Bankruptcy for Billionaires


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bankruptcy for Billionaires
Sep 3, 2012
When Bain walks out on its debts, it’s business as usual.

Is it any coincidence that the first private-equity baron to run for president is proposing something similar? The Ryan plan—now largely the Ryan-Romney plan—is an exercise in walking away. Medicare and Social Security, we are told, are in danger of going bankrupt. That’s because these enterprises’ wealthy backers—i.e, Washington politicians—have chosen not to fund the levels of expenditures promised to America’s rapidly aging population. Rather than raise new funds or reallocate existing resources, Republicans propose to turn Medicare into a voucher program and to consider raising the retirement age for Social Security. Across the country, governors and legislators who repeatedly refused to fund the retirement and health-care benefits promised to state employees are also trying to walk away.

Just like private-equity bosses, political leaders are choosing not to afford financial commitments—and betting they won’t suffer any sanctions as a result.
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Bankruptcy for Billionaires
Sep 3, 2012
When Bain walks out on its debts, it’s business as usual.

Is it any coincidence that the first private-equity baron to run for president is proposing something similar? The Ryan plan—now largely the Ryan-Romney plan—is an exercise in walking away. Medicare and Social Security, we are told, are in danger of going bankrupt. That’s because these enterprises’ wealthy backers—i.e, Washington politicians—have chosen not to fund the levels of expenditures promised to America’s rapidly aging population. Rather than raise new funds or reallocate existing resources, Republicans propose to turn Medicare into a voucher program and to consider raising the retirement age for Social Security. Across the country, governors and legislators who repeatedly refused to fund the retirement and health-care benefits promised to state employees are also trying to walk away.

Just like private-equity bosses, political leaders are choosing not to afford financial commitments—and betting they won’t suffer any sanctions as a result.
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

This is just too easy... Surprise! HHS pilot program to send 2 million poor seniors from Medicare into … “voucher” programs « Hot Air
Biden: “Romney will implement Medicare vouchers” – Obama pilots voucher plan already! | Radio Vice Online
Bankruptcy for Billionaires
Sep 3, 2012
When Bain walks out on its debts, it’s business as usual.

"Similar" to what? Bain Capital never declared bankruptcy. Your post gets off to a bad start because your premise is total bullshit.

Is it any coincidence that the first private-equity baron to run for president is proposing something similar? The Ryan plan—now largely the Ryan-Romney plan—is an exercise in walking away. Medicare and Social Security, we are told, are in danger of going bankrupt. That’s because these enterprises’ wealthy backers—i.e, Washington politicians—have chosen not to fund the levels of expenditures promised to America’s rapidly aging population. Rather than raise new funds or reallocate existing resources, Republicans propose to turn Medicare into a voucher program and to consider raising the retirement age for Social Security. Across the country, governors and legislators who repeatedly refused to fund the retirement and health-care benefits promised to state employees are also trying to walk away.

Just like private-equity bosses, political leaders are choosing not to afford financial commitments—and betting they won’t suffer any sanctions as a result.
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Your delusional if you think the taxpayers are obligated to pay whatever some scumbag politicians promised retirees 60 years ago.
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Bankruptcy for Billionaires
Sep 3, 2012
When Bain walks out on its debts, it’s business as usual.

"Similar" to what? Bain Capital never declared bankruptcy. Your post gets off to a bad start because your premise is total bullshit.

Is it any coincidence that the first private-equity baron to run for president is proposing something similar? The Ryan plan—now largely the Ryan-Romney plan—is an exercise in walking away. Medicare and Social Security, we are told, are in danger of going bankrupt. That’s because these enterprises’ wealthy backers—i.e, Washington politicians—have chosen not to fund the levels of expenditures promised to America’s rapidly aging population. Rather than raise new funds or reallocate existing resources, Republicans propose to turn Medicare into a voucher program and to consider raising the retirement age for Social Security. Across the country, governors and legislators who repeatedly refused to fund the retirement and health-care benefits promised to state employees are also trying to walk away.

Just like private-equity bosses, political leaders are choosing not to afford financial commitments—and betting they won’t suffer any sanctions as a result.
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Your delusional if you think the taxpayers are obligated to pay whatever some scumbag politicians promised retirees 60 years ago.
Then they should not expect what they wre promised 60 years ago. Privatizing will promise them nothing they could posible live on and get adequate medical care unless they pay more then the voucher. Has anyone ask PV if they will take vouchers for seniors? Betcha they haven't. NO and I mean no private healthcare provider will ever take a voucher and seniors will opt out for the present plan. .

Seniors are taxpayers also and have paid a lot into the programs and time to pay up. I had to work 50 years to get my dues. I also paid into the welfare system and the unemployment insurance system and never had to collect either.
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Bankruptcy for Billionaires
Sep 3, 2012
When Bain walks out on its debts, it’s business as usual.

"Similar" to what? Bain Capital never declared bankruptcy. Your post gets off to a bad start because your premise is total bullshit.

Is it any coincidence that the first private-equity baron to run for president is proposing something similar? The Ryan plan—now largely the Ryan-Romney plan—is an exercise in walking away. Medicare and Social Security, we are told, are in danger of going bankrupt. That’s because these enterprises’ wealthy backers—i.e, Washington politicians—have chosen not to fund the levels of expenditures promised to America’s rapidly aging population. Rather than raise new funds or reallocate existing resources, Republicans propose to turn Medicare into a voucher program and to consider raising the retirement age for Social Security. Across the country, governors and legislators who repeatedly refused to fund the retirement and health-care benefits promised to state employees are also trying to walk away.

Just like private-equity bosses, political leaders are choosing not to afford financial commitments—and betting they won’t suffer any sanctions as a result.
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Your delusional if you think the taxpayers are obligated to pay whatever some scumbag politicians promised retirees 60 years ago.

WTH I see you did not compehend the article.:eusa_hand:

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