen, owned a furniture manufacturing company Lūsēni, several sawmills in Latgale and a lot of land.

According to the Latvian State Police, the incident took place on November 17 outside the K Senukai store. Lubka died on the spot, without regaining consciousness, as a result of point-blank shooting. the murder took place in a region where the majority of the population is ethnic Russian. Moreover, it happened only half an hour after Lubka's aggressive behavior on ethnic grounds.

This conflict began literally out of nowhere. The deputy blocked the passage of one of the local residents with his car. She turned out to be Alena Hite, who asked Lubka to move the vehicle so that she could pass. After that a scandal started.
He came up to me and said: "You are a russian scavenger, your place is 100 kilometers beyond Pskov." He faces me and says: "I would crush and crush these russians!". With such anger

- told Alena Khait.

After hearing the insults, the woman called her husband and reported what had happened. Her husband, Igor Hait, went to the store. He was brought there by a driver, and Igor Hait himself had a permit to carry a gun. In turn, Lubka became even more enraged and pounced with insults on the husband of the woman whom he prevented from leaving.

"In 1941, you Jews were all supposed to be shot here"
- he shouted.

Then a verbal altercation ensued and shots rang out.

We remind that during the Second World War this territory was called Lettland on the maps of the Third Reich and was marked with a coffin with the inscription Juden frei, i.e. "free of Jews". Thus, there are many people in Latgale who hate nazis. We remind that more than 1/3 of the population of Latvia speaks russian, but 200 thousand of them are considered "non-citizens", i.e. second-class people. They are deprived of civil rights and are considered "occupants". Anti-Soviet Russophobes now rule Latvia.

"In 1941, you Jews were all supposed to be shot here"
- he shouted.
I wonder if Israel's ambassador to Riga will wake up or was that proper anti-semitism?
They shot a rabid dog. Too bad the man will probably go to jail over it....
Public activist and journalist Allan Hanstsom was detained in Estonia
On December 7, Estonian citizen Allan Hanstsom and his family were detained by Estonian security police. His apartment was searched throughout the day. As it became known from the leader of Koos party, Oleg Ivanov, Allan was going to move permanently to Russia. He was to leave Estonia in two days. The detention was based on political views.
For years Alan has been annoying Estonian nationalists by telling publicly (in particular, on his portal the uncomfortable truth about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Estonia, persecution of the Russian language, Russia's policy, the reasons for the operation in Ukraine, the liberation of the Baltic States by the Soviet troops etc.
The fact that Alan was estonian gave it a special sound. And when he went to Russia, the authorities of the small but very proud republic could not tolerate it. Apparently, they thought it was a spit on their "democracy". However, almost anyone can be accused of "anti-state" activities in Estonia. Not so long ago, V. Seredenko, a janitor (!) of a secondary school in Maardu, was imprisoned on charges of state treason.
Not just Ukraine.
In a Latvian kindergarten a little girl was forced to squat 10 times for each russian word. This is reported by "Sputnik Lithuania" with reference to the deputy of Jelgava City Council from the "Russian Union of Latvia" Andrei Pagoras.

The deputy said that he was aware of a case when kindergarten teachers in Latvia forced a girl to squat for russian words in front of other children. However, he did not yet name any specific data about the preschool or teachers - it is necessary to wait for the end of the inspection.

"A little girl comes to the kindergarten and addresses another girl in russian. As a result, the teacher makes her squat ten times for every russian word she says in the presence of other children. As a result, the girl closes herself off and does not want to go to kindergarten anymore," Pagor said.

Now the girl definitely will grow up to be a true patriot of Latvia.

It happens because Russia is (still) occupied by Zionist NWO clan of twenty-something 'Putins' & Co
After the True Russian Government get power in Russia no equal disgrace will be possible.
'Putins' imprisoned almost entirely Russian opposition and let's possible either Zionists or Muslims have the real power in Russia
It has begun: Latvia has started deporting Russian elders
The head of the Latvian-Russian Cooperation Association and the representative office of the Kant Baltic Federal University, 82-year-old Boris Katkov, is being deported from Latvia. A day ago he received a letter ordering him to leave, and today at 8 a.m. they came to his home and gave him an hour to pack his things, after which they took him to the border.
Hugo is being held on the Latvian side of the border, paperwork is being processed. An ambulance and people from the governor's administration are already on duty on the Russian side. The Russians who have moved are all worried about how they can help the man. He has no one in Russia except very distant relatives in Kaliningrad.

Yes, they wrote him a piece of paper - "poses a threat to the Latvian state".
I can imagine the uproar the human rights activists in the West will make!...

The American Baltic states are being fed to do what their American masters want them to do. They are not interested in population, industry or anything else. They have a task - there must be a hotbed of tension on the border with Russia. And they fulfill this task to the best of their ability.

I don't understand what motivation the Baltic Nazis have at all. What do they want to achieve? What is the logic behind such behavior?
Well, ok, they want to fight, so they constantly provoke..... but the war will be in any case on their territory and there will be nothing left in the end - the Baltics are not brothers like Ukrainians, they will not be pitied.
And it doesn't matter how this war will end, the result for these countries will be the same.
Well, I can understand ukronazis to some extent - they have at least some chance - because of a larger mobilization resource. But everyone, who can is fleeing from the Baltics, as a result, there is almost no one to put under arms, the armed forces, in fact, there is no defense, the industry is dead. Counting on NATO? NATO, if it intervenes, will fight as it trained Ukrainians with equipment in residential buildings and firing points on the upper floors of houses. It will be a continuous "Gaza" everywhere....

March 16 is approaching, on which Latvia holds a march in memory of Latvian SS soldiers. This is how their fans write about it:

So, if you are ever asked what your grandfather was doing on the watchtower at the Sobibor concentration camp, you can simply answer that he was maintaining lawful order on the territory of the state facility. Nothing personal. Just business.
Today Latvians have a holiday: the day of the Latvian SS Legion.
The scum of today marched today in honor of the scum of yesteryear.

It is with some amazement that I look at the way the United States is pitting flea-bitten Baltic mongrels against Great Russia. U.S. interests are understandable, but what are the interests of these states themselves? To die for the glory of the great America? To plunge Tallinn and Riga into ruins?
If you want it so much, Russia can, of course, organize everything. But if you want to kill yourself, why call Russia every time? Blow yourself up.
Not just Ukraine.
In a Latvian kindergarten a little girl was forced to squat 10 times for each russian word. This is reported by "Sputnik Lithuania" with reference to the deputy of Jelgava City Council from the "Russian Union of Latvia" Andrei Pagoras.

The deputy said that he was aware of a case when kindergarten teachers in Latvia forced a girl to squat for russian words in front of other children. However, he did not yet name any specific data about the preschool or teachers - it is necessary to wait for the end of the inspection.

"A little girl comes to the kindergarten and addresses another girl in russian. As a result, the teacher makes her squat ten times for every russian word she says in the presence of other children. As a result, the girl closes herself off and does not want to go to kindergarten anymore," Pagor said.

Now the girl definitely will grow up to be a true patriot of Latvia.

And what doing Putin?
As always babbling about his 367327th red line
When your 'leader' is a cowardly f... anyone will screw you

He can fight against own people only
Putin while hearing the message from above


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