Ban all guns in Germany!

...But again, the murder rate in Germany is far lower than the US. Less people die, people are safer.

The pro-gun crowd seem to think that having guns is going to save them from attacks. Really? I mean, the US has seen these sorts of attacks and sees similar numbers of people being killed, doesn't it? Cops with guns are being killed. 5 armed cops killed in one place doesn't exactly show that guns are able to stop things happening immediately.
It does show that in the US you are far more likely to die from guns.
You have thrown a lot of crap into your statement and you have provided no citations.

I've tried to look some of it up but found it's not easy to do.

Thus your rant is mostly hear-say gossip.

I did find a website on murder rates. The data are old though:

Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at

Brazil has the highest murder rate. Brazil has similar gun laws as California except their minimum age is 25.

India is second in the list. But in India it is almost impossible to own a gun.

Mexico is third on the list. Mexico is also similar to California in its gun laws.

Ethiopia is fourth. Like India, gun ownership is extremely low although the murder rate is extremely high.

So your theory of correlation between guns and murder rates is unsound right out of the box.

The USA is 14th on the list for murder rates. Gun ownership varies from 20% in California to 61% in Alaska.

Germany is 73rd on the list, behind the UK at 71st, and ahead of all the other European nations.

So with the tightest gun control of all Europe, Germany still has the highest murder rate.

Ergo if you are going to do a comparison, try to avoid red herring comparisons.


To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
So one of the most strict gun control laws in the world didn't stop a Muslim in butchering a bunch of kids.
Go figure.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
well what bloody use is that?

What use is it? Well if you need a gun and you want a gun then you can get a gun. If you don't need a gun then you'll find it a lot harder to get a gun.

German murder rate is more than 4 times lower than the US murder rate.

German minority rates are even lower than that.

I don't understand why "minority rates" is coming into this.
...But again, the murder rate in Germany is far lower than the US. Less people die, people are safer.

The pro-gun crowd seem to think that having guns is going to save them from attacks. Really? I mean, the US has seen these sorts of attacks and sees similar numbers of people being killed, doesn't it? Cops with guns are being killed. 5 armed cops killed in one place doesn't exactly show that guns are able to stop things happening immediately.
It does show that in the US you are far more likely to die from guns.
You have thrown a lot of crap into your statement and you have provided no citations.

I've tried to look some of it up but found it's not easy to do.

Thus your rant is mostly hear-say gossip.

I did find a website on murder rates. The data are old though:

Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at

Brazil has the highest murder rate. Brazil has similar gun laws as California except their minimum age is 25.

India is second in the list. But in India it is almost impossible to own a gun.

Mexico is third on the list. Mexico is also similar to California in its gun laws.

Ethiopia is fourth. Like India, gun ownership is extremely low although the murder rate is extremely high.

So your theory of correlation between guns and murder rates is unsound right out of the box.

The USA is 14th on the list for murder rates. Gun ownership varies from 20% in California to 61% in Alaska.

Germany is 73rd on the list, behind the UK at 71st, and ahead of all the other European nations.

So with the tightest gun control of all Europe, Germany still has the highest murder rate.

Ergo if you are going to do a comparison, try to avoid red herring comparisons.


To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
Ooo sorry, they're ALMOST banned in Germany, and they have the toughest gun laws laws in the world.

Well that's different to they are banned, isn't it? Guns are still available. Then again tough laws in Germany which has open borders with many other countries, mean that sometimes some people want guns, they can get guns.

That still doesn't stop the FACT that Germany has a murder rate that is 1/4 that of the US's. In other words Germany would have to have 2,070 people die in terrorist attacks every year in order for Germany to be as deadly as the USA.

Not really, if you factor out all the black crime and Hispanic crime.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
So one of the most strict gun control laws in the world didn't stop a Muslim in butchering a bunch of kids.
Go figure.

No. Gun laws don't stop 100% of things.

No one said they did.

However, the gun laws have made murder be a lot lower than they otherwise would be.

3/4 of all murder rates in the US are with guns. Germany has a murder rate 1/4 that of the US without guns. A coincidence? Every year 2,000 Germans DON'T DIE because of their gun laws.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
well what bloody use is that?

What use is it? Well if you need a gun and you want a gun then you can get a gun. If you don't need a gun then you'll find it a lot harder to get a gun.

German murder rate is more than 4 times lower than the US murder rate.

German minority rates are even lower than that.

I don't understand why "minority rates" is coming into this.

Yes you do. You know damned well that blacks and Hispanics account for the vast majority of violent crimes in the US, to include "gun violence". Germany doesn't have anywhere near the demographics as the US, which is why they have crime and murder rates like that of rural Idaho.
...But again, the murder rate in Germany is far lower than the US. Less people die, people are safer.

