Bank Accused of Pushing Mortgage Deals on Blacks

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Wells Fargo Pushed "Ghetto Loans" To Black People In Baltimore | NewsOne

Key quote:

“We just went right after them,” said Ms. Jacobson, who is white and said she was once the bank’s top-producing subprime loan officer nationally. “Wells Fargo mortgage had an emerging-markets unit that specifically targeted black churches, because it figured church leaders had a lot of influence and could convince congregants to take out subprime loans

Ms. Jacobson’s account and that of the other loan officer who gave an affidavit, Tony Paschal, both of whom have left Wells Fargo, provide the first detailed accusations of deliberate racial steering into subprimes by one of the nation’s top banks.

" At the heart of such charges is reverse redlining, specifically marketing the most expensive and onerous loan products to black customers.

The New York Times, in a recent analysis of mortgage lending in New York City, found that black households making more than $68,000 a year were nearly five times as likely to hold high-interest subprime mortgages as whites of similar or even lower incomes. (The disparity was greater for Wells Fargo borrowers, as 2 percent of whites in that income group hold subprime loans and 16.1 percent of blacks.)

“We’ve known that African-Americans and Latinos are getting subprime loans while whites of the same credit profile are getting the lower-cost loans,” said Eric Halperin, director of the Washington office of the Center for Responsible Lending. “The question has been why, and the gory details of this complaint may provide an answer.” "

“They referred to subprime loans made in minority communities as ghetto loans and minority customers as ‘those people have bad credit’, ‘those people don’t pay their bills’ and ‘mud people,’ ” Mr. Paschal said in his affidavit.

He said a bank office in Silver Spring, Md., had an “affinity group marketing” section, which hired blacks to call on African-American churches.

“The company put ‘bounties’ on minority borrowers,” Mr. Paschal said. “By this I mean that loan officers received cash incentives to aggressively market subprime loans in minority communities.”

Loan officers employed other methods to steer clients into subprime loans, according to the affidavits. Some officers told the underwriting department that their clients, even those with good credit scores, had not wanted to provide income documentation.

“By doing this, the loan flipped from prime to subprime,” Ms. Jacobson said. “But there was no need for that; many of these clients had W2 forms.”

Other times, she said, loan officers cut and pasted credit reports from one applicant onto the application of another customer

These practices took a great toll on customers. For a homeowner taking out a $165,000 mortgage, a difference of three percentage points in the loan rate — a typical spread between conventional and subprime loans — adds more than $100,000 in interest payments.
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Ms. Jacobson’s account and that of the other loan officer who gave an affidavit, Tony Paschal, both of whom have left Wells Fargo, provide the first detailed accusations of deliberate racial steering into subprimes by one of the nation’s top banks.

So Wells Fargo tried to give black people subprimes and not the white people. My question is why would the black people go for these loans and not shop around?
while i wasn't there, can only speculate that the home buyers (wrongly) assumed the mortgage originators were going to offer them the best deal available

which causes me to note your question might have instead asked why were blacks - who qualified for conventional mortgages - instead offered subprimes. and why did wells fargo target black communities to offer those more expensive loans
which causes me to note your question might have instead asked why were blacks - who qualified for conventional mortgages - instead offered subprimes. and why did wells fargo target black communities to offer those more expensive loans

Looks like Wells Fargos motives were racist but based on profits, that seems to have worked.
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Then don't take the loans. Why is it when black people make a mistake, it's always someone else's fault but their own ?
Wells Fargo Pushed "Ghetto Loans" To Black People In Baltimore | NewsOne

Key quote:

“We just went right after them,” said Ms. Jacobson, who is white and said she was once the bank’s top-producing subprime loan officer nationally. “Wells Fargo mortgage had an emerging-markets unit that specifically targeted black churches, because it figured church leaders had a lot of influence and could convince congregants to take out subprime loans

Ms. Jacobson’s account and that of the other loan officer who gave an affidavit, Tony Paschal, both of whom have left Wells Fargo, provide the first detailed accusations of deliberate racial steering into subprimes by one of the nation’s top banks.

" At the heart of such charges is reverse redlining, specifically marketing the most expensive and onerous loan products to black customers.

The New York Times, in a recent analysis of mortgage lending in New York City, found that black households making more than $68,000 a year were nearly five times as likely to hold high-interest subprime mortgages as whites of similar or even lower incomes. (The disparity was greater for Wells Fargo borrowers, as 2 percent of whites in that income group hold subprime loans and 16.1 percent of blacks.)

