Ban all guns in Germany!

The killer lured those kids to Macdonalds in order to kill them. Through the Internet.

Why do people need the let's people engage in child porn, sex trafficking, identity theft, theft of state secrets, cyber stalking, cyber bullying, financing of terrorism around the whole world, terrorist recruitment, terrorist instruction......

Truly.....we need to ban the internet for everyone except the police and military........

America...time to pull the plug........
There are gun shops in most shopping streets in German towns. Which also sell the most deadly looking knives.
And you must be a member of a gun club, have a Jagdshein, or have a very, very difficult to obtain Special Collectors License. Additionally you have to carry extensive insurance (50,000 Euro IIRC) keep all guns in locked safes, and if you fail a spot check all of your guns are confiscated. There is a national registry of all guns and owners, and after going through all the work to get a license you still have to wait a year, and undergo a psych evaluation before you can buy a gun. That's why less than 2% of the German population has guns. Basically the wealthy are the only ones who can afford them.

I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.

There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.

No, I don't think I am nuts. I have never seen the arrangement of gun shops in England set up in the same way as the ones situated in provincial shopping streets in Germany.

I'm not arguing that gun shops don't exist in Britain, but I don't see them in the normal high street, along with the usual run of the mill stores.

Also the hunting culture is different. Germany, being a more egalitarian country than Britain, is more open to the ordinary man for this sporting activity than the privileged few in Britain.
The killer lured those kids to Macdonalds in order to kill them. Through the Internet.

Why do people need the let's people engage in child porn, sex trafficking, identity theft, theft of state secrets, cyber stalking, cyber bullying, financing of terrorism around the whole world, terrorist recruitment, terrorist instruction......

Truly.....we need to ban the internet for everyone except the police and military........

America...time to pull the plug........

He used someone's Facebook account to get them to assemble at MacDonalds for some promised freebies.
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
So one of the most strict gun control laws in the world didn't stop a Muslim in butchering a bunch of kids.
Go figure.

No. Gun laws don't stop 100% of things.

No one said they did.

However, the gun laws have made murder be a lot lower than they otherwise would be.

3/4 of all murder rates in the US are with guns. Germany has a murder rate 1/4 that of the US without guns. A coincidence? Every year 2,000 Germans DON'T DIE because of their gun laws.

Guns aren't the issue...culture is the issue........our non gun murder rate is higher than Germany's murder guns aren't the issue......Germany went through huge social upheavels because of their war mongering and death camps....they have a different attitude toward murder as a culture.....that keeps their murder rate down....

Since we have seen that even an 18 year old kid under psychiatric care was able to get an illegal gun...since he wasn't old enough to get a permit....and his psychiatric care would have prohibited him from actually getting that permit.....

Gun control laws have nothing to do with stopping gun crime......


If you put a 30 year sentence on gun crime......then you could actually dry up criminals using guns.....and not have all the extra paperwork for normal gun owners....
You have thrown a lot of crap into your statement and you have provided no citations.

I've tried to look some of it up but found it's not easy to do.

Thus your rant is mostly hear-say gossip.

I did find a website on murder rates. The data are old though:

Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at

Brazil has the highest murder rate. Brazil has similar gun laws as California except their minimum age is 25.

India is second in the list. But in India it is almost impossible to own a gun.

Mexico is third on the list. Mexico is also similar to California in its gun laws.

Ethiopia is fourth. Like India, gun ownership is extremely low although the murder rate is extremely high.

So your theory of correlation between guns and murder rates is unsound right out of the box.

The USA is 14th on the list for murder rates. Gun ownership varies from 20% in California to 61% in Alaska.

Germany is 73rd on the list, behind the UK at 71st, and ahead of all the other European nations.

So with the tightest gun control of all Europe, Germany still has the highest murder rate.

Ergo if you are going to do a comparison, try to avoid red herring comparisons.


To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.

We try to deal with those things....but blacks keep voting over 95% for democrats who have a vested interest in not solving those problems......
Oooops...they're already banned. Didn't stop the Muslim animal from mowing down 9 Germans, mostly kids, while yelling Allahuakbar.

