Bannon subpoena -- That "nothing burger" may have some beef, after all.....

Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

The subpoena could be a negotiating tactic. Mr. Mueller is likely to allow Mr. Bannon to forgo the grand jury appearance if he agrees to instead be questioned by investigators in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices about ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia and about the president’s conduct in office, according to the person, who would not be named discussing the case

From your link.

I think Bannon wanted the subpeona so he would be FORCED to tell what he knows
Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

The subpoena could be a negotiating tactic. Mr. Mueller is likely to allow Mr. Bannon to forgo the grand jury appearance if he agrees to instead be questioned by investigators in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices about ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia and about the president’s conduct in office, according to the person, who would not be named discussing the case

From your link.

Well we'll see what comes out of the house intelligence committee today. If Bannon is cooperative with them, then Mueller may change that. If not, Bannon will have to testify in front of the Grand Jury.
All these right wingers on here (Trump cult members. really) shouldn't be worried at all....and that Trump will be found as pure, clean and untouched as Trump's textbooks at Wharton .....and YET, here they are ....LOL

Very interesting development.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today the House Intelligence committee has Steve Bannon front and center. We may get some leaks out of that. Be assured it will not be reported on FOX NEWS.

Under direct testimony--we might get a lot out of Steve Bannon. Like why did he say--this is all about the "money laundering."
Lately Trump and Bannon have been eating each other--
Friends no more. It was Steve Bannon who turned Trump into the Angry White Guy President. According to Michael Wolff's book "Fire & Fury." Now that Bannon has been fired from the White House & been fired from, and been called crazy by Trump, & attacked by Trump's family--(Donald Trump jr.) and is now living out in the gutter somewhere, he could actually be seeking a little retribution.


Trump has this nasty habit of firing people that know a little too much about him. Michael Flynn who has worked out a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and now Steve Bannon.

And of course former FBI director James Comey.

The subpoena could be a negotiating tactic. Mr. Mueller is likely to allow Mr. Bannon to forgo the grand jury appearance if he agrees to instead be questioned by investigators in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices about ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia and about the president’s conduct in office, according to the person, who would not be named discussing the case

From your link.

I think Bannon wanted the subpeona so he would be FORCED to tell what he knows

Hey, you guys don't start going down on each other just yet.....
I think Bannon wanted the subpeona so he would be FORCED to tell what he knows

Of course there must be something? They tapped all of Trumps' campaign for many months. They heard something? They are trying to get SOMEONE to admit to it. So far they have ruined Manafort and Flynns' lives. Over probably a minor deal. All this to tarnish the Trumpenfuerher' all hail, the Chief.

Maybe Bannon can say "Like Hillaries' people, I plead the 5th" to every single question. Why not? Gum up the works.
Soon....because they're so innovative and novel, the usual right wingers will post their cute "nothing burger" responses......

But that aside........the person who should be sweating bullets is none other than the Sec. of Everything......Kushner-baby.......LOL

(Bannon hates Kushner......and vice versa).
You mean 'SLOPPY Steve'?

'The subpoena could be a negotiating tactic.' Mr. Mueller is likely to allow Mr. Bannon to forgo the grand jury appearance if he agrees to instead be questioned by investigators in the less formal setting of the special counsel’s offices.'

'Negotiating Tactic'? No $hit! And what, so another 'Trzok' can question him in private while having 'Lying To the FBI' charges in his back pocket the whole time like with Flynn (after having proven to have protected Abedin and Mills from those exact same charges after interviewing them)?!

Yeah, no thanks. If I were Bannon I would tell Mueller to go 'f* himself', to bring on the Grand Jury, tell him he isn't going to play his 'fishing game' and to be ready for Hillary's team's favorite answer to questions: 'I invoke the 5th.'

Like Trump did, Bannon should tell Mueller to prove a crime was ever committed and he will be glad to then tell what he knows about 'said crime'. To date Democrats still can't even prove one was committed requiring any investigations at all.
we're united in the cause to make you ass kissers look like the fools you are
Eddie, the only evidence of crimes uncovered during this witch hunts is the evidence exposing Democrat crimes, which they are desperately trying to ignore / distract from.

The fact that Democrats have been exposed holding investigations of a US President when no crime has even been proven to have been committed does not just expose Democrat 'foolishness' - it exposes Democrat sedition / treason, as has been done regarding that within the FBI so far.
Bannon clearly has no first-hand knowledge of events in the campaign which occurred prior to his being hired. He has nothing but opinions and suppositions to offer.

Yes, the meeting between Jr. and the Russians was "treasonous", but Bannon wasn't part of the campaign then.

Another example, his prediction that the investigation would center on money laundering is a supposition. A supposition I myself have made several times.

But it is just supposition. If the Trumps laundered money, which I am fairly certain they have, Bannon was not an active agent in that activity and so cannot bring anything to the table. Unless Trump bragged about how he accomplished money laundering to his buddy Steve. Or explained to Bannon that was why he never released his tax returns to the public lest some enterprising reporter sniff out the trail.