“We’ve known that African-Americans and Latinos are getting subprime loans while whites of the same credit profile are getting the lower-cost loans,” said Eric Halperin, director of the Washington office of the Center for Responsible Lending. “The question has been why, and the gory details of this complaint may provide an answer.” "

“They referred to subprime loans made in minority communities as ghetto loans and minority customers as ‘those people have bad credit’, ‘those people don’t pay their bills’ and ‘mud people,’ ” Mr. Paschal said in his affidavit.

He said a bank office in Silver Spring, Md., had an “affinity group marketing” section, which hired blacks to call on African-American churches.

“The company put ‘bounties’ on minority borrowers,” Mr. Paschal said. “By this I mean that loan officers received cash incentives to aggressively market subprime loans in minority communities.”

Loan officers employed other methods to steer clients into subprime loans, according to the affidavits. Some officers told the underwriting department that their clients, even those with good credit scores, had not wanted to provide income documentation.

“By doing this, the loan flipped from prime to subprime,” Ms. Jacobson said. “But there was no need for that; many of these clients had W2 forms.”

Other times, she said, loan officers cut and pasted credit reports from one applicant onto the application of another customer

These practices took a great toll on customers. For a homeowner taking out a $165,000 mortgage, a difference of three percentage points in the loan rate — a typical spread between conventional and subprime loans — adds more than $100,000 in interest payments.

Seriously? The word "no" is foreign to black people? Someone twisted their arm and made them say yes?

Seriously? The word "no" is foreign to black people? Someone twisted their arm and made them say yes?


Exactly ! What do you expect though ? Most black Americans have no concept of personal responsibility. "No" and "It's my own fault I'm in this situation" is an alien concept to many black Americans.
first blacks bitch that they get turned down for loans 'cuz they;re not credit-worthy

now they bitch about getting mortgages

it's always the White Man's fault,, eh ass shafter?
Blacks whined about not getting mortgages so much the government forced banks to do it ... now they are suing the banks? This is sick, I say true equality, drop everything that is based on race from now on, they can struggle like the rest of us.
Wells Fargo Pushed "Ghetto Loans" To Black People In Baltimore | NewsOne

Key quote:

“We just went right after them,” said Ms. Jacobson, who is white and said she was once the bank’s top-producing subprime loan officer nationally. “Wells Fargo mortgage had an emerging-markets unit that specifically targeted black churches, because it figured church leaders had a lot of influence and could convince congregants to take out subprime loans

>snip for space<

Charlie, I hate to break this to you... it's not racism, it's marketing. Specifically it is target marketing.

Are you really naive enough to think Wells Fargo (or any other predatory lender of the time) was only targeting black sub-prime borrowers? Don't you think they also had divisions that were targeting hispanics, asians and whites?

Get a clue, Charlie - the only color predatory corporate greed respects is green.

KK and JB said it:

You don't loan to blacks, you're racist.

You loan to blacks, you're racist.

When does this shit stop?
Blacks whined about not getting mortgages so much the government forced banks to do it ... now they are suing the banks?

That's because their culture has no concept of personal responsibility. Taking on bad loans isn't their fault, it's because of racism ! Yeah , racism forced them to sign the documents and spend the money. lol

This is sick, I say true equality, drop everything that is based on race from now on, they can struggle like the rest of us.

Well it'd be racist to expect blacks to live up to the same standards as everyone else in society. Then it's racist to treat them differently. They don't want equality, they want hand outs and hand ups.
You are such a racist tool. Banks targeted all races. Sorry to disappoint you, but the down fall of the banking industry, wasn't lending to only black folks who couldn't pay.
Most of the Bass'friends on this board are in denial and or paranoid whites who delusionally believe that the U.S. states is colorblind and free of racism except in the case of affirmative action where they feel whites are always being denied and blacks have it so much better despite not having any empirical data to back up their claims, which is what one should expect when their sole source of "proof" is racial stereotypes and distortions of things they do even understand. And now, some evidence of this twisted way of thinking:

Latest News - Survey of White Americans Finds Choice of Prison over Treatment Related to Attitudes on Race and Morality

Washington, DC -- A nationally representative survey has found that three quarters of White Americans prefer drug treatment or probation for persons caught for the first time with 5 grams of cocaine, while one quarter prefer a prison sentence.

