Bank pay control, UNBELIEVABLE

I heard yesterday that one of these guys is going to have to take a 50% pay cut. From $38 million all the way down to $19 million.

I wonder how he'll manage to get by?

That's not the point, Kojak. The point is we have the government running the bank.

We bailed the Goddamned banks out. If they took our money, until they pay that money back, they should not be making millions. In fact, they should get no more than $250,000. When they pay the money loaned to them by the taxpayer, then they can go back to being greedy swine.
There is so much more to the bank crisis than is posted in this thread.

How about Obama's involvement going back to his ACORN days, how about the openly gay Democrat Barney Franks involvement, how about Bush jr doing the same thing Bush sr did.

You fools need to look across party lines and start focusing on politicians. The politicians are destroying the country, its not the banks, its not the corporations, its not the rich. Its the politicians.

The politicians may be bankers like Timothy Geithner, The politicians may be like Democrat Fienstien and her husband Blum's direct conflict of interest, I can go on but the point is that the problem is politicians and their power.

The entire mess our economy is in is the direct result of politicians, REPUBICLICAN and DEMOCRAT
I heard yesterday that one of these guys is going to have to take a 50% pay cut. From $38 million all the way down to $19 million.

I wonder how he'll manage to get by?

That's not the point, Kojak. The point is we have the government running the bank.

We bailed the Goddamned banks out. If they took our money, until they pay that money back, they should not be making millions. In fact, they should get no more than $250,000. When they pay the money loaned to them by the taxpayer, then they can go back to being greedy swine.

Well, we already knew you were a socialist.
What are you referring to? No one is arbitrarily voiding contracts.
Performance bonuses are in the contracts between the companies and their executives.

You really need to throw in the towel on your faux naivete act.....It's not working anymore.
If there is any naivete it is on the part of the companies and the employees that think the federal government is going to pay their bonuses.

If I took a job with one of these banks, knowing they took bailout money, I'd not be sure of what my bonus would be. But if you think they are that stupid then perhaps you should question their judgment. Not that I expect you will.
There is so much more to the bank crisis than is posted in this thread.

How about Obama's involvement going back to his ACORN days, how about the openly gay Democrat Barney Franks involvement, how about Bush jr doing the same thing Bush sr did.

You fools need to look across party lines and start focusing on politicians. The politicians are destroying the country, its not the banks, its not the corporations, its not the rich. Its the politicians.

The politicians may be bankers like Timothy Geithner, The politicians may be like Democrat Fienstien and her husband Blum's direct conflict of interest, I can go on but the point is that the problem is politicians and their power.

The entire mess our economy is in is the direct result of politicians, REPUBICLICAN and DEMOCRAT

Hey ' forgot your helmet...........please try not to lick the windows........

Just out of curiosity, how do you think this works? The greedy CEO fucks go to Washington with lots of money. They pay politicians this money to get them to make policy that is favorable to them.

Ever heard of PAC's? How's about special interest groups?

Wrong IS the banks.
I am conflicted on this whole subject. It seems incredibly socialist to me when pay is dictated to private firms. On the other hand, the money whores opened themselves up when they accepted the bailout. WillowTree is right in the sense there were no strings legally attached. In reality, you give a say to those that pay the bills. That was the slippery slope of socialism here in the first place.

Continued poor decision making on the part of bank executives probably will win the day.

Why wouldn't AIG and others accept the money? The fucking scumbags just gave it away . The dumb asses had been warned since, at least 1986:

IN BANKS WE TRUST by Penny Lernoux

Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1984 - hardcover

During the 1970s, when the United States and world economies were still experiencing growth, few questioned such shoddy practices because on paper the profits looked so handsome. But when the new decade opened on a world recession, the dangers of speculating struck home, with huge bank losses resulting when hustlers failed to take even minimal precautions. Several Congressmen complained to me that they suspected some banks, in order to gamble for higher profits, were deliberately evading U.S. regulations designed to insure the safety of depositors. If they lose, predicted Congressman James Leach (R-lowa), "the buck stops with the taxpayers." Two years later, when the Reagan administration was bailing out U.S. banks that had lent excessively to Mexico and Brazil, bankers brusquely informed the American public that taxpayers had no choice but to pay. U.S. bankers are not interested in economic and political conditions or whether a country can repay, a staff member of the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy had told me. "Their bottom line is the U.S. Treasury."

The banks knew that they had the nations by the balls.

What are you referring to? No one is arbitrarily voiding contracts.
Performance bonuses are in the contracts between the companies and their executives.

You really need to throw in the towel on your faux naivete act.....It's not working anymore.
If there is any naivete it is on the part of the companies and the employees that think the federal government is going to pay their bonuses.

If I took a job with one of these banks, knowing they took bailout money, I'd not be sure of what my bonus would be. But if you think they are that stupid then perhaps you should question their judgment. Not that I expect you will.

