Banning Abortion- A fool's errand


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
This is a massive red herring and missing the point entirely (the part in bold).

It's about what's right and what's moral.

Drugs and certain types of weapons are illegal and outlawed too but if there's a demand for it people will always get it - but again it's about what's right.

No-one's stupid. Back street abortions will still happen, that doesn't mean you encourage abortions in law either.

Even in the short-term if this new law stops even just a small handful of abortions then it's done good right away.

Medium to longer term it will encourage folk to be more responsible and in time this flippant attitude of using abortion as a form of contraception will vanish.

That's the whole point.
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So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
Progs believe utopia is of their agendas. The problem is there is no utopia. A peasant is either above or below the poverty line by their own actions or real privilege of how they are employed. Abortions have become a business industry. And it has made people more callous towards the human race's most important reason to live.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
As a very pro abortion conserv, I find this method of culling libturd offspring offensive and oppressive. It is needed to rid of us as many as humanly possible
Sadly looking at biden voters, we needed abortion in 40 million of those cases'

The OP being the prime example of why abortion is so so so necessary
This is a massive red herring and missing the point entirely (the part in bold).

It's about what's right and what's moral.

Drugs and certain types of weapons are illegal and outlawed too but if there's a demand for it people will always get it - but again it's about what's right.

No-one's stupid. Back street abortions will still happen, that doesn't mean you encourage it in law either.

Even in the short-term if this new law stops even just a small handful of abortions then it's done good right away.

Medium to longer term it will encourage folk to be more responsible and in time this flippant attitude of using abortion as a form of contraception will vanish.

That's the whole point.
So funny that the my body my choice anti vaxxers are all about sending bounty hunters out to stop a legal activity.

do you think for a second that the drunk frat boy and the refugee from a handmaid’s tale would have exercised the same reasoning if NY legislated a similar law regarding gun owners?

they wouldn’t have. And we aren’t a theocracy and it’s not your or government’s place to enforce morality.
This is a massive red herring and missing the point entirely (the part in bold).

It's about what's right and what's moral.

Right and moral are subjective... and you can't enforce a law when the morality is in question.

Murder, for instance, everyone agrees is wrong. Therefore, you can arrest murderers, put them on trial and get convictions...

Drugs and certain types of weapons are illegal and outlawed too but if there's a demand for it people will always get it - but again it's about what's right.

Well, we've seen the foolishness of trying to outlaw drugs....

No-one's stupid. Back street abortions will still happen, that doesn't mean you encourage it in law either.

No, but when the illegality makes it more dangerous not so much.

Even in the short-term if this new law stops even just a small handful of abortions then it's done good right away.

Except it won't stop any... women will just find a way to not be pregnant. They'll throw themselves down stairs, they'll smuggle in abortion drugs and not take them safely.

Medium to longer term it will encourage folk to be more responsible and in time this flippant attitude of using abortion as a form of contraception will vanish.

That's the whole point.

There's already a place that has the kinds of laws you want... You know them, you love them, it's...


Yes, the Philippines have the kinds of abortion laws you want...

And they have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. (More per capita than the US) 4200 Filipinas are hospitalized every year for complications from illegal abortions. There are more than 1 million abandoned children living in the Philippines, and a lot of them end up being exploited in the sex and slave labor trade.

Hard Pass.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^We need to teach swallowing and shooting it on the belly as another form of birth control taught in skewls
So funny that the my body my choice anti vaxxers are all about sending bounty hunters out to stop a legal activity.

do you think for a second that the drunk frat boy and the refugee from a handmaid’s tale would have exercised the same reasoning if NY legislated a similar law regarding gun owners?

they wouldn’t have. And we aren’t a theocracy and it’s not your or government’s place to enforce morality.
I'm not an anti-Vaxer though. I believe everyone should get it.

I'm not talking about sending out bounty hunters. Obviously shut down and jail people doing illegal abortions which are now against the law but as I said in the short-term it's about the message it sends out regards what's right and wrong.
Right and moral are subjective... and you can't enforce a law when the morality is in question.

Murder, for instance, everyone agrees is wrong. Therefore, you can arrest murderers, put them on trial and get convictions...

Well, we've seen the foolishness of trying to outlaw drugs....

No, but when the illegality makes it more dangerous not so much.

Except it won't stop any... women will just find a way to not be pregnant. They'll throw themselves down stairs, they'll smuggle in abortion drugs and not take them safely.

There's already a place that has the kinds of laws you want... You know them, you love them, it's...

View attachment 534418

Yes, the Philippines have the kinds of abortion laws you want...

And they have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. (More per capita than the US) 4200 Filipinas are hospitalized every year for complications from illegal abortions. There are more than 1 million abandoned children living in the Philippines, and a lot of them end up being exploited in the sex and slave labor trade.

Hard Pass.
All fair points, I've not got time to address them all atm and I know this will have consequences but I just think it always comes back to what's right.
Thank God we have this knob to remind us of the difference between right and wrong.
Well only oddities like you would think murdering a baby is right.

That says a lot more about you than you can ever say about me tbh.

Little hint for you - learn to debate your points like the guy above with me. All of his points were fair, whereas you come across as a bit of a sideshow at a circus.
Well only oddities like you would think murdering a baby is right.

That says a lot more about you than you can ever say about me tbh.

Little hint for you - learn to debate your points like the guy above with me. All of his points were fair, whereas you come across as a bit of a sideshow at a circus.
You're not worthy of my effort. Make better posts if you want me to try.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
It may just have the opposite effect intended

Women do not know they are pregnant until four weeks and a missed period. With Texas setting the limit at six weeks, women have a two week window to decide their options.

Better rush into an abortion while you still can
Well only oddities like you would think murdering a baby is right.

That says a lot more about you than you can ever say about me tbh.

Little hint for you - learn to debate your points like the guy above with me. All of his points were fair, whereas you come across as a bit of a sideshow at a circus.
Is it your business what women have a abortion or not?? You don't give a rip about these women who want to have an abortion. Many women who have an abortion go to church, and they receive the host. I thought your God was all forgiving.
Progs believe utopia is of their agendas. The problem is there is no utopia. A peasant is either above or below the poverty line by their own actions or real privilege of how they are employed. Abortions have become a business industry. And it has made people more callous towards the human race's most important reason to live.
So have guns.

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