Democrat media keeps asking like a chicken with its head cut off, how did the attacker get hold of guns is such a restricted country?! Bunch of fucking retards.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only, I've told you before, guns AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany | Law Library of Congress

"The German system of gun control is among the most stringent in Europe."

"It restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a creditable need for a weapon. It bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Compulsory liability insurance is required for anyone who is licensed to carry firearms."

You need a license to have a gun. Certain weapons are banned. You need to comply with many laws in order to be able to keep a gun, and have a psychological test.
So one of the most strict gun control laws in the world didn't stop a Muslim in butchering a bunch of kids.
Go figure.

No. Gun laws don't stop 100% of things.

No one said they did.

However, the gun laws have made murder be a lot lower than they otherwise would be.

3/4 of all murder rates in the US are with guns. Germany has a murder rate 1/4 that of the US without guns. A coincidence? Every year 2,000 Germans DON'T DIE because of their gun laws.

Guns aren't the issue...culture is the issue........our non gun murder rate is higher than Germany's murder guns aren't the issue......Germany went through huge social upheavels because of their war mongering and death camps....they have a different attitude toward murder as a culture.....that keeps their murder rate down....

Since we have seen that even an 18 year old kid under psychiatric care was able to get an illegal gun...since he wasn't old enough to get a permit....and his psychiatric care would have prohibited him from actually getting that permit.....

Gun control laws have nothing to do with stopping gun crime......


If you put a 30 year sentence on gun crime......then you could actually dry up criminals using guns.....and not have all the extra paperwork for normal gun owners....

Then there is gun production.

Germany is number three manufacturer in the world. I think I'm correct; someone will be sure to put me right, if I'm not.

Nevertheless, there's something ironic there.
And you must be a member of a gun club, have a Jagdshein, or have a very, very difficult to obtain Special Collectors License. Additionally you have to carry extensive insurance (50,000 Euro IIRC) keep all guns in locked safes, and if you fail a spot check all of your guns are confiscated. There is a national registry of all guns and owners, and after going through all the work to get a license you still have to wait a year, and undergo a psych evaluation before you can buy a gun. That's why less than 2% of the German population has guns. Basically the wealthy are the only ones who can afford them.

I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.

There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.

No, I don't think I am nuts. I have never seen the arrangement of gun shops in England set up in the same way as the ones situated in provincial shopping streets in Germany.

I'm not arguing that gun shops don't exist in Britain, but I don't see them in the normal high street, along with the usual run of the mill stores.

Also the hunting culture is different. Germany, being a more egalitarian country than Britain, is more open to the ordinary man for this sporting activity than the privileged few in Britain.

Absolute utter bullshit. No one can go hunting in Germany without a Jagdschein. Period. ALL hunting in Germany is on private property. Property owned by the very rich gentry who don't allow peasants on their land. Period. That's one of the reasons why it is so difficult, and expensive to obtain a Jagdschein, it keeps the peasantry away. In Europe it is ONLY the wealthy who can afford to hunt. There is virtually no middle class representation in the hunting rolls of any European nation. And the poor are not to be found on a hunting preserve save as a servant. And even there it is rare. Most servants are middle class and they are limited to a very small group that have been working the land, for the owning families, for decades.
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.

There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.

No, I don't think I am nuts. I have never seen the arrangement of gun shops in England set up in the same way as the ones situated in provincial shopping streets in Germany.

I'm not arguing that gun shops don't exist in Britain, but I don't see them in the normal high street, along with the usual run of the mill stores.

Also the hunting culture is different. Germany, being a more egalitarian country than Britain, is more open to the ordinary man for this sporting activity than the privileged few in Britain.

Absolute utter bullshit. No one can go hunting in Germany without a Jagdschein. Period. ALL hunting in Germany is on private property. Property owned by the very rich gentry who don't allow peasants on their land. Period. That's one of the reasons why it is so difficult, and expensive to obtain a Jagdschein, it keeps the peasantry away. In Europe it is ONLY the wealthy who can afford to hunt. There is virtually no middle class representation in the hunting rolls of any European nation. And the poor are not to be found on a hunting preserve save as a servant. And even there it is rare. Most servants are middle class and they are limited to a very small group that have been working the land, for the owning families, for decades.

