Ban alcohol and blame breweries for alcohol related deaths.

Guns are the most heavily regulated thing in America.
to legally drive a car:
must be 16--right there--boom
written test
driving test
eye test
safety/emissions inspections
personal property paid
license plates
there are seat belts/airbags all over
traffic lights/signs all over --stop-go-slow
speed limits
cars continuously designed for survival--guns to kill

You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
when pools/cars/guns are not operated --they are the SAME
when operated is how you compare them
cars much much safer--so much so you cannot even calculate it
The fact that only a minuscule fraction of a percent of guns are ever used to kill another person seems to indicate that most guns are meant for some other reason than killing

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
comparing alcohol to guns is ridiculous --plain and simple
same with POOLS [hahahhaha] and cars
Interesting that 102 people per day die on our nation's highways. It appears that motor vehicles are far more deadly than guns. Even stranger, they too, were not designed to kill, yet there they are.
Guns are the most heavily regulated thing in America.
to legally drive a car:
must be 16--right there--boom
written test
driving test
eye test
safety/emissions inspections
personal property paid
license plates
there are seat belts/airbags all over
traffic lights/signs all over --stop-go-slow
speed limits
cars continuously designed for survival--guns to kill

You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
guns are NOT designed to kill????
They are designed to propel a projectile at a chosen target

What that target is is entirely up to the person firing the gun

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
guns are NOT designed to kill????

A gun is designed to fire a projectile.
Whether the projectile kills or not is dependent on the shooter.
guns are designed to kill --period --now that you try to argue it, it shows you are full of shit
there is NO arguing it--designed to kill
not to shoot paper targets/etc
that's why the military has guns--to kill
that's what they killed deer/etc with in 1776
Way to stomp your feet and say, "They are too!".

Simply because you believe it does not make it true. Seems to Me you have a vested interest and an agenda driving you're to nonrational conclusions.

Since you have declared that GUNS KILL, even though the evidence is clear that it is not the gun that is doing the killing, I guess there is no more need to discuss this with you.

A closed mind, such as yours, is a terrible waste.
You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
when pools/cars/guns are not operated --they are the SAME
when operated is how you compare them
cars much much safer--so much so you cannot even calculate it
I've operated My guns extensively. Still just as a safe today as they were when they were purchased, and they function exactly as they were designed to function.

No one who is not a direct threat to My life or My families life is under any kind of threat from My guns. The same cannot be said for the privilege of driving.
guns don't kill???!!!!
you are so full of shit

People kill not guns.
Guns are the most heavily regulated thing in America.
to legally drive a car:
must be 16--right there--boom
written test
driving test
eye test
safety/emissions inspections
personal property paid
license plates
there are seat belts/airbags all over
traffic lights/signs all over --stop-go-slow
speed limits
cars continuously designed for survival--guns to kill

You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
when pools/cars/guns are not operated --they are the SAME
when operated is how you compare them
cars much much safer--so much so you cannot even calculate it

Are you ever right about anything? I have yet to see a post of yours that was correct.
to legally drive a car:
must be 16--right there--boom
written test
driving test
eye test
safety/emissions inspections
personal property paid
license plates
there are seat belts/airbags all over
traffic lights/signs all over --stop-go-slow
speed limits
cars continuously designed for survival--guns to kill

You always forget that driving a car on public roads is not a right but rather a privilege that cam be revoked at any time for any reason
more ridiculousness
1. cars designed for survival--driving......guns to KILL--only to KILL
I pointed out how the much MUCH more dangerous ''tool'' is LESS regulated = idiotic!!
2. so--your argument is not for common sense--
3. driving being a right or not is irrelevant
Well, that is interesting.

I have a number of guns and every one of them operates exactly how it was designed to operate.

My guns have not killed a thing, ever.
guns are NOT designed to kill????
They are designed to propel a bullet downrange at high velocity.

They ONLY kill when the person using the gun decides to kill or misuses the gun in a nonresponsible manner.

In fact, Ted Kennedy's car has killed more than My guns.
''misuses'' hahhahahahhhahhahahaha
sure--they are designed to go through paper targets--that's why hunters use them to kill
I'm not usually a fan of Stefan Molyneaux, but this quote is pretty damn accurate. The only thing I would add is that when you outlaw guns, you shift the balance of power not only to the corrupt government but ALSO to criminals. Evidently many here would like that. Don't be useful idiots, people.

We also don't have an inalienable right to guns. Good point.

I imagine you believe we have inalienable right to life, liberty, and property, but you don't believe we have the right to protect them?

We have a right to protect those things, sure. But not unconditionally and at ANY cost.

So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
The breweries are to blame when someone drives drunk and kills somebody. It wasn't real prohibition that failed in the 1920s. If we simply give it another try and do it the right way this time it will be different.

You don't worry about exposing your juvenile ignorance when you post such crap?
I imagine you believe we have inalienable right to life, liberty, and property, but you don't believe we have the right to protect them?

We have a right to protect those things, sure. But not unconditionally and at ANY cost.

So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
Do you have a sign outside of your front door saying there are no guns inside?

If not, put one up and prove us wrong.
The breweries are to blame when someone drives drunk and kills somebody. It wasn't real prohibition that failed in the 1920s. If we simply give it another try and do it the right way this time it will be different.
There are far more regulations surrounding alcohol than guns. Is there a nationwide age restriction on guns? In many places you can sue a bar for selling alcohol to a customer. Can anyone sue a gun store?

I would love to be able to to walk up to a counter and get a gun in 10 seconds.

I bought an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle in Philly in 7 minutesI bought an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle in Philly in 7 minutes

Takes less time than buying Medical marijuana...
We have a right to protect those things, sure. But not unconditionally and at ANY cost.

So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
Do you have a sign outside of your front door saying there are no guns inside?

If not, put one up and prove us wrong.
I don't need to. The data already says I'm right.
I imagine you believe we have inalienable right to life, liberty, and property, but you don't believe we have the right to protect them?

We have a right to protect those things, sure. But not unconditionally and at ANY cost.

So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
Of course, I do, but I don't subscribe to your cherry-picked nonsense.
We have a right to protect those things, sure. But not unconditionally and at ANY cost.

So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
Of course, I do, but I don't subscribe to your cherry-picked nonsense.

Feel free to share the data you use to form your opinion.
So what is the cost where my life is worth less than someone else's?

No one said your life is worth less than anyone elses. But your rights to own firearms without restriction is not more important than my life or the lives of my children.
Actually, fully unrestricted ownership is not a threat to your life or the life of your children. However, banning weapons certainly is, as history has proven out time and again.
The data says you're wrong. But you don't care about data, am I right?
Of course, I do, but I don't subscribe to your cherry-picked nonsense.

Feel free to share the data you use to form your opinion.
How about you do the leg work for a change.

Go look up the latest year of stats on gun deaths in the US.

Take that number and divide it by the number of citizens (I'll use citizens as it favors your fears more than the real statistic) and then multiply that number by 100.

That is the chance of you or your family member being killed by a gun in any given year. Now divide that by 365 and you'll have your daily risk of being shot by a gun.

Factor in that you'd have to live in a Democrat-controlled region of the US to increase those chances and you'll see that you are trembling in your shorts for the possibility that you'll get shot that has the same chance as being struck by lightning or winning the lottery.

Go ahead, but don't expect Me to wait for you.

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