Bannon subpoena -- That "nothing burger" may have some beef, after all.....

If the Trumps laundered money, which I am fairly certain they have,
nice one.
I think Mueller's investigation is going to head in that direction. It appears he already is.

It's been obvious for a long time that Trump is hiding something. That's why he won't release his tax returns.

Yeah, It's a big russian laundering operation--according to Bannon. This BAT bank and Duetch Bank are apparently players in all of this.

It makes sense. After Trump burned American banks on 4 casino bankruptcies and loss's amounting to 900 million dollars, there's no American bank that is going to loan a dollar bill to him anymore. So his funding came from foreign investors and banks.

do you think he knows that deutsche bank paid fines for money laundering for the Russians?

funny how even after Donald stiffed them and sued them they still gave him money

yup... them and the russians


Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme
Well, I glanced thru the many pages of "holdings". I suppose you could say if a guy gets hit by a Golf Cart in Dubai........and sues. He is suing Trump who has a stake in the Golf course. sigh.

Show some meat. Almost 2 years of "investigations" hunting for any Crimes. But nothing is there? Nothing but complete hatred?
Sloppy Steve ...

ousted by Trump
ousted by Beerfart

he's flying solo with nothing to lose from anybody ... if I were The Hair Club President my old fat ass would be sweating bullets right about now.

exactly who, and how many crooks in the Trump Cartel will he take down and make himself famous?

Still sloppy
its getting closer and closer, we can see even here how traitors feel hit already ...comments?
Steve Bannon, former chief strategist to US President Donald Trump, has been summoned to testify before a grand jury, US media report.

He was reportedly subpoenaed by former FBI director Robert Mueller, who is leading an inquiry into alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 election campaign.

Mr Bannon appeared separately on Tuesday before a Congressional panel.

Congress is holding its own inquiry into the allegations."Bannon 'ordered to testify to grand jury'

normal people know that Watergate took two years

This is not 1975 with blue line mimo-graph machines and Western Union telegraphs.

This is 2018 now. With 100Mbits/Sec internet and PDF attachments. Everything should be 100X quicker these days.

Plus they already had Comeys' work in place.

It all appears to be nothing but a giant SCAM to tarnish DJT.

Exposing flat out lies take time to expose no matter what year it is Yeller... Just like peeling an orange .

If the Trumps laundered money, which I am fairly certain they have,
nice one.
I think Mueller's investigation is going to head in that direction. It appears he already is.

It's been obvious for a long time that Trump is hiding something. That's why he won't release his tax returns.

Yeah, It's a big russian laundering operation--according to Bannon. This BAT bank and Duetch Bank are apparently players in all of this.

It makes sense. After Trump burned American banks on 4 casino bankruptcies and loss's amounting to 900 million dollars, there's no American bank that is going to loan a dollar bill to him anymore. So his funding came from foreign investors and banks.

do you think he knows that deutsche bank paid fines for money laundering for the Russians?

funny how even after Donald stiffed them and sued them they still gave him money

yup... them and the russians


Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme

Agree--I think Russian Oligarchs put up the collateral--co-signed--whatever for Deutsche Bank to loan that to him, after he burned them. There's no other way any bank would have done that. Deutsche Bank has been fined millions of dollars for money laundering.

They're just trying to trip Bannon up so they can get him for "lying to the FBI". This doesn't put the leftards any closer to their dream of unseating Trump.
What does Bannon know and what will it take to get him to talk?
Actually its
conspiracy is the main issue, according to a former watergate prosecutor (the people qualified to know such things)
Holding a meeting in a Tower is not 'Conspiracy' ... unless it is a 'Conspiracy To Hold A Meeting'. Now, unlike Mueller's on-going witch hunt, if you actually have evidence a crime was committed then maybe....
Conspiracy applies more to cyber crime, ie working with Russia to steal emails. They started looking at computer crime in early november.
Cambridge Analytica must be shitting itself.
In the next 4 days, there will be testimony given (some voluntary and some under a bit of arm twisting) by BANNON, LEWANDOWSKI, and HICKS.

Spin it any way you want, but the investigation is dwelling pretty damn close to that oval office desk.

We've already had 2 convictions and 2 indictments (which pretty much mean sure convictions.)

We'll soon see if there is any of that "beef" that right wingers claim does not exist......

In the midst of all the daily other crap spewed by this administration, the investigation keeps on rolling along.

Just heard on my local news that Steve Bannon testified at the House Intelligence committee today, and that this is the FIRST time Mueller has subpoenaed anyone to testify in front of the Grand Jury.

Something is boiling here.

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. The move marked the first time Mr. Mueller is known to have used a grand jury subpoena to seek information from a member of Mr. Trump’s inner circle. The special counsel’s office has used subpoenas before to seek information on Mr. Trump’s associates and their possible ties to Russia or other foreign governments.
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation
Every time that Mueller farts, the left goes nuts and every time they think that “this is it”, “we have him now!”

It’s sad and hilarious at the same time. The left in America is truly sick.

actually it's rightwingnuts who think the investigation should be going quicker.

normal people know that Watergate took two years

only trump scum think there's no there there.


In Watergate a crime was actually committed.

the "crime" for which Nixon had to resign was obstruction of justice. it was the cover up, not the crime that caught him.

I find it amusing that you've decided no crime was committed here.

why is it you think Donald's cronies are pleading guilty left and right?

you haven't a clue what they have on Donald yet.

but people who are informed know that a lot of money was changing hands between properties like the trump soho and Russian oligarchs.
The investigation into Nixon started off with a real crime. The burglary actually happened. In Trump's case there is a wishful thinking crime. Now they will find something.
"Bannon Forced To Cancel 'Muscle & Fitness' Cover Shoot To Testify Before Grand Jury" - The Onion
The investigation into Nixon started off with a real crime. The burglary actually happened. In Trump's case there is a wishful thinking crime. Now they will find something.
Hacking the DNC servers was a crime
The way this investigation is going, it will just ignore Trump. The indictments against two individuals have nothing to do with Trump. The plea of guilty from poor Papadapolis was shown to be over lying about the date of a meeting and bar boasting by a young man drunk on his ads.

Meanwhile the Democrat foundations of complaint are disintegrating.

It is not what Papadapolis, Flynn and Manafort have been indicted for...... those are all lesser charges as part of a plea deal

The key is what did they offer up in return for a plea

Trump seems very nervous

Lesser charges? Manafort is looking at like 80 years in prison. Just how stupid do you really want to appear to be?

Let's just say you are a little over the top!

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