I'm not talking about the poor, I'm talking about the working class. I know people like that who hunt, and then only at permitted times.

It's not the same in England.
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.

There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
I was addressing the question of gun shops in Germany.

The strict proviso's don't seem to prevent these gun tragedies from happening. Since I've been here, there have been several school shootings.
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.

No, I don't think I am nuts. I have never seen the arrangement of gun shops in England set up in the same way as the ones situated in provincial shopping streets in Germany.

I'm not arguing that gun shops don't exist in Britain, but I don't see them in the normal high street, along with the usual run of the mill stores.

Also the hunting culture is different. Germany, being a more egalitarian country than Britain, is more open to the ordinary man for this sporting activity than the privileged few in Britain.

Absolute utter bullshit. No one can go hunting in Germany without a Jagdschein. Period. ALL hunting in Germany is on private property. Property owned by the very rich gentry who don't allow peasants on their land. Period. That's one of the reasons why it is so difficult, and expensive to obtain a Jagdschein, it keeps the peasantry away. In Europe it is ONLY the wealthy who can afford to hunt. There is virtually no middle class representation in the hunting rolls of any European nation. And the poor are not to be found on a hunting preserve save as a servant. And even there it is rare. Most servants are middle class and they are limited to a very small group that have been working the land, for the owning families, for decades.
it's such a tiny continent. when we spread out over the world, it was only taking back our fair share.
There are fewer gun shops than you claim and the guns are at least twice as expensive in Germany as they are here in the States. I actually have a Jagdschein and the average cost for one of those is 20,000 Euro's. Plus you have to take an ecology class that lasts a year. Most of the so called gun shops you are talking about are toy stores that also sell air soft pellet guns. Those are not lethal, hell at point blank range they would put your eye out, barely. In Berlin the last time I was there there were 6 gun shops we visited. That was it for the whole city.

Compared to the UK, in which there are none to be seen.

Nevertheless, it goes against the grain, for massacres I. A country with
That's because things are easy to steal, and things end up on the street that way.

It will be interesting to find out how the German/Iranian kid got the got the gun. Hopefully the debrief will tell us in the coming days.

Watching a German journalist for Die Welt yesterday:

There is a huge black market, weaponry coming in from the East.

Are you nuts? There are 15 gun shops within Greater London alone.

No, I don't think I am nuts. I have never seen the arrangement of gun shops in England set up in the same way as the ones situated in provincial shopping streets in Germany.

I'm not arguing that gun shops don't exist in Britain, but I don't see them in the normal high street, along with the usual run of the mill stores.

Also the hunting culture is different. Germany, being a more egalitarian country than Britain, is more open to the ordinary man for this sporting activity than the privileged few in Britain.

Absolute utter bullshit. No one can go hunting in Germany without a Jagdschein. Period. ALL hunting in Germany is on private property. Property owned by the very rich gentry who don't allow peasants on their land. Period. That's one of the reasons why it is so difficult, and expensive to obtain a Jagdschein, it keeps the peasantry away. In Europe it is ONLY the wealthy who can afford to hunt. There is virtually no middle class representation in the hunting rolls of any European nation. And the poor are not to be found on a hunting preserve save as a servant. And even there it is rare. Most servants are middle class and they are limited to a very small group that have been working the land, for the owning families, for decades.

I'm not talking about the poor, I'm talking about the working class. I know people like that who hunt, and then only at permitted times.

It's not the same in England.

Out of the less than 2% of the German population that own guns, less than 1% of those are the middle class. The rest of that less than 2% (how many rich people are there, as a percentage of population again?) are cops who have guns for their jobs, and of course the wealthiest people in the country. So, amazingly enough, the one percenters are almost entirely the ONLY people in Germany who legally own guns. Who knew?
You have thrown a lot of crap into your statement and you have provided no citations.

I've tried to look some of it up but found it's not easy to do.

Thus your rant is mostly hear-say gossip.

I did find a website on murder rates. The data are old though:

Countries Compared by Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate. International Statistics at

Brazil has the highest murder rate. Brazil has similar gun laws as California except their minimum age is 25.

