Bannon subpoena -- That "nothing burger" may have some beef, after all.....

In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.

Mueller is slowly and methodically going about his business. No grandstanding like Comey

His findings will either vindicate Trump or bury his administration
He's only got 7 more years, I hope that is enough time. Is it?

This investigation will help determine if he gets that 7
Sho is taking a long time, hon.

What is so long with it?

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years with Benghazi and Hillary's emails taking five
I cannot really picture you being near as upset about the 7 years and 80 million spent to find out Clinton was getting kinky in the Oval Office
That is the lie Democrats continue to tell themselves, that it was about his infidelity and not his Contempt of Court for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Ak.
I bet if Congress informed Mueller and his Counsel members this morning they would have to pay the tab on this witch hunt should they fail to find any evidence against Trump the investigation would end by close of business today.

The Whitewater investigation cost us between $75-100 million..have patience, son.
Whitewater took 3 Nixon acted the same way as Trump.
Calling everything fake news
Tried to obstruct the investigation that ended up busting everyone, and bringing him down to impeachment..


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Evidence of a crime was presented.
Evidence against criminals were presented.
ALMOST all went to jail.
No evidence of a crime has been presented by Democrats...just evidence of extreme butt-hurt and resulting sedition from Hillary's loss.
I bet if Congress informed Mueller and his Counsel members this morning they would have to pay the tab on this witch hunt should they fail to find any evidence against Trump the investigation would end by close of business today.

The Whitewater investigation cost us between $75-100 million..have patience, son.
Whitewater took 3 Nixon acted the same way as Trump.
Calling everything fake news
Tried to obstruct the investigation that ended up busting everyone, and bringing him down to impeachment..


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Evidence of a crime was presented.
Evidence against criminals were presented.
ALMOST all went to jail.
No evidence of a crime has been presented by Democrats...just evidence of extreme butt-hurt and resulting sedition from Hillary's loss.

Republicans are investigating the crime

They control the Justice Dept and Congress

Dems are just sitting back and laughing
I cannot really picture you being near as upset about the 7 years and 80 million spent to find out Clinton was getting kinky in the Oval Office
That is the lie Democrats continue to tell themselves, that it was about his infidelity and not his Contempt of Court for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Ak.

Once again 7 years and 80 million dollars to find out he lied about getting a BJ.

You have no standing to complain about Mueller for the next 6 years

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Once again 7 years and 80 million dollars to find out he lied about getting a BJ.

And once again, that is the lie Democrats continue to tell themselves, that it was about his infidelity and not his Contempt of Court for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Ak. President Clinton was not Impeached because of his adultery in the WH. He was Impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court through 'deceptive testimony', resulting in his accepting a PLEA DEAL that would prevent him from facing charges, that instead stripped him of his ability to practice law in his home state.

And disgraceful partisans like you claim this was a 'victory' for Bill Clinton and was not worthy of his Impeachment....yet you want to Impeach the current President without even being able to prove a crime was committed.

Spare us of your attempt to re-write history to defend that POS.
Once again 7 years and 80 million dollars to find out he lied about getting a BJ.

And once again, that is the lie Democrats continue to tell themselves, that it was about his infidelity and not his Contempt of Court for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Ak. President Clinton was not Impeached because of his adultery in the WH. He was Impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court through 'deceptive testimony', resulting in his accepting a PLEA DEAL that would prevent him from facing charges, that instead stripped him of his ability to practice law in his home state.

And disgraceful partisans like you claim this was a 'victory' for Bill Clinton and was not worthy of his Impeachment....yet you want to Impeach the current President without even being able to prove a crime was committed.

Spare us of your attempt to re-write history to defend that POS.

In other words he lied about getting a BJ in the Oval Office.

I have spoken out against the effort to impeach Trump multiple times, I think it is stupid and dangerous.

But a partisan zealot like you cannot ever grasp the idea of anyone being outside the two party system

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In other words he lied about getting a BJ in the Oval Office.

