Bar owner that killed black protester commits suicide after black DA hired and decided to attack

His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
Hold up. You just said the DA found the shooting to be self defense and in the next sentence you said the DA assigned a black prosecutor to indict. Check your math next time you want to share with the class. It’s not adding up.
Yes after a mob showed up to his house.. did you read the link or just what you wanted to read?
Yes I read it. I didn’t see anything about the DA finding the shooting legit. The link said this....

“A warrant was issued for Gardner’s arrest following a grand injury indicting him last weekfor manslaughter, use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony, attempted first-degree assault, and terroristic threats in connection with the May 30 shooting death of Spurlock.”
Lol so you ignored he was originally found not guilty.. how can we have a rational conversation with you lefties if you’re going to be so irresponsible? If you guys want to have a rational conversation either get educated or stop playing the dummy
He was not found to be not guilty. Only a court can render such a verdict. What the DA initially decided was that there would be no charges filed because he acted in self defense. He also said that could change if more evidence surfaced, which is apparently what occurred, leading him to empanel a Grand Jury.
That’s not what happen. The da said the victim was the aggressor end of story, than a mob formed out side his house.
That's exactly what happened. The DA said they found more evidence. Primarily from Gardner himself.
The patriotic American was doing well with his bar, especially under the Trump years. Then the fraud Fauci and the Democrat governors FUCKED most economic activity and especially bar owners. The dude defended himself from a domestic terrorist and violent criminal and did not face charges, but then because inbred, low IQ racist savages signed a petition inspired by the fact George Soros in effect runs much of the Deep State prosecutors, the dude apparently threw in the towel, assuming he was not Seth Riched.

Looks like George Soros and those "inbred, low IQ racist savages" won, huh? The bar owner is dead, the bar is closed, and the state doesn't have to spend another dime prosecuting and incarcerating him.

Wouldn't like people to think you are a crackpot.

The guy acting as judge, jury and executioner is the evidence. Who knew better than Gardner that he was guilty?


The evidence is in the post immediately preceding yours.

Link? I don’t see it. Copy and paste?

I can't help that you're brain-dead. I already instructed you how to find that post.

Your evidence was pointing to another post? Lol hahah

That post contained the evidence you seek.

Ok what would that be? Can you tell me exactly what he did that was against the law? Thank you

Brandishing a firearm.

To thwart violence.. he was backing up not moving forward

Matters not. Threaten folks with a firearm, expect them to act in self-defense.

Actually it does matter we have the right to self defense,, and there is nothing you can do about that

As did the folks Gardner threatened with his firearm.
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

You’re talking about the mob surrounding him and his father? They felt threatened? Is this a joke?

Anyone would feel threatened when threatened with a firearm.

Don’t be a black thug and you won’t get shot

Oh? So Gardner would not have brandished his firearm had he not been facing whites? Thanks for admitting Gardner was racist. Thanks for admitting you are too.

white thugs? Do they exist?
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

No, it doesn't show that.
At all.

Your inability to comprehend what's in that video is your problem, not mine. It clearly reveals Gardner brandished a firearm prior to being attacked.

In what context?

In the context he wanted to scare people off.

Off? What does that mean? lol
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.
They attacked him in self-defense. Scurlock attacked him when he fired his gun.
He was backing up from the mob, the hero was protecting him self, father and business from black masked thugs. It’s a shame he didn’t kill more , he had every right to

If he had every right to, he wouldn't be dead now.
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
Hold up. You just said the DA found the shooting to be self defense and in the next sentence you said the DA assigned a black prosecutor to indict. Check your math next time you want to share with the class. It’s not adding up.
Yes after a mob showed up to his house.. did you read the link or just what you wanted to read?
Yes I read it. I didn’t see anything about the DA finding the shooting legit. The link said this....

“A warrant was issued for Gardner’s arrest following a grand injury indicting him last weekfor manslaughter, use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony, attempted first-degree assault, and terroristic threats in connection with the May 30 shooting death of Spurlock.”
Lol so you ignored he was originally found not guilty.. how can we have a rational conversation with you lefties if you’re going to be so irresponsible? If you guys want to have a rational conversation either get educated or stop playing the dummy
He was not found to be not guilty. Only a court can render such a verdict. What the DA initially decided was that there would be no charges filed because he acted in self defense. He also said that could change if more evidence surfaced, which is apparently what occurred, leading him to empanel a Grand Jury.
That’s not what happen. The da said the victim was the aggressor end of story, than a mob formed out side his house.
That's exactly what happened. The DA said they found more evidence. Primarily from Gardner himself.
On the video?
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

You’re talking about the mob surrounding him and his father? They felt threatened? Is this a joke?

Anyone would feel threatened when threatened with a firearm.

Don’t be a black thug and you won’t get shot

Oh? So Gardner would not have brandished his firearm had he not been facing whites? Thanks for admitting Gardner was racist. Thanks for admitting you are too.

white thugs? Do they exist?

Maybe not to racists, but yes, of course they exist.
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.
They attacked him in self-defense. Scurlock attacked him when he fired his gun.
He was backing up from the mob, the hero was protecting him self, father and business from black masked thugs. It’s a shame he didn’t kill more , he had every right to

If he had every right to, he wouldn't be dead now.
Not sure what that means, Him being dead now has nothing to do with his constitutional rights
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

You’re talking about the mob surrounding him and his father? They felt threatened? Is this a joke?

Anyone would feel threatened when threatened with a firearm.

Don’t be a black thug and you won’t get shot

Oh? So Gardner would not have brandished his firearm had he not been facing whites? Thanks for admitting Gardner was racist. Thanks for admitting you are too.

white thugs? Do they exist?

Maybe not to racists, but yes, of course they exist.

