Bank pay control, UNBELIEVABLE

Wasn't Emanuel on the board of directors of Fannie?

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

ABS, I usually don't respond to your posts, but, bringing a persons family, and insulting them in the post is the lowest form of your classless ass. You hit a new low, which I thought couldn't get any lower, but you managed.

Oh GOOD LORD! Hasn't anyone here ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail???????

Yeah actually.......he's also one of those fuckers that was sucking money outta the economy while Bush Jr. was in office.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

ABS, I usually don't respond to your posts, but, bringing a persons family, and insulting them in the post is the lowest form of your classless ass. You hit a new low, which I thought couldn't get any lower, but you managed.

Oh GOOD LORD! Hasn't anyone here ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail???????


And your point IS? It wasn't exactly endearing, Bo. It was meant as an insult, especially coming from ABS. Now what else have you got to say about it??????? :cuckoo:
ABS, I usually don't respond to your posts, but, bringing a persons family, and insulting them in the post is the lowest form of your classless ass. You hit a new low, which I thought couldn't get any lower, but you managed.

Oh GOOD LORD! Hasn't anyone here ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail???????


And your point IS? It wasn't exactly endearing, Bo. It was meant as an insult, especially coming from ABS. Now what else have you got to say about it??????? :cuckoo:

So is "Your mother wears Army shoes". No one takes that seriously anymore either.

You poor victims, someone using the funniest line in Monty Python and the Holy Grail on you. You poor, poor victims. :doubt:
Fed proposes to police bank pay for 1st time - Yahoo! News

By what authority does the Federal Government think it has to dictate pay to private institutions? Someone provide me with a link to the clause in the Constitution that permits this.

This crap is unbelievable. And the left will all harp how it is just the right thing to do.

Just to be specific the article is talking about the Federal Reserve not the Federal Government.
Oh GOOD LORD! Hasn't anyone here ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail???????


And your point IS? It wasn't exactly endearing, Bo. It was meant as an insult, especially coming from ABS. Now what else have you got to say about it??????? :cuckoo:

So is "Your mother wears Army shoes". No one takes that seriously anymore either.

You poor victims, someone using the funniest line in Monty Python and the Holy Grail on you. You poor, poor victims. :doubt:

Wanna trade insults? The best part of you ran down your daddy's leg.
I heard yesterday that one of these guys is going to have to take a 50% pay cut. From $38 million all the way down to $19 million.

I wonder how he'll manage to get by?

The problem is, where does the government stop. When do they start dictating to everyone including you what your compensation is going to be.
I heard yesterday that one of these guys is going to have to take a 50% pay cut. From $38 million all the way down to $19 million.

I wonder how he'll manage to get by?

The problem is, where does the government stop. When do they start dictating to everyone including you what your compensation is going to be.

I guess when the company I work for gets run into the ground and bailed out by taxpayers.
There is so much more to the bank crisis than is posted in this thread.

How about Obama's involvement going back to his ACORN days, how about the openly gay Democrat Barney Franks involvement, how about Bush jr doing the same thing Bush sr did.

You fools need to look across party lines and start focusing on politicians. The politicians are destroying the country, its not the banks, its not the corporations, its not the rich. Its the politicians.

The politicians may be bankers like Timothy Geithner, The politicians may be like Democrat Fienstien and her husband Blum's direct conflict of interest, I can go on but the point is that the problem is politicians and their power.

The entire mess our economy is in is the direct result of politicians, REPUBICLICAN and DEMOCRAT

The politicians are owned by the corporations and the wealthy. That's why they give to BOTH parties. The two party system has failed, we really have a one party system with two fronts.
I don't feel bad for a minute about these International Bankers who might get payed less than they deserved to begin with. However, When it's this out of control International Socialist Government sticking their noses into the Capitalist free market, it is a very sinister anti-Constitutional situation that any American with a brain should be concerned about.

It starts with these guys, and ends with everyday citizens who run small companies and it will surely without a doubt eventually bring down this Nation and reduce us to a turd World heap of crap. Too bad the Obama International Marxists who occupy our Government, as well as the bums who sit on their butts all day long, could care less until it hits their wallets at the end of the day. Which rest assure, it eventually will. ~BH
I wonder if these dopey libs realize the slippery slope we are ALL on?

Are you kidding? These suicidal mentally deranged morons will never realize anything until it hits them right in their pockets and at home. They are too stoned, stupid, braindead and jealous of other folks success for them to ever fathom or understand what is in store for their weak minded selves. Lawless Governments have used fools like them for ages. ~BH
Did anyone even READ the link that this thread is suppose to be about? Because it seems as though we are talking about 2 different things???

This article is about the federal reserve bank requesting more information on their customers constantly coming to them for money, basically.....and wanting to be certain their pay structures do not encourage risky behavior that could lose their trusting stock holders money, and make the whole economy fall if all the stars lined up?? At least that is what I got out of it....

And this is not necessarily about HOW much money the corporate bank heads make but HOW they make their pay is structured.

As example they could have a $10,000,000 annual salary but if they make their stock price go up X amount, you will pay them another$30 million, through the stock options you give them....which are not counted on the books until the ceo decides to exercise his option....many things are problematic with this kind of pay structure....

It would be better for the company/the corporation if the head/ceo were paid 25 million upfront salary with no bonuses through stock options.

The banks are making the decisions themselves on how to set up their pay structures, they know now what they did wrong before and what hurt their shareholders, so I don't see them paying ceos in the same manner anyway... and the article says they need to present this to the federal reserve bank...which is not really a federal agency at's a private bank with private owners.

Fed proposes to police bank pay for 1st time - Yahoo! News

By what authority does the Federal Government think it has to dictate pay to private institutions? Someone provide me with a link to the clause in the Constitution that permits this.

This crap is unbelievable. And the left will all harp how it is just the right thing to do.

What authority? When they came begging hat in hand for bailout cash, which they stated they would REPAY.

When they repay their loans from the government, THEN they can start raking in their fat cash again.

Until then? Pay the American People back.

You really are fucking stupid aren't you Retarded Grungy Shithead?

You dumb ass, you didnt even read the story, I suggest you drag your fat stupid ass over to the key board and mouse and click on the link and actually read what I am talking about. This is NOT about banks that owe money to the Government, this is about making everyone play by the Congresses rules cause they want them to.

Something the Government has NO AUTHORITY to do.

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