Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

Nice! Now I have a thread, that I didn't start, to which I can direct wingers when they lie about my positions.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better

Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest

The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments

Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal

Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.

Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.

Okay, martybegan, any issues that I missed that you'd like me to cover?

And what is "my side" again?

You voted for Joe Biden, liar.
Vichy Mac thinks the biggest problem in America is that we aren't lubbing our buttholes enough for Corporate America. Which is understandable, he is part of the parasite investor class.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better

We have that now. And while the big insurance and big medical and big Pharma get filthy rich, we have the worst medical outcomes in the industrialized world despite spending the most money. Highest infant mortality rates, lowest life expectancy and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. (and 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.)

Only Mac could look at that and say, "More of that, please". Mac demonstrates Upton Sinclair's adage that you can't get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.

Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest

Whites were racist assholes long before Political Correctness.

The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Nope. Frankly, your lack of understanding of the manufacturing world is kind of scary.

Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments
Again, check your privilege. White assholes aren't going to stop being racist because black people stop pushing back.

Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal
Since neither you nor Lindsey a) are doctors or b) have a uterus, how about minding your own fucking business?

Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.

Again, let's get real here.... as long as big oil can make money destroying the planet, they'll keep doing it. They'll fund terrorist nations, they'll wreck the environment and they'll pollute the last drop of ground water trying to push out that last drop of Federally subsidized fracking.

Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down
Yes, because big corporations are so well behaved.

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

Wahhh... I don't want government interfering in my business.

Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.

Well, if you are making that argument, then you are stupid. The problem isn't "outlaws", it's average everyday people who snap and shoot up their workplace for getting fired (like that guy in KY yesterday) or shoot the old lady for burning the pot roast.

So let's start by making it harder for more people to get guns, then we can worry about cleaning up the ones already in the wild.
Nice! Now I have a thread, that I didn't start, to which I can direct wingers when they lie about my positions.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better
Single payer is not a monopoly (in the market sense), Healthcare providers can still be privately owned and operated, and patients typically have the freedom to choose their providers -- single payer, for those who subscribe, the gov subsidizes according to ability. I support the 'public option' policy.
Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest
Dems are not monolithic on this point, not by a long shot. Hell, Bill Maher had a TV show 'politically incorrect', and he votes for dems, most of the time.
The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues
No president has ever solved the border problem. I support free trade especially on raw materials, and tariffs only on retail products in certain industries.
Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments
You can't be simplistic on a complex, highly nuanced subject.
Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal
I'd accept 18 weeks. 15 is too soon, and 23 is probably too late.
Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.
Sure, there's always room for improvement on this issue, but Republicans block us at every turn.
Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down
Dems want a progressive tax above 400k.
Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort
I disagree with your premise, it's simplistic.
Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.
Simplistic solutions on a complex and nuanced subject is not a viable policy. I believe there is a gun fetish more than a 'culture' and it's sick.
Okay, martybegan, any issues that I missed that you'd like me to cover?

And what is "my side" again?
Nice! Now I have a thread, that I didn't start, to which I can direct wingers when they lie about my positions.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better

Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest

The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments

Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal

Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.

Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.

Okay, martybegan, any issues that I missed that you'd like me to cover?

And what is "my side" again?
Your idea is to "reduce border problems?" Everyone supports reducing border problems. They question is "how?" and also, what do you consider to be a problem? I guarantee you don't see a flood of immigrants as a problems.
We have that now. And while the big insurance and big medical and big Pharma get filthy rich, we have the worst medical outcomes in the industrialized world despite spending the most money. Highest infant mortality rates, lowest life expectancy and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. (and 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.)