The pro-gun crowd seem to think that having guns is going to save them from attacks. Really? I mean, the US has seen these sorts of attacks and sees similar numbers of people being killed, doesn't it? Cops with guns are being killed. 5 armed cops killed in one place doesn't exactly show that guns are able to stop things happening immediately.
It does show that in the US you are far more likely to die from guns.
You have thrown a lot of crap into your statement and you have provided no citations.

I've tried to look some of it up but found it's not easy to do.

Thus your rant is mostly hear-say gossip.

I did find a website on murder rates. The data are old though:

Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at

Brazil has the highest murder rate. Brazil has similar gun laws as California except their minimum age is 25.

India is second in the list. But in India it is almost impossible to own a gun.

Mexico is third on the list. Mexico is also similar to California in its gun laws.

Ethiopia is fourth. Like India, gun ownership is extremely low although the murder rate is extremely high.

So your theory of correlation between guns and murder rates is unsound right out of the box.

The USA is 14th on the list for murder rates. Gun ownership varies from 20% in California to 61% in Alaska.

Germany is 73rd on the list, behind the UK at 71st, and ahead of all the other European nations.

So with the tightest gun control of all Europe, Germany still has the highest murder rate.

Ergo if you are going to do a comparison, try to avoid red herring comparisons.


To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
So one of the most strict gun control laws in the world didn't stop a Muslim in butchering a bunch of kids.
Go figure.

No. Gun laws don't stop 100% of things.

No one said they did.

However, the gun laws have made murder be a lot lower than they otherwise would be.

3/4 of all murder rates in the US are with guns. Germany has a murder rate 1/4 that of the US without guns. A coincidence? Every year 2,000 Germans DON'T DIE because of their gun laws.
Why are you obsessed with U.S. gun ownership? It is a right recognized by the Constitution. You, over there are stripped from that right and now you bitch about it indirectly by portraying the U.S. as a "bad" country because people have guns.
Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
well what bloody use is that?

What use is it? Well if you need a gun and you want a gun then you can get a gun. If you don't need a gun then you'll find it a lot harder to get a gun.

German murder rate is more than 4 times lower than the US murder rate.

German minority rates are even lower than that.

I don't understand why "minority rates" is coming into this.

Yes you do. You know damned well that blacks and Hispanics account for the vast majority of violent crimes in the US, to include "gun violence". Germany doesn't have anywhere near the demographics as the US, which is why they have crime and murder rates like that of rural Idaho.

Yes, I know they account for a lot of violent crime. And I can also point to the fact that POVERTY is one of the biggest factors in this whole thing, and black people are more likely to be in poverty and desperation than white people.

I know that in countries where problems are targeted and attempts made to solve them, the problems become less. I know that in countries where no one gives a damn, nothing happens and problems fester until they boil over, ie, the USA.
Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.
Maybe you should mind your own business....
Well that's different to they are banned, isn't it? Guns are still available. Then again tough laws in Germany which has open borders with many other countries, mean that sometimes some people want guns, they can get guns.

That still doesn't stop the FACT that Germany has a murder rate that is 1/4 that of the US's. In other words Germany would have to have 2,070 people die in terrorist attacks every year in order for Germany to be as deadly as the USA.
It's a good thing you don't live in the U.S. then. So, calm down, don't worry about us and what we do over here.

Moral equivalence runs rampant in Europe.
Moral equivalence runs rampant in Euroe.
Well, their morality has a basic flaw by denying the unalienable right of people to arm themselves. Throughout history it has been well demonstrated that only free people could arm themselves. Slaves, serfs and other subjects were denied that right by their overlords. Europeans are subjects of their governments.
Deal with the lack of democracy? What lack of democracy?

I feel I can say what I want more freely in the US than in Europe.

Democracy isn't saying what you want to say.

Democracy is feeling that you can vote for whoever you like and that your voice will be heard. Can you say that? Doubtful. Two political parties, run by the rich for the rich, the little people don't get a say at all, their vote is almost meaningless as everyone votes for two parties.

Go to Germany, 4, 5, 6 parties in government at least, almost always two parties in coalition government meaning governments have to be cooperative, they have to work together, they have to listen to the people more, and when a person votes, their vote means something (and they get to vote twice).
Deal with the lack of democracy? What lack of democracy?

I feel I can say what I want more freely in the US than in Europe.

Democracy isn't saying what you want to say.

Democracy is feeling that you can vote for whoever you like and that your voice will be heard. Can you say that? Doubtful. Two political parties, run by the rich for the rich, the little people don't get a say at all, their vote is almost meaningless as everyone votes for two parties.

Go to Germany, 4, 5, 6 parties in government at least, almost always two parties in coalition government meaning governments have to be cooperative, they have to work together, they have to listen to the people more, and when a person votes, their vote means something (and they get to vote twice).

Freedom of speech then. Is that better?

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