Bank pay control, UNBELIEVABLE


None of the members of Congress have lost thier jobs or gone to jail. Not recently atleast.

I expect 2010 will change that.
tsk tsk tsk,, name calling instead of facts to back you up.. Ravi Ravi Ravi are you related to bodunk?

Show us that the banks were pressured into taking the money as you earlier asserted.

Remember my PayPal acct awaits your lazy ass. I don't do other lazy posters' research for free.

btw, can you explain why Goldman Sachs and GE aren't being punished? Huh?

Goldman Sachs exec hired at SEC enforcement
October 16, 2009 12:55 PM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe
Adam Storch, 29, vice president in Goldman Sachs' Business Intelligence Group, has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement unit.

Timeline courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:

April 2008 - Goldman pays top Obama economics adviser Larry Summers $135,000 for a one-day visit.

October 2008 - ABC News reports that Goldman bankers have been the country's top political campaign contributors for the year.

October 2008 - Former Goldman CEO turned Treasury Secretary Hank Pauslon names Goldman Vice President Neel Kashkari to oversee the $700 billion TARP bailout.

January 2009 - New Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hires former Goldman lobbyist Mark Patterson as his Chief of Staff.

March 2009 - AIG bailout engineered at meeting between Paulson, Geithner, and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

March 2009 - Obama nominates Goldman executive Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

April 2009 - Goldman hires as its top lobbyist Michael Paese, the top aide to House Financial Services Committee chair Barney Frank.

September 2009 - In an interview on The Colbert Report, Michael Moore identifies Goldman as Obama's top private contributor. PolitiFact rates his statement as True.

July-September 2009 - Goldman nets $3.19 billion profit, breaking the 3-month record it set earlier in the year.

October 2009 - Reuters reports that, for the year, Goldman has set aside $16.7 billion for bonus payments - and is expected to pass $20 billion.

October 2009 - AP reports that Geithner's phone contacts with Blankfein outnumber those with Senate Banking Committee chair Chris Dodd.

Show us that the banks were pressured into taking the money as you earlier asserted.

Remember my PayPal acct awaits your lazy ass. I don't do other lazy posters' research for free.

you keep looking dumber and dumber bodunk


Actually, being a lazy person, you of course would want to name call me into doing the work your lazy ass doesn't want to bother to. So, taunt away....and if you ever decide that you want me to do your lazy ass work for you...just PM and I'll give you directions to my PayPal acct. Remember, $200 for the first 5 minutes, $100 every half hour after. You don't get my research for free.

translation in bodunk "I got nuttin." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

None of the members of Congress have lost thier jobs or gone to jail. Not recently atleast.

I expect 2010 will change that.

That may well happen with more conservative Dems and moderate GOP replacing the far right wingers in Congress next fall. Good point, Av.
Show us that the banks were pressured into taking the money as you earlier asserted.

Remember my PayPal acct awaits your lazy ass. I don't do other lazy posters' research for free.

btw, can you explain why Goldman Sachs and GE aren't being punished? Huh?

Goldman Sachs exec hired at SEC enforcement
October 16, 2009 12:55 PM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe
Adam Storch, 29, vice president in Goldman Sachs' Business Intelligence Group, has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement unit.

Timeline courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:

April 2008 - Goldman pays top Obama economics adviser Larry Summers $135,000 for a one-day visit.

October 2008 - ABC News reports that Goldman bankers have been the country's top political campaign contributors for the year.

October 2008 - Former Goldman CEO turned Treasury Secretary Hank Pauslon names Goldman Vice President Neel Kashkari to oversee the $700 billion TARP bailout.

January 2009 - New Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hires former Goldman lobbyist Mark Patterson as his Chief of Staff.

March 2009 - AIG bailout engineered at meeting between Paulson, Geithner, and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

March 2009 - Obama nominates Goldman executive Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

April 2009 - Goldman hires as its top lobbyist Michael Paese, the top aide to House Financial Services Committee chair Barney Frank.

September 2009 - In an interview on The Colbert Report, Michael Moore identifies Goldman as Obama's top private contributor. PolitiFact rates his statement as True.

July-September 2009 - Goldman nets $3.19 billion profit, breaking the 3-month record it set earlier in the year.

October 2009 - Reuters reports that, for the year, Goldman has set aside $16.7 billion for bonus payments - and is expected to pass $20 billion.