India is second in the list. But in India it is almost impossible to own a gun.

Mexico is third on the list. Mexico is also similar to California in its gun laws.

Ethiopia is fourth. Like India, gun ownership is extremely low although the murder rate is extremely high.

So your theory of correlation between guns and murder rates is unsound right out of the box.

The USA is 14th on the list for murder rates. Gun ownership varies from 20% in California to 61% in Alaska.

Germany is 73rd on the list, behind the UK at 71st, and ahead of all the other European nations.

So with the tightest gun control of all Europe, Germany still has the highest murder rate.

Ergo if you are going to do a comparison, try to avoid red herring comparisons.


To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.

Exactly what more do you want us to do for blacks? We've spent billions on education and welfare programs for them for decades. They have affirmative action to get them into colleges and the workplace ahead of more qualified whites. How is this "doing nothing"? What lack of democracy?

You sound like a babbling fool who can only repeat idiotic phrases and talking points the left has been repeating to itself for decades.

Face it, blacks as a whole are responsible for their own position in society. Their thug culture is the culture they choose for themselves. They glorify drug use, prostitution, violence, and gang life. Yet you act like its white America's fault for their behavior.
To reply to the latter part.

You're taking number of murders. Not murders per capita. This is wrong to do so. Brazil is a large country. Germany is a larger country than many. Per capita shows you how dangerous a country is. I mean, if the Vatican city has a murder a day, and Brazil has 10 murders a day, the Vatican is more dangerous.

Looking at your chart with murders per million, you see Honduras leaps ahead of all others. Cape Town is the only city in the top 40 of murder capitals of the world right now.

The US on your chart is 99th in the world. Very few of those countries above them will be developed countries.

The US has 42.01 (which is basically 4.2 on the per 100,000 which is the usual way of expressing it).

Luxembourg and Finland are close by, but at 22 and 24 (though Luxembourg has lots of foreigners so their murder rate is actually too high in reality, because they count citizens then murder, but half the country doesn't get counted)

The UK is 157th in the world at 11.68 and Germany is 177th with 8.44

So based on this the murder rate is much lower. These were 2010 based whereas the other figures are more recent I believe.
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.

Exactly what more do you want us to do for blacks? We've spent billions on education and welfare programs for them for decades. They have affirmative action to get them into colleges and the workplace ahead of more qualified whites. How is this "doing nothing"? What lack of democracy?

You sound like a babbling fool who can only repeat idiotic phrases and talking points the left has been repeating to itself for decades.

Face it, blacks as a whole are responsible for their own position in society. Their thug culture is the culture they choose for themselves. They glorify drug use, prostitution, violence, and gang life. Yet you act like its white America's fault for their behavior.

The answer isn't an easy one. The problem is, is that a lot of this is what has been called "institutional racism", the racism is so entrenched in places, not every, but just in some places, that it's difficult.

Also, to move away from racism at all, often the problems are actually American problems that are just exacerbating the black problem because these people have a lot in poverty. The poor are literally getting fucked, and with it the black people too.

Education in the US is poor. Mainly because there doesn't seem to be a direction the US wants to take. You have Trump calling for shit, poorly paid jobs to come back to America. Seriously? People want to have lower wages and live in poverty? I don't think so. They want to have better jobs, they want to have hope that they might do better than their parents generation. But it's not going to happen in the US any more.

Cities are literally fighting with each other to hand rich people tax breaks and free money. This isn't me being anti-rich, I think the rich should get a fair deal, but what they're getting isn't a fair deal, it's a fucking amazing deal and it's causing problems in society.

You have the deal about "everyone can make it in America", problem is everyone could make it, but not at the same time, only one out of a million poor people can make it, and the rest will have to go back to their hovels. In other countries things aren't as bad as they are in the US because the things are dealt with in a proper manner.

Education in Europe is generally fair education for all, and good education for all. Ghettos mostly don't exist, which means there isn't a ghetto mentality which then pervades all areas of society, and leads to kids in schools not bothering because they don't have any hope for the future. Education isn't going to make their lives better and they see that. If the education were USEFUL and put them in jobs, jobs that gave them some hope, instead it's a choice between McDonalds and crime.

