Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

No, that is not the feds role. The states can decide what the studies should be. And we can trust well-educated, empirically-based public teachers to instruct it in the liberal arts or humanities classroom.
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
how would creationism be taught without blurring the line between church and state.?
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
how would creationism be taught without blurring the line between church and state.?

You just say, "You were shimmered into being from a pile of dirt" and you covered the entire body of occult science.
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
how would creationism be taught without blurring the line between church and state.?

You just say, "You were shimmered into being from a pile of dirt" and you covered the entire body of occult science.
how bout boinked in to existence?
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.
don't you have your own thread to spew this bullshit in?
What is taught in high school as "evolution" is actually Darwinism, which no reputable scientist believes in these days. Darwin had no understanding of DNA or genetics, and no way of distinguishing between variations within species and variations among species. We still have no credible theory to explain interspecies transformation.

That being said, Biblical creationism is a religious belief which should be confined to classes on religion. The two legitimate theories which should be compared are Gradualism and Interventionism. The former suggests that random changes over time somehow create new species. The latter suggests that external events (e.g., ice ages, asteroid collisions, etc.) were the predominant factors in determining life on earth. So far, evidence points to the latter.
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.
don't you have your own thread to spew this bullshit in?

Why are you in my thread and this one ? :Boom2:
The last word is this: neither evolutionists nor IDers nor creationists will have any say in the feds making their cherished dreams come true with a federal-mandated curriculum for any subject. We ar not like the French with a national program for subjects etc.

Thus, evolution will continue in the science classroom and ID/creationism will continue in the liberal arts or humanities classroom.

The hardcore nonbelievers and believers will not succeed, because the great mainstream of America think both groups are goony on the subject.
The last word is this: neither evolutionists nor IDers nor creationists will have any say in the feds making their cherished dreams come true with a federal-mandated curriculum for any subject. We ar not like the French with a national program for subjects etc.

Thus, evolution will continue in the science classroom and ID/creationism will continue in the liberal arts or humanities classroom.

The hardcore nonbelievers and believers will not succeed, because the great mainstream of America think both groups are goony on the subject.

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