October 2009 - AP reports that Geithner's phone contacts with Blankfein outnumber those with Senate Banking Committee chair Chris Dodd.


and of course we all know, well except for bodunk, that GE's accepted 140 billion dollars in bailout and obamalama annionts Immelt with a prime job of his economic advisor. yes, what we have here is a good liberal case of selective punishment. case closed.
Show us that the banks were pressured into taking the money as you earlier asserted.

Remember my PayPal acct awaits your lazy ass. I don't do other lazy posters' research for free.

btw, can you explain why Goldman Sachs and GE aren't being punished? Huh?

Goldman Sachs exec hired at SEC enforcement
October 16, 2009 12:55 PM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe
Adam Storch, 29, vice president in Goldman Sachs' Business Intelligence Group, has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement unit.

Timeline courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:

April 2008 - Goldman pays top Obama economics adviser Larry Summers $135,000 for a one-day visit.

October 2008 - ABC News reports that Goldman bankers have been the country's top political campaign contributors for the year.

October 2008 - Former Goldman CEO turned Treasury Secretary Hank Pauslon names Goldman Vice President Neel Kashkari to oversee the $700 billion TARP bailout.

January 2009 - New Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hires former Goldman lobbyist Mark Patterson as his Chief of Staff.

March 2009 - AIG bailout engineered at meeting between Paulson, Geithner, and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

March 2009 - Obama nominates Goldman executive Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

April 2009 - Goldman hires as its top lobbyist Michael Paese, the top aide to House Financial Services Committee chair Barney Frank.

September 2009 - In an interview on The Colbert Report, Michael Moore identifies Goldman as Obama's top private contributor. PolitiFact rates his statement as True.

July-September 2009 - Goldman nets $3.19 billion profit, breaking the 3-month record it set earlier in the year.

October 2009 - Reuters reports that, for the year, Goldman has set aside $16.7 billion for bonus payments - and is expected to pass $20 billion.

October 2009 - AP reports that Geithner's phone contacts with Blankfein outnumber those with Senate Banking Committee chair Chris Dodd.


Hmmmm, you may be on to something here. Any reaction from the democrats on this revelation?
Hey.......let's also talk about Fannie and Freddie and the Bush admin while we're at it.

Too big to fail means too big to exist.

Wasn't Emanuel on the board of directors of Fannie?

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Removed I fart in your general direction.
Article II does not give or prohibit the POTUS to act in the manner under discussion. Of course it does not provide for executive orders or signing statements either. Since the presidents action is not prohibited by the Constitution, how can his actions be unconstitutional?
Enumerated powers....If it's not enumerated, the power doesn't exist.

But you already knew that, didn't you?
What are you referring to? No one is arbitrarily voiding contracts.
Performance bonuses are in the contracts between the companies and their executives.

You really need to throw in the towel on your faux naivete act.....It's not working anymore.
If there is any naivete it is on the part of the companies and the employees that think the federal government is going to pay their bonuses.

If I took a job with one of these banks, knowing they took bailout money, I'd not be sure of what my bonus would be. But if you think they are that stupid then perhaps you should question their judgment. Not that I expect you will.

The lack of an Article 2 enumerated power means that the Executive is operating beyond the range of his lawful bounds.

Were this Shrubbie or McGoofball, I'd be saying the same thing.
Article II does not give or prohibit the POTUS to act in the manner under discussion. Of course it does not provide for executive orders or signing statements either. Since the presidents action is not prohibited by the Constitution, how can his actions be unconstitutional?
Enumerated powers....If it's not enumerated, the power doesn't exist.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

The doctrine of implied powers trumps your position, Dude. But you knew that. Denial of the obvious will not help your position at all.
btw, can you explain why Goldman Sachs and GE aren't being punished? Huh?

Goldman Sachs exec hired at SEC enforcement
October 16, 2009 12:55 PM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe
Adam Storch, 29, vice president in Goldman Sachs' Business Intelligence Group, has been named the first chief operating officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission's enforcement unit.

Timeline courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:

April 2008 - Goldman pays top Obama economics adviser Larry Summers $135,000 for a one-day visit.

October 2008 - ABC News reports that Goldman bankers have been the country's top political campaign contributors for the year.

October 2008 - Former Goldman CEO turned Treasury Secretary Hank Pauslon names Goldman Vice President Neel Kashkari to oversee the $700 billion TARP bailout.

January 2009 - New Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hires former Goldman lobbyist Mark Patterson as his Chief of Staff.

March 2009 - AIG bailout engineered at meeting between Paulson, Geithner, and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

March 2009 - Obama nominates Goldman executive Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

April 2009 - Goldman hires as its top lobbyist Michael Paese, the top aide to House Financial Services Committee chair Barney Frank.

