Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

He says he's against monopolies but he supports single payor and government schools.

Everything Mac says is meaningless.
I'm against Single Payer. Competition. I'm fine with private schools. Competition. I notice you didn't bother to ASK. Afraid?

I'm definitely against manipulated, ignorant sociopolitical cults, like the one you obediently bend over for. Which is why you bitch about me like a drama queen.

You're a liar, a child and a rube. Everything you say is meaningless.
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I'm against Single Payer. Competition. I'm fine with private schools. Competition. I notice you didn't bother to ASK. Afraid?

I'm definitely against manipulated, ignorant sociopolitical cults, like the one you obediently bend over for. Which is why you bitch about me like a drama queen.

You're a liar, a child and a rube. Everything you say is meaningless.
Which "cult" is that?

Are you for or against vouchers?
Nice! Now I have a thread, that I didn't start, to which I can direct wingers when they lie about my positions.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better

Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest

The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments

Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal

Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.

Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.

Okay, martybegan, any issues that I missed that you'd like me to cover?

And what is "my side" again?
You forgot

Dems - believes him to be a manifestation of Satan himself. Deep seated hatred to the point of hysteria.
Mac - believes him to be a manifestation of Satan himself. While some Democrats have moved on, Mac is still completely possessed by his hatred for Trump in that it is the focus of most of his threads and posts even 3 years later.
You forgot

Dems - believes him to be a manifestation of Satan himself. Deep seated hatred to the point of hysteria.
Mac - believes him to be a manifestation of Satan himself. While some Democrats have moved on, Mac is still completely possessed by his hatred for Trump in that it is the focus of most of his threads and posts even 3 years later.
I appreciate the lies. Always!
I'm against Single Payer. Competition. I'm fine with private schools. Competition. I notice you didn't bother to ASK. Afraid?

I'm definitely against manipulated, ignorant sociopolitical cults, like the one you obediently bend over for. Which is why you bitch about me like a drama queen.
What the fuck is single payer competition? That would be the opposite "Ask" what?

Which cult do I bend over for?

You're a liar, a child and a rube. Everything you say is meaningless.

The usual evidence is provided: None.
He asked for it, here it is.


The "ONE-WAY" middling clowns always rush to defend any neg Biden post 1000:1 over neg Trump posts. Therefore they are all big phony DEMS masquerading as some sort of moderate middlers. Like moderate muslims..........they don't exist. Like that old movie "FOOLS RUSH IN". This ain't some sort of Alice in Wonderland out here....this is real life. They don't get it.

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