Ban all guns in Germany!

Deal with the lack of democracy? What lack of democracy?

I feel I can say what I want more freely in the US than in Europe.

Democracy isn't saying what you want to say.

Democracy is feeling that you can vote for whoever you like and that your voice will be heard. Can you say that? Doubtful. Two political parties, run by the rich for the rich, the little people don't get a say at all, their vote is almost meaningless as everyone votes for two parties.

Go to Germany, 4, 5, 6 parties in government at least, almost always two parties in coalition government meaning governments have to be cooperative, they have to work together, they have to listen to the people more, and when a person votes, their vote means something (and they get to vote twice).

Freedom of speech then. Is that better?

But that isn't what I was talking about. So... what's the point now then?
Deal with the lack of democracy? What lack of democracy?

I feel I can say what I want more freely in the US than in Europe.

Democracy isn't saying what you want to say.

Democracy is feeling that you can vote for whoever you like and that your voice will be heard. Can you say that? Doubtful. Two political parties, run by the rich for the rich, the little people don't get a say at all, their vote is almost meaningless as everyone votes for two parties.

Go to Germany, 4, 5, 6 parties in government at least, almost always two parties in coalition government meaning governments have to be cooperative, they have to work together, they have to listen to the people more, and when a person votes, their vote means something (and they get to vote twice).

Freedom of speech then. Is that better?

But that isn't what I was talking about. So... what's the point now then?

I'd love to know.
Just to have a pepper spray, you have to register it, in Germany.

Whereas in the good ol' US of A you don't even need to register to be SHOT, now do you. You're free to be shot any time you like.

Stupid thing to say.
I tend to believe, his anti-gun obsession is fueled by envy that he cannot own a firearm.

Where's he from? Greenland?
Somewhere in Europe....
Just to have a pepper spray, you have to register it, in Germany.

Whereas in the good ol' US of A you don't even need to register to be SHOT, now do you. You're free to be shot any time you like.

Stupid thing to say.

Well, if someone writes something stupid, I'll respond with something stupid, is that fair?

That's even more stupid. In your case.

Is this a politics forum....?
Deal with the lack of democracy? What lack of democracy?

I feel I can say what I want more freely in the US than in Europe.

Democracy isn't saying what you want to say.

Democracy is feeling that you can vote for whoever you like and that your voice will be heard. Can you say that? Doubtful. Two political parties, run by the rich for the rich, the little people don't get a say at all, their vote is almost meaningless as everyone votes for two parties.

Go to Germany, 4, 5, 6 parties in government at least, almost always two parties in coalition government meaning governments have to be cooperative, they have to work together, they have to listen to the people more, and when a person votes, their vote means something (and they get to vote twice).

Freedom of speech then. Is that better?

But that isn't what I was talking about. So... what's the point now then?

I'd love to know.

You'd love to know the point to your own post. WOW.
Just to have a pepper spray, you have to register it, in Germany.

Whereas in the good ol' US of A you don't even need to register to be SHOT, now do you. You're free to be shot any time you like.

Stupid thing to say.

Well, if someone writes something stupid, I'll respond with something stupid, is that fair?

That's even more stupid. In your case.

Is this a politics forum....?

You tell me.
Whereas in the good ol' US of A you don't even need to register to be SHOT, now do you. You're free to be shot any time you like.

Stupid thing to say.

Well, if someone writes something stupid, I'll respond with something stupid, is that fair?

That's even more stupid. In your case.

Is this a politics forum....?

You tell me.

YEs it is, so piss off and go somewhere else.
Well, if someone writes something stupid, I'll respond with something stupid, is that fair?

That's even more stupid. In your case.

Is this a politics forum....?

You tell me.

YEs it is, so piss off and go somewhere else.

I don't want to.

Well try the ignore list for being a complete waste of space.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

Yep.........and which gun control in Germany stopped this mass shooting?
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.

And, of course.......those stringent gun control laws only make it extremely difficult for law abiding Germans...the Germans not using guns in crime or mass shootings to get them...criminals and mass shooters...get them easily.....

German Gun Trafficking: Police Find 700 Guns, 2.2 Tons Of Ammo In Man's Home

While there is no precise number, German officials estimate there to be 17 million illicit firearms in Germany, compared to the 7 million or so registered firearms in the country. Illicit firearms include both illegal military-grade weapons like fully automatic rifles and unregistered civilian-grade weapons.
There are gun shops in most shopping streets in German towns. Which also sell the most deadly looking knives.

And you must be a member of a gun club, have a Jagdshein, or have a very, very difficult to obtain Special Collectors License. Additionally you have to carry extensive insurance (50,000 Euro IIRC) keep all guns in locked safes, and if you fail a spot check all of your guns are confiscated. There is a national registry of all guns and owners, and after going through all the work to get a license you still have to wait a year, and undergo a psych evaluation before you can buy a gun. That's why less than 2% of the German population has guns. Basically the wealthy are the only ones who can afford them.

I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.

There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.
  • Police today confirmed that Sonboly had 300 rounds of ammunition in his bag while he shot at people in the city
  • He had documents about 'spree shootings' in his room at his parents' flat where he lived, two miles from the scene
  • The teenager used a Glock 17 semi-automatic handgun to kill the victims
Daily Mail

I'd like to know where he got the Glock from.

So would everyone else. What is not arguable is that gun bans don't keep guns out of the hands of bad people. They only disarm the poor and the middle class because the rich can always afford to get the licenses they need, and the criminals simply don't give a shit about laws in the first place.

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