The biggest problem is that voting doesn't matter, the main two get in, they just want their money so they can advertise to the masses to stay in. Change this and then maybe you'd see a different attitude from politicians. Spending money to make politicians look good, when what they're spending it on is a waste of time doesn't do anything. What you need are politicians who care about the people and not about their own image and their next election.

This is about changing America.
Ghettos mostly don't exist, which means there isn't a ghetto mentality which then pervades all areas of society, and leads to kids in schools not bothering because they don't have any hope for the future.

Have you visited the Banlieus in Paris?
LOL...sixth Islamic terrorist event in a period of less than 30 days, and this idiot wants us to look at charts and compare homicide statistics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. :cuckoo:

Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.

Exactly what more do you want us to do for blacks? We've spent billions on education and welfare programs for them for decades. They have affirmative action to get them into colleges and the workplace ahead of more qualified whites. How is this "doing nothing"? What lack of democracy?

You sound like a babbling fool who can only repeat idiotic phrases and talking points the left has been repeating to itself for decades.

Face it, blacks as a whole are responsible for their own position in society. Their thug culture is the culture they choose for themselves. They glorify drug use, prostitution, violence, and gang life. Yet you act like its white America's fault for their behavior.

The answer isn't an easy one. The problem is, is that a lot of this is what has been called "institutional racism", the racism is so entrenched in places, not every, but just in some places, that it's difficult.

Also, to move away from racism at all, often the problems are actually American problems that are just exacerbating the black problem because these people have a lot in poverty. The poor are literally getting fucked, and with it the black people too.

Education in the US is poor. Mainly because there doesn't seem to be a direction the US wants to take. You have Trump calling for shit, poorly paid jobs to come back to America. Seriously? People want to have lower wages and live in poverty? I don't think so. They want to have better jobs, they want to have hope that they might do better than their parents generation. But it's not going to happen in the US any more.

Cities are literally fighting with each other to hand rich people tax breaks and free money. This isn't me being anti-rich, I think the rich should get a fair deal, but what they're getting isn't a fair deal, it's a fucking amazing deal and it's causing problems in society.

You have the deal about "everyone can make it in America", problem is everyone could make it, but not at the same time, only one out of a million poor people can make it, and the rest will have to go back to their hovels. In other countries things aren't as bad as they are in the US because the things are dealt with in a proper manner.

Education in Europe is generally fair education for all, and good education for all. Ghettos mostly don't exist, which means there isn't a ghetto mentality which then pervades all areas of society, and leads to kids in schools not bothering because they don't have any hope for the future. Education isn't going to make their lives better and they see that. If the education were USEFUL and put them in jobs, jobs that gave them some hope, instead it's a choice between McDonalds and crime.

The biggest problem is that voting doesn't matter, the main two get in, they just want their money so they can advertise to the masses to stay in. Change this and then maybe you'd see a different attitude from politicians. Spending money to make politicians look good, when what they're spending it on is a waste of time doesn't do anything. What you need are politicians who care about the people and not about their own image and their next election.

This is about changing America.

If blacks don't want people to be racist against them, maybe they should straighten up their act. If they studied while in their taxpayer provided schools, instead of playing wannabe gangster, they might get somewhere in life. As long as they continue to commit a disproportionate amount of crime, people will always be wary of them.

Asians are a minority, yet most people see them as intelligent and hard working people. No reason blacks can't achieve the same thing. I know plenty of blacks that are very smart, and technically savvy, so I know they have the capability. Sadly, a majority of them don't push themselves. Instead they beleive what the progressives feed to them, that they are nothing but victims and the whites are holding them down.
Yeah you just go ahead and pretend it's all some mental disorder.

The US has 35 people die every day. Germany has 9 people die in a day and "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GET ANGRY AT MUSLIMS"

You need some perspective here.
Maybe Obama, Sharpton, BLM should start addressing all the blacks murdering each other.

Maybe the US should deal with poverty that affects 25% of black people, and deal with education, and deal with social issues, and deal with the lack of democracy, and stand up and be counted instead of trying to pretend that doing nothing will solve everything.