September 2009 - In an interview on The Colbert Report, Michael Moore identifies Goldman as Obama's top private contributor. PolitiFact rates his statement as True.

July-September 2009 - Goldman nets $3.19 billion profit, breaking the 3-month record it set earlier in the year.

October 2009 - Reuters reports that, for the year, Goldman has set aside $16.7 billion for bonus payments - and is expected to pass $20 billion.

October 2009 - AP reports that Geithner's phone contacts with Blankfein outnumber those with Senate Banking Committee chair Chris Dodd.


Hmmmm, you may be on to something here. Any reaction from the democrats on this revelation?

So long as they get their food stamps and federal largesse they don't give a fuck about revelations. Especially since the same are not going to be revealed by our controlled media.

Article II does not give or prohibit the POTUS to act in the manner under discussion. Of course it does not provide for executive orders or signing statements either. Since the presidents action is not prohibited by the Constitution, how can his actions be unconstitutional?
Enumerated powers....If it's not enumerated, the power doesn't exist.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

The doctrine of implied powers trumps your position, Dude. But you knew that. Denial of the obvious will not help your position at all.
There's nothing in Article 2 that even implies that the Executive has this dictatorial power.

Mainlining Kool-Aid doesn't turn fantasy into fact.
Hey.......let's also talk about Fannie and Freddie and the Bush admin while we're at it.

Too big to fail means too big to exist.

Wasn't Emanuel on the board of directors of Fannie?

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

ABS, I usually don't respond to your posts, but, bringing a persons family, and insulting them in the post is the lowest form of your classless ass. You hit a new low, which I thought couldn't get any lower, but you managed.
Hey.......let's also talk about Fannie and Freddie and the Bush admin while we're at it.

Too big to fail means too big to exist.

Wasn't Emanuel on the board of directors of Fannie?

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.
Y'know...If the Paxil doesn't work, you can always try some Zoloft. :lol:
Wasn't Emanuel on the board of directors of Fannie?

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

ABS, I usually don't respond to your posts, but, bringing a persons family, and insulting them in the post is the lowest form of your classless ass. You hit a new low, which I thought couldn't get any lower, but you managed.

Apparently you've never seen Monty Python's movie, The Holy Grail.

[ame][/ame]'s not an insult to their parents, but, hey..........if you are so shallow and limited that you don't understand British humor, well...

Fuck off.

However, as for you ya penis puffer? Your old girlfriend came around yesterday. After sex, she asked why when she brushed her tounge, she gagged, but when she gave you a blowjob, she didn't.

Wanna explain that needle dick?
Last edited:
Fed proposes to police bank pay for 1st time - Yahoo! News

By what authority does the Federal Government think it has to dictate pay to private institutions? Someone provide me with a link to the clause in the Constitution that permits this.

This crap is unbelievable. And the left will all harp how it is just the right thing to do.

Listen everyone. All you need to do is read what is in the bill.

H. R. 1—403 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009


‘‘(A) Limits on compensation that exclude incentives for senior executive officers of the TARP recipient to take unnecessary and excessive risks that threaten the value of such recipient during the period in which any obligation arising from financial assistance provided under the TARP remains outstanding.

‘‘(B) A provision for the recovery by such TARP recipient of any bonus, retention award, or incentive compensation paid to a senior executive officer and any of the next 20 most highly-compensated employees of the TARP recipient based on statements of earnings, revenues, gains, or other criteria that are later found to be materially inaccurate.

‘‘(D)(i) A prohibition on such TARP recipient paying or accruing any bonus, retention award, or incentive compensation during the period in which any obligation arising from financial assistance provided under the TARP remains outstanding, except that any prohibition developed under this paragraph shall not apply to the payment of long-term restricted stock by such TARP recipient, provided that such long-term restricted stock—
‘‘(I) does not fully vest during the period in which any obligation arising from financial assistance provided to that TARP recipient remains outstanding;
‘‘(II) has a value in an amount that is not greater than 1⁄3 of the total amount of annual compensation of the employee receiving the stock; and
‘‘(III) is subject to such other terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine is in the public interest.

And most important:

‘‘(iii) The prohibition required under clause (i) shall not be construed to prohibit any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant to a written employment contract executed on or before February 11, 2009, as such valid employment contracts are determined by the Secretary or the designee of the Secretary.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

As written in the bill, and highlighted above, there are limitations, but... as much I followed, those salaries and bonuses are within limitations and also, they are protected and guaranteed if signed before Feb 11, 2009, which they are. Government screwed up, now they are trying to make themselves look as good guys.

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