Ban This Breed

It all depends on how they're trained. We have two who are sweethearts. They will bite you if you come into the yard without permission.

But so will the german shepherd and the husky.

our English Mastiff is known as a gentle giant

however you attack anyone in the family

and your done
And the average pit bull is a sweet gentle dog. If the pit bull is not, it had very bad owners and or breeders. Like any ANY dog. Prosecute bad owners like we prosecute bad drivers.

I hope you realize that you make no sense.

If what you say had any basis in truth, whatsoever, then ANY dog would be as lethal as the pitbull. Are they?
It is truly horrorfying to me that the pit bull defenders can sit and watch them tearing people apart and not feel a thing. Chilling. Almost non human. Totally without empathy!
I have two beliefs when it comes to dogs, and specifically "mean" breeds like Pits, Dobermans, German, rotties, etc.

There are a lot of humans out there that raise their dogs wrong. I do not believe that any specific breed is more "dangerous" than another, so much that I believe they are raised improperly. I think the only difference with pits, dobies, etc. is that they happen to be more powerful, jaw/bite strength and muscles. If you train a mastiff or st Bernard to fight and kill, they'll do a shit ton more damage to humans or other animals. Thing is folks don't train those types to be "mean" guard dogs so we don't hear about it often - those breeds are purchased and trained for a different thing. Peeps buy certain breeds specifically to "scare" folks, to "intimidate" folks, then they reinforce those things in the dog - this erodes the dogs natural deference to human "alpha status."

Like a lone wolf won't take on an adult bear, they won't take on a bull moose, they won't mess with a musk ox or bison. They have respect for "alpha status" but humans erode the innate respect through their poor training of domesticated dogs. Leads into to the second belief I have: There are a lot of humans out there who have no respect for doggy mentality - they expect them to be "human" and "know the difference" in complex situations of "threat" or "perceived danger" but dogs cannot make that kind of distinction. Like, with little nippy dogs it's a case of them being "allowed" to be the "alpha" and not having learned the proper respect for humans and it's kind of the same thing as I noted with pit bulls, dobies, etc. If you back almost any dog into a corner, I don't care what breed it is, they'll react - some dog personality types (not breeds, individual unique personality types) will cower or run and some will attack or defend. This happens in all breeds. You teach your dog to "disrespect" other humans, they'll act on it.

Worst dog bite I've gotten was from my folks' second golden, he'd stolen a sock and I was yelling at him and trying to get it away from him so he didn't end up in the doggy er yet again (he'd ate other socks and had to get cut open to remove cause it blocked his intestines.) He panicked and bit through my hand in four places. Not a mean bone in that dogs body and after he bit me and I started screaming in pain he was immediately in my face trying to console me, sock forgotten, like he didn't even realize he'd bit me. To this day, I don't believe he knew he'd bitten me because it was instinct pure and simple. I think he was probably 6 when that happened, he'd never bitten or even snapped at anyone before that and he never did again; he died at age 11.

My female husky whipped nipped at me when I irritated her (read harassed her heh), was never hard, was never hard enough to break the skin: it was 100% doggy language for "stop fucking with me." She'd grab my hand real gentle, always reminded me of how like a mother dog carries her puppies around right?, but she'd growl, grab my hand, and make eye contact; could practically read her mind. (I didn't let her get away with it of course, she could alpha bitch the male pups but she wasn't allowed to do that to the humans, not even the kids. So I'd puff up, growl back, and put my hand over her muzzle until she backed down and lapped at my chin - that's doggy language for something along the lines of "Yes, I know better, sorry")

My rotten husky was super chill with peeps, one day I was cutting some veggies up for dinner one night, dropped a carrot on the floor and bent down to pick it up with the knife in my hand, cut his eyebrow super deep (needed five stitches) - he screamed like a bitch and ran to cower in the corner like he was in trouble. Same dog killed a cat that attacked his face when he was saying hi to it (to be fair I'm not entirely sure he meant to, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did) Was a two second ordeal, he shook his head, the cats body swung to the side, and he caught it in his mouth and broke it's back :/ An instinctual reaction with catastrophic results (pardon the pun)

Peeps need to respect dog mentality, dog instinct, dog "language" they ain't human and they never will be, no matter how cute and "loving" they are.
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It is truly horrorfying to me that the pit bull defenders can sit and watch them tearing people apart and not feel a thing. Chilling. Almost non human. Totally without empathy!
I’d be willing to bet you’ve spent more time enamoured with watching these videos than anyone else in this thread. Which actually says something quite dark about you. Couple that with your petulant insistence that everyone else conform to your personal sense of propriety, and preference. Your behavior pegs you as a dyed in the wool Leftist Socialist Democrat.
It is truly horrorfying to me that the pit bull defenders can sit and watch them tearing people apart and not feel a thing. Chilling. Almost non human. Totally without empathy!
Almost word for word the same post made by joeB on his anti gun rants.
And the average pit bull is a sweet gentle dog. If the pit bull is not, it had very bad owners and or breeders. Like any ANY dog. Prosecute bad owners like we prosecute bad drivers.

I hope you realize that you make no sense.

If what you say had any basis in truth, whatsoever, then ANY dog would be as lethal as the pitbull. Are they?
If I had the time...I could post hundreds of pictures like the OP showing the results of other breeds.
Neither you or Willow are worth that time.

Instead (45).jpeg
It is truly horrorfying to me that the pit bull defenders can sit and watch them tearing people apart and not feel a thing. Chilling. Almost non human. Totally without empathy!
I’d be willing to bet you’ve spent more time enamoured with watching these videos than anyone else in this thread. Which actually says something quite dark about you. Couple that with your petulant insistence that everyone else conform to your personal sense of propriety, and preference. Your behavior pegs you as a dyed in the wool Leftist Socialist Democrat.
Incorrect, as usual.
It is truly horrorfying to me that the pit bull defenders can sit and watch them tearing people apart and not feel a thing. Chilling. Almost non human. Totally without empathy!
I’d be willing to bet you’ve spent more time enamoured with watching these videos than anyone else in this thread. Which actually says something quite dark about you. Couple that with your petulant insistence that everyone else conform to your personal sense of propriety, and preference. Your behavior pegs you as a dyed in the wool Leftist Socialist Democrat.
Incorrect, as usual.
Do demonstrate...

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