However, Bannon may provide some firsthand knowledge of Trump's firing of Comey and any other attempts at coverup by his boss.
we're united in the cause to make you ass kissers look like the fools you are
Eddie, the only evidence of crimes uncovered during this witch hunts is the evidence exposing Democrat crimes, which they are desperately trying to ignore / distract from.

The fact that Democrats have been exposed holding investigations of a US President when no crime has even been proven to have been committed does not just expose Democrat 'foolishness' - it exposes Democrat sedition / treason, as has been done regarding that within the FBI so far.
Yeah easy bet you can say I am not a crook 3 x fast
Bannon clearly has no first-hand knowledge of events in the campaign which occurred prior to his being hired. He has nothing but opinions and suppositions to offer.

Yes, the meeting between Jr. and the Russians was "treasonous", but Bannon wasn't part of the campaign then.

Another example, his prediction that the investigation would center on money laundering is a supposition. A supposition I myself have made several times.

But it is just supposition. If the Trumps laundered money, which I am fairly certain they have, Bannon was not an active agent in that activity and so cannot bring anything to the table. Unless Trump bragged about how he accomplished money laundering to his buddy Steve. Or explained to Bannon that was why he never released his tax returns to the public lest some enterprising reporter sniff out the trail.

However, Bannon may provide some firsthand knowledge of Trump's firing of Comey and any other attempts at coverup by his boss.

I don't think so. Bannon knows a lot--all the players--he was sitting in the Oval office for quite some time, and I imagine he was Donald Trump sounding board. He can testify to what Donald Trump and others close to Trump have told him. That is direct testimony and is acceptable in any court across this country.
I think Bannon wanted the subpeona so he would be FORCED to tell what he knows

Of course there must be something? They tapped all of Trumps' campaign for many months. They heard something? They are trying to get SOMEONE to admit to it. So far they have ruined Manafort and Flynns' lives. Over probably a minor deal. All this to tarnish the Trumpenfuerher' all hail, the Chief.

Maybe Bannon can say "Like Hillaries' people, I plead the 5th" to every single question. Why not? Gum up the works.

Soon....because they're so innovative and novel, the usual right wingers will post their cute "nothing burger" responses......

But that aside........the person who should be sweating bullets is none other than the Sec. of Everything......Kushner-baby.......LOL

(Bannon hates Kushner......and vice versa).

Hey, you guys don't start going down on each other just yet.....
we're united in the cause to make you ass kissers look like the fools you are

The Left gets more, and more shrill, as the whole thing not only falls apart, but boomerangs back to their peeps.

I really believe there are 2 kinds of posters on here----------->those that are convinced by others, and those that lie to convince others.

The State of The Union is January 30th, correct? By January 31st, we will know those that who were convinced by LIARS, and those who are LIARS to convince others-)

Maybe we won't find a one of them who are pissed at being deceived. But then again, if we do find one or more, it will be the end of the Democrats.............and that is not counting the uptick in Black American support.

You know what you have to admire? Black America as far as when they find out they are being played-) Prove to those people that they have been lied to for manipulation purposes, and it is over!

Want to know what will be part of the State of The Union Address, with proof? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 don't count!

Adios illegals, the Democratic party, and hello Black America! Welcome our Black friends, to the REAL struggle to free you from Democratic slavery!
Bannon clearly has no first-hand knowledge of events in the campaign which occurred prior to his being hired. He has nothing but opinions and suppositions to offer.

Yes, the meeting between Jr. and the Russians was "treasonous", but Bannon wasn't part of the campaign then.

Another example, his prediction that the investigation would center on money laundering is a supposition. A supposition I myself have made several times.

But it is just supposition. If the Trumps laundered money, which I am fairly certain they have, Bannon was not an active agent in that activity and so cannot bring anything to the table. Unless Trump bragged about how he accomplished money laundering to his buddy Steve. Or explained to Bannon that was why he never released his tax returns to the public lest some enterprising reporter sniff out the trail.

However, Bannon may provide some firsthand knowledge of Trump's firing of Comey and any other attempts at coverup by his boss.

I don't think so. Bannon knows a lot--all the players--he was sitting in the Oval office for quite some time, and I imagine he was Donald Trump sounding board. He can testify to what Donald Trump and others close to Trump have told him. That is direct testimony and is acceptable in any court across this country.
We can make up all kinds of fantasies of what Bannon was told by Trump, but they are just fantasies.

Also, I think Bannon is still loyal and won't volunteer any information that isn't asked of him.
I don't think so. Bannon knows a lot--all the players--he was sitting in the Oval office for quite some time, and I imagine he was Donald Trump sounding board. He can testify to what Donald Trump and others close to Trump have told him. That is direct testimony and is acceptable in any court across this country.
You and others are assuming Bannon will testify. He might, but the way I see it WHY WOULD HE...especially if he is aware of Mueller's history of prosecutorial / investigative misconduct', aware how his anti-Trump Pro-Hillary criminal investigator was / has been part of the plot to protect Hillary while taking down Trump, how they protected Abedin and Mills from charges, and how the vast majority of prosecutions in investigations like this usually result from slip-ups under questions, not having anything to do with what is being investigated?!

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