Does this include Goldman Sachs?
Not all of those companies wanted or needed the bailout money. They were pressured by Obama and his goons to take this money. This was all part of the plan so that the govt could control private financial businesses under the guise of "well they took taxpayer money so we should be able to tell them what compensation they can give. A few months ago some of the companies that wanted to pay back the TARP loan were told they could not. When it became known to the people, the govt changed their tune and allowed the payback. The CEO of Bank America that just resigned told about the business pressures he got from the govt. The administration loves to make these companies out to be the bad guys. It is a great distraction from their inability to actually get anything done that helps the USA. The same as the health reform; govt makes all these mandates on insurance companies and then wags their finger at them about rate increases which are there because of the mandates.
You have to look at the entire picture and without the partisan blinders.
No one was forced to take the money. Or pressured. And all that wanted to pay it back paid it back. Nice lies, though, dipshit.
No one was forced to take the money. Or pressured. And all that wanted to pay it back paid it back. Nice lies, though, dipshit.

tsk tsk tsk,, name calling instead of facts to back you up.. Ravi Ravi Ravi are you related to bodunk?
Not all of those companies wanted or needed the bailout money. They were pressured by Obama and his goons to take this money. This was all part of the plan so that the govt could control private financial businesses under the guise of "well they took taxpayer money so we should be able to tell them what compensation they can give. A few months ago some of the companies that wanted to pay back the TARP loan were told they could not. When it became known to the people, the govt changed their tune and allowed the payback. The CEO of Bank America that just resigned told about the business pressures he got from the govt. The administration loves to make these companies out to be the bad guys. It is a great distraction from their inability to actually get anything done that helps the USA. The same as the health reform; govt makes all these mandates on insurance companies and then wags their finger at them about rate increases which are there because of the mandates.
You have to look at the entire picture and without the partisan blinders.

If they didn't want the money JackoffRockit, then can you please tell me why they showed up, begged, went through Senate interviews and all that other shit?

Wasn't for the money? Then what the fuck was it for, PR?

Sorry the public currently owns these people's asses. Because of that these guys get to take orders from the people's representatives or their appointed stand ins. It sucks to be them under a Democratic administration. And it will suck even worse for the people of this country as under these circumstances we sure as hell aren't going to get the best and the brightest people to take on the responsibility of turning these companies around which means we will all lose when these entities finally do go belly up.
Article II does not give or prohibit the POTUS to act in the manner under discussion. Of course it does not provide for executive orders or signing statements either. Since the presidents action is not prohibited by the Constitution, how can his actions be unconstitutional?
Not all of those companies wanted or needed the bailout money. They were pressured by Obama and his goons to take this money. This was all part of the plan so that the govt could control private financial businesses under the guise of "well they took taxpayer money so we should be able to tell them what compensation they can give. A few months ago some of the companies that wanted to pay back the TARP loan were told they could not. When it became known to the people, the govt changed their tune and allowed the payback. The CEO of Bank America that just resigned told about the business pressures he got from the govt. The administration loves to make these companies out to be the bad guys. It is a great distraction from their inability to actually get anything done that helps the USA. The same as the health reform; govt makes all these mandates on insurance companies and then wags their finger at them about rate increases which are there because of the mandates.
You have to look at the entire picture and without the partisan blinders.

If they didn't want the money JackoffRockit, then can you please tell me why they showed up, begged, went through Senate interviews and all that other shit?

Wasn't for the money? Then what the fuck was it for, PR?


It was a symbiotic relationship.

Corrupt opportunistic businessmen accepted the cash and prevented the Commander in chief of the welfare state from having a real economic disaster in his hands worse than the 1935 depression.

Sorry the public currently owns these people's asses. Because of that these guys get to take orders from the people's representatives or their appointed stand ins. It sucks to be them under a Democratic administration. And it will suck even worse for the people of this country as under these circumstances we sure as hell aren't going to get the best and the brightest people to take on the responsibility of turning these companies around which means we will all lose when these entities finally do go belly up.

And I suppose these overpaid bozos who ran their companies into the ground with all kinds of cockamamie investment schemes were the "best and brightest"?
Sorry the public currently owns these people's asses. Because of that these guys get to take orders from the people's representatives or their appointed stand ins. It sucks to be them under a Democratic administration. And it will suck even worse for the people of this country as under these circumstances we sure as hell aren't going to get the best and the brightest people to take on the responsibility of turning these companies around which means we will all lose when these entities finally do go belly up.

And I suppose these overpaid bozos who ran their companies into the ground with all kinds of cockamamie investment schemes were the "best and brightest"?

Put Glass-Steagall back in place and no more worries about investment schemes.
Simply divorce investment banking from commerical banking. Don't let the commercial banks "front" for stock brokerages. Regulate out the incentive for corporate corruption while keep competition keen and active. Yeah, the overpaid bozos are not the best and brightest, and no one else will hire them. That's why they are squealing.

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