You call me a partisan; however, you fight so hard to avoid acknowledging how Bill Clinton purposefully attempted to violate the same Constitution he took an oath to defend and protect by intentionally trying to deceive the court (to lie / deceive) in order to save his own ass, resulting in his being forced to accept a PLEA DEAL in order to AVOID criminal charges - the real reason for his Impeachment.

I have spoken out against the effort to impeach Trump multiple times, I think it is stupid and dangerous.

Good for you, and I agree. Being butt-hurt and refusing to accept the outcome of elections because they did not go your way is not only stupid - it is SEDITIOUS!. A rogue FBI coming up with an 'Insurance Policy' to use to oust an elected President if a President they do not like is voted in is arguably 'TREASON'.

But a partisan zealot like you cannot ever grasp the idea of anyone being outside the two party system

HERE is where YOUR partisanship - and your being offended by the truth - causes you to make false assumptions.

You ASSUME because I defend the elected President from false accusations, sedition, and treason from an extreme wing of one of the 2 primary political parties here in the US, who are waging this sedition / treason against a 'newly' elected President who they neither like or want as President, that I MUST be a Republican.

You are wrong. Replace Trump with Hillary and cite the same reason for trying to oust her from office had she been elected (ignoring, of course, her proven crimes), and I would be defending her right now.

What do you not understand about the FACT that Democrats continue to wage this 'sedition' without a crime ever having been proven to have been Trump or Republicans?
- Truth / facts / what can and can't be PROVEN with evidence is NOT 'partisan'.

The FACT is evidence exists that Hillary broke the law, that numerous members of the last administration broke the law, but there is no evidence to support the claims that a crime was ever committed warranting investigation now, let alone that Trump ever committed any of these non-proven crimes.
- that is not 'partisan'. That is FACT.

If you don't want to listen to ME that's great....but why won't you listen to the woman you trusted enough to be your candidate for President?

In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.

More wishful thinking from a total fucking idiot. I guess if you're going to dream, you may as well dream big. LMAO

You keep proving you got nothing, but according to you it's a really, really, big nothing. What a fool.

In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.
Team Trump knew the Access Hollywood tape was coming out and miraculously an hour later Wikileaks dumped Podesta's emails and the lie about him being a pedophile began to circulate on social media. If there's a smoking gun linking this, there may be something to this thing. The question is whether anyone besides Jared and the two werewolves were in on it.

True: Wikileaks dumped Podesta emails hour after Trump video
By beating Hillary, Trump was guilty of conspiring to collude with Putin to interfere with our elections and not accept the results.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote

How many 'smoking gun' claims have we had to endure from butt-hurt Democrats who still can't produce evidence that a crime was committed that warranted any investigation?

Snowflakes need to seriously consider that the 'smoke' they see is not from any 'gun' but is instead the 'smoke' proven anti-Trump criminals and Trump-Haters have been trying to blow up their @$$ for over a year now without being able to even prove a crime was committed.
In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.

Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal and is now working with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

Last edited:
In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.

I know how that guy feels. LOL

I wouldn't even mind Oprah winning just for some relief
Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

The subpoena could be a negotiating tactic. Mr. Mueller is likely to allow Mr. Bannon to forgo the grand jury appearance if he agrees to instead be questioned by investigators in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices about ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia and about the president’s conduct in office, according to the person, who would not be named discussing the case

From your link.
Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

Another failed regressive liberal prediction.
Mueller issues Steve Bannon subpoena in special counsel Russia probe

Mueller issues Steve Bannon subpoena in special counsel Russia probe
Sloppy Steve ...

ousted by Trump
ousted by Beerfart

he's flying solo with nothing to lose from anybody ... if I were The Hair Club President my old fat ass would be sweating bullets right about now.

exactly who, and how many crooks in the Trump Cartel will he take down and make himself famous?


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