The same survey also found that those who supported a prison sentence were more likely to make moral judgments about the addict and were more likely to blame the addict for the addiction. Those who made moral judgments were also more likely to deny that racism is a problem in this country and to believe that Blacks were more likely to use cocaine than Whites.

But here's the reality the explodes the basis of their racist perceptions;

Results of this study showed that substance abuse treatment for first time offenders is greatly supported by Whites, who according to cocaine use data from the federal government, consume more cocaine than Blacks. In 2001, 14.7% of Whites and 9.7% of Blacks, aged 18 and older, reported lifetime use of cocaine. Federal data also shows that 1.9% of whites and 1.7% of Blacks reported using cocaine during the past year.

Morally judging others with racists beliefs that are rooted in lies, this sums up about 95% of the idiot trolls on USMB that attack the Bass and people wonder why the Bass thinks a good proportion of these delusional whites are mentally ill.
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Most of the Bass'friends on this board are in denial and or paranoid whites who delusionally believe that the U.S. states is colorblind and free of racism except in the case of affirmative action where they feel whites are always being denied and blacks have it so much better despite not having any empirical data to back up their claims, which is what one should expect when their sole source of "proof" is racial stereotypes and distortions of things they do even understand.

That a fact? name ONE -- just one -- member who has EVER stated the US is colorblind and free of racism. I won't wait.

Cry me a river, dude.
Most of the Bass'friends on this board are in denial and or paranoid whites who delusionally believe that the U.S. states is colorblind and free of racism except in the case of affirmative action where they feel whites are always being denied and blacks have it so much better despite not having any empirical data to back up their claims, which is what one should expect when their sole source of "proof" is racial stereotypes and distortions of things they do even understand.

That a fact? name ONE -- just one -- member who has EVER stated the US is colorblind and free of racism. I won't wait.

Cry me a river, dude.

Its implied in their responses, for every article the Bass posts on racism against white 9 out of 10 whites here will deny it and blame blacks for whining, while simultaneously whining themselves about affirmative action being racist eventhough there is no research that supports their delusional assertions that AA is racism and every achievement by blacks in terms of jobs and high positions are all products of AA[always at the expense of some poor, more deserving and presumably more qualified white guy as if they know all of these things, :rolleyes: ] and not individual achievement by blacks themselves. Of course they will deny that their whole train of thought is based on their latent and or overt beliefs of white superiority and black inferiority.
Most of the Bass'friends on this board are in denial and or paranoid whites who delusionally believe that the U.S. states is colorblind and free of racism except in the case of affirmative action where they feel whites are always being denied and blacks have it so much better despite not having any empirical data to back up their claims, which is what one should expect when their sole source of "proof" is racial stereotypes and distortions of things they do even understand.

That a fact? name ONE -- just one -- member who has EVER stated the US is colorblind and free of racism. I won't wait.

Cry me a river, dude.

Its implied in their responses, for every article the Bass posts on racism against white 9 out of 10 whites here will deny it and blame blacks for whining, while simultaneously whining themselves about affirmative action being racist eventhough there is no research that supports their delusional assertions that AA is racism and every achievement by blacks in terms of jobs and high positions are all products of AA[always at the expense of some poor, more deserving and presumably more qualified white guy as if they know all of these things, :rolleyes: ] and not individual achievement by blacks themselves. Of course they will deny that their whole train of thought is based on their latent and or overt beliefs of white superiority and black inferiority.

:eusa_eh: Did you mean for all those words to fall out at once. No one has denied that racism exists ... AA is bad for the US in many ways, but no one said it was racist, just wrong ... try again.
That a fact? name ONE -- just one -- member who has EVER stated the US is colorblind and free of racism. I won't wait.

Cry me a river, dude.

Its implied in their responses, for every article the Bass posts on racism against white 9 out of 10 whites here will deny it and blame blacks for whining, while simultaneously whining themselves about affirmative action being racist eventhough there is no research that supports their delusional assertions that AA is racism and every achievement by blacks in terms of jobs and high positions are all products of AA[always at the expense of some poor, more deserving and presumably more qualified white guy as if they know all of these things, :rolleyes: ] and not individual achievement by blacks themselves. Of course they will deny that their whole train of thought is based on their latent and or overt beliefs of white superiority and black inferiority.

:eusa_eh: Did you mean for all those words to fall out at once. No one has denied that racism exists ... AA is bad for the US in many ways, but no one said it was racist, just wrong ... try again.

More lying and delusional thinking, it has been stated numerous times in this forum, mostly by Shogun and RGS, that affirmative action is racism.

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