Only Mac could look at that and say, "More of that, please". Mac demonstrates Upton Sinclair's adage that you can't get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.
We have high infant mortality because of all the teenage immigrants who get pregnant, and our life expectancy is lower than it should be because we are the fattest country on earth. It has nothing to do with the quality of are medical care, dumbfuck,
We have high infant mortality because of all the teenage immigrants who get pregnant, and our life expectancy is lower than it should be because we are the fattest country on earth. It has nothing to do with the quality of are medical care, dumbfuck,

no, we have a high infant mortality rate because we don't ensure the entire population has access to prenatal medical care... only those affluent enough to have insurance.
no, we have a high infant mortality rate because we don't ensure the entire population has access to prenatal medical care... only those affluent enough to have insurance.
Bullshit. Poor people get Medicaid.
no, we have a high infant mortality rate because we don't ensure the entire population has access to prenatal medical care... only those affluent enough to have insurance.

Whomever told you that life is fair, lied to you. And you were stupid enough to believe them.
Whomever told you that life is fair, lied to you. And you were stupid enough to believe them.
It's not about life being "fair".

It's about a problem we refuse to solve, but other countries have solved it. And we leave it unsolved it in the most expensive, inefficient, and sometime needlessly cruel way possible.
It's not about life being "fair".

It's about a problem we refuse to solve, but other countries have solved it. And we leave it unsolved it in the most expensive, inefficient, and sometime needlessly cruel way possible.
It's only a problem for the people who aren't getting healthcare. Why should I care about them?
It's only a problem for the people who aren't getting healthcare. Why should I care about them?

Um, because America having the same infant mortality rate as some third world countries is kind of a disgrace.
I would never expect you to show a shred of human decency.
Nice! Now I have a thread, that I didn't start, to which I can direct wingers when they lie about my positions.

Health Care
Dems - For Single Payer
Mac - Against Single Payer. I'm against monopolies of any kind, and I think a public/private partnership would work better

Dems - Committed to PC
Mac - Absolutely against, as it has not only hamstrung the growth of minorities but understandably created increasing resent from the rest

The Border
Dems - Evidently for this mess
Mac - Any increase in problems at the border lay at the feet of the Dems because of their rhetoric over the decades. My completely original and independent idea to reduce border problems and to tell China to go fuck itself on trade: How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Identity Politics
Dems - All day
Mac - Absolutely against, as it is spectacularly divisive and aggressively drives resentments

Dems - Let 'er rip!
Mac - I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week proposal

Dems - Go green today
Mac - Fully support green energy, but the Dems have done a shitty job of offering a coherent transition plan. This will have to be a process, and we can't just start banning this or that without a plan. The various laws that ban things are worthless and short-sighted.

Dems - Higher individual taxes, higher corporate taxes
Mac - Somewhat higher individual taxes, keep corporate taxes down

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

Guns (added)
Dems - Increased gun control, banning certain kinds
Mac - Can't argue with "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The cat is long since out of the bag. However, solid background checks are one obvious helpful move. Our gun issue is CULTURAL, and we have to start TREATING it that way.

Okay, martybegan, any issues that I missed that you'd like me to cover?

And what is "my side" again?
I have to say that mirrors almost 100 percent my own stand on issues you mentioned.
Um, because America having the same infant mortality rate as some third world countries is kind of a disgrace.
I would never expect you to show a shred of human decency.
We have far too many people supporting abortions on demand.
He says he's against monopolies but he supports single payor and government schools.

Everything Mac says is meaningless.
It is my view that competition and the free market stifles monopolies. But let's not have the feds handle it. They are a monopoly.
Single payer is not a monopoly (in the market sense), Healthcare providers can still be privately owned and operated, and patients typically have the freedom to choose their providers -- single payer, for those who subscribe, the gov subsidizes according to ability. I support the 'public option' policy.
It's "not a monopoly" like gubmint schools are"not a monopoly...If you're wealthy, you can buy your way out, and the rest of the peasants have to suck on it the substandard crumbs given to them by their betters....Then, of course, you Marxist jackasses turn around and snivel about the wealthy buying their way out of your shitty and woefully inadequate system, and seek to steal even more of their earnings and freedom.
It is my view that competition and the free market stifles monopolies. But let's not have the feds handle it. They are a monopoly.
The only monopoly that can stick a gun in your face and force you to pay for their "product", whether you want it or not.

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