Exactly what more do you want us to do for blacks? We've spent billions on education and welfare programs for them for decades. They have affirmative action to get them into colleges and the workplace ahead of more qualified whites. How is this "doing nothing"? What lack of democracy?

You sound like a babbling fool who can only repeat idiotic phrases and talking points the left has been repeating to itself for decades.

Face it, blacks as a whole are responsible for their own position in society. Their thug culture is the culture they choose for themselves. They glorify drug use, prostitution, violence, and gang life. Yet you act like its white America's fault for their behavior.

The answer isn't an easy one. The problem is, is that a lot of this is what has been called "institutional racism", the racism is so entrenched in places, not every, but just in some places, that it's difficult.

Also, to move away from racism at all, often the problems are actually American problems that are just exacerbating the black problem because these people have a lot in poverty. The poor are literally getting fucked, and with it the black people too.

Education in the US is poor. Mainly because there doesn't seem to be a direction the US wants to take. You have Trump calling for shit, poorly paid jobs to come back to America. Seriously? People want to have lower wages and live in poverty? I don't think so. They want to have better jobs, they want to have hope that they might do better than their parents generation. But it's not going to happen in the US any more.

Cities are literally fighting with each other to hand rich people tax breaks and free money. This isn't me being anti-rich, I think the rich should get a fair deal, but what they're getting isn't a fair deal, it's a fucking amazing deal and it's causing problems in society.

You have the deal about "everyone can make it in America", problem is everyone could make it, but not at the same time, only one out of a million poor people can make it, and the rest will have to go back to their hovels. In other countries things aren't as bad as they are in the US because the things are dealt with in a proper manner.

Education in Europe is generally fair education for all, and good education for all. Ghettos mostly don't exist, which means there isn't a ghetto mentality which then pervades all areas of society, and leads to kids in schools not bothering because they don't have any hope for the future. Education isn't going to make their lives better and they see that. If the education were USEFUL and put them in jobs, jobs that gave them some hope, instead it's a choice between McDonalds and crime.

The biggest problem is that voting doesn't matter, the main two get in, they just want their money so they can advertise to the masses to stay in. Change this and then maybe you'd see a different attitude from politicians. Spending money to make politicians look good, when what they're spending it on is a waste of time doesn't do anything. What you need are politicians who care about the people and not about their own image and their next election.

This is about changing America.

If blacks don't want people to be racist against them, maybe they should straighten up their act. If they studied while in their taxpayer provided schools, instead of playing wannabe gangster, they might get somewhere in life. As long as they continue to commit a disproportionate amount of crime, people will always be wary of them.

Asians are a minority, yet most people see them as intelligent and hard working people. No reason blacks can't achieve the same thing. I know plenty of blacks that are very smart, and technically savvy, so I know they have the capability. Sadly, a majority of them don't push themselves. Instead they beleive what the progressives feed to them, that they are nothing but victims and the whites are holding them down.

Yeah, it's like telling teenagers not to have sex. It all sounds great, but it's not reality.

Asians are Asians and are not blacks, so there's no point saying "Asians do this, so why can't blacks".

A majority of blacks don't push themselves. There are reasons and poverty and lack of hope simply doesn't make the situation any better. The fact that black people can make it, and 75% are not in poverty suggests that the problem lies a lot with poverty rather than simply with race.
Firearms have nothing to do with the issue, people kill not guns.
Banning firearms is just like putting a bandaid on a broken arm. To a fool it looks like something is being done to address the issue, but really just makes things much worse.

The anti-gun nutters have a sickness of thinking they know what is best for the country, Most of the country disagrees.
The fact remains, gun control has nothing to do with "guns" its ALL about control, of those they disagree with.

It's Orwellian thing the anti-gun nutters do not understand.
Firearms have nothing to do with the issue, people kill not guns.
Banning firearms is just like putting a bandaid on a broken arm. To a fool it looks like something is being done to address the issue, but really just makes things much worse.

The anti-gun nutters have a sickness of thinking they know what is best for the country, Most of the country disagrees.
The fact remains, gun control has nothing to do with "guns" its ALL about control, of those they disagree with.

It's Orwellian thing the anti-gun nutters do not understand. buy more guns and ammo

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