Well they were black that’s why I brought it up ..
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.

The totality of the event makes it apparent that several crimes were committed. First. Carrying without a permit. That is a Misdemeanor. Second. Brandishing. Lifting his shirt to show the gun and try to scare the people away. You can’t do that.

Discharging warning shots. That is illegal in cities because the bullets have to go somewhere. And they can and have struck bystanders in the past. Innocents a long way off can be hit.

The manslaughter charge was a stretch. But not an impossible conviction. I doubt they would have gotten a conviction on that. But the others were just short of certain. Even with some 87% of the people in the city being White they almost certainly would have found him guilty for the other crimes.

Now back to the history of Gardner. He went through life imagining himself as Billy Badass. He spent years getting into trouble. That history is the reason I think a Manslaughter conviction was a very slim possibility. The Prosecutor could convince the Jury that this guy was always looking for a fight. A confrontation. That day was his dream come true. He did not care about the law. He did not care that it was illegal to carry a gun without a permit. He wanted to show that those animals rioting would run like scared rabbits just from his showing them the pistol he had.

As I said. Slim. But not impossible.

What is interesting is that all those times that people fought with police and the Law and Order types say it can be sorted out in court if the guy is really innocent. You all don’t sound so enthusiastic about the idea of one of you having their day in court. All of a sudden you sound like the Liberals. He can’t get a fair trial. In a town with 12.33 percent Blacks, below the national average, he can’t get a fair trial? Really?

As soon as he decided to carry without the permit, he was going to jail eventually. It was merely a matter of time. And oddly the Law and Order folks are outraged by that simple truth.
Yes in a normal situation you
Are correct but when under attack from
A mob your your constitutional right to self-defense Kicks in.
he did not ask for his business to be attacked he did not ask for his father to be attacked he did not ask for himself to be attacked. god bless that hero
Stop lying. His father was attacked because his father attacked others first.
The patriotic American was doing well with his bar, especially under the Trump years. Then the fraud Fauci and the Democrat governors FUCKED most economic activity and especially bar owners. The dude defended himself from a domestic terrorist and violent criminal and did not face charges, but then because inbred, low IQ racist savages signed a petition inspired by the fact George Soros in effect runs much of the Deep State prosecutors, the dude apparently threw in the towel, assuming he was not Seth Riched.

Looks like George Soros and those "inbred, low IQ racist savages" won, huh? The bar owner is dead, the bar is closed, and the state doesn't have to spend another dime prosecuting and incarcerating him.

Wouldn't like people to think you are a crackpot.

The guy acting as judge, jury and executioner is the evidence. Who knew better than Gardner that he was guilty?


The evidence is in the post immediately preceding yours.

Link? I don’t see it. Copy and paste?

I can't help that you're brain-dead. I already instructed you how to find that post.

Your evidence was pointing to another post? Lol hahah

That post contained the evidence you seek.

Ok what would that be? Can you tell me exactly what he did that was against the law? Thank you

Brandishing a firearm.

To thwart violence.. he was backing up not moving forward

Matters not. Threaten folks with a firearm, expect them to act in self-defense.

Actually it does matter we have the right to self defense,, and there is nothing you can do about that

As did the folks Gardner threatened with his firearm.

He wasn’t the aggressor that’s from the DA .. try to keep up
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.
They attacked him in self-defense. Scurlock attacked him when he fired his gun.
He was backing up from the mob, the hero was protecting him self, father and business from black masked thugs. It’s a shame he didn’t kill more , he had every right to

If he had every right to, he wouldn't be dead now.
Not sure what that means, Him being dead now has nothing to do with his constitutional rights
What it means is he didn't have Constitutional rights to fire his gun.
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.

The totality of the event makes it apparent that several crimes were committed. First. Carrying without a permit. That is a Misdemeanor. Second. Brandishing. Lifting his shirt to show the gun and try to scare the people away. You can’t do that.

Discharging warning shots. That is illegal in cities because the bullets have to go somewhere. And they can and have struck bystanders in the past. Innocents a long way off can be hit.

The manslaughter charge was a stretch. But not an impossible conviction. I doubt they would have gotten a conviction on that. But the others were just short of certain. Even with some 87% of the people in the city being White they almost certainly would have found him guilty for the other crimes.

Now back to the history of Gardner. He went through life imagining himself as Billy Badass. He spent years getting into trouble. That history is the reason I think a Manslaughter conviction was a very slim possibility. The Prosecutor could convince the Jury that this guy was always looking for a fight. A confrontation. That day was his dream come true. He did not care about the law. He did not care that it was illegal to carry a gun without a permit. He wanted to show that those animals rioting would run like scared rabbits just from his showing them the pistol he had.

As I said. Slim. But not impossible.

What is interesting is that all those times that people fought with police and the Law and Order types say it can be sorted out in court if the guy is really innocent. You all don’t sound so enthusiastic about the idea of one of you having their day in court. All of a sudden you sound like the Liberals. He can’t get a fair trial. In a town with 12.33 percent Blacks, below the national average, he can’t get a fair trial? Really?

As soon as he decided to carry without the permit, he was going to jail eventually. It was merely a matter of time. And oddly the Law and Order folks are outraged by that simple truth.
Yes in a normal situation you
Are correct but when under attack from
A mob your your constitutional right to self-defense Kicks in.
he did not ask for his business to be attacked he did not ask for his father to be attacked he did not ask for himself to be attacked. god bless that hero
Stop lying. His father was attacked because his father attacked others first.
He was pushing a mob away from the business that was having its windows broken, he should have pulled out right there. Blasted them. Like the hero he is
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.
They attacked him in self-defense. Scurlock attacked him when he fired his gun.
He was backing up from the mob, the hero was protecting him self, father and business from black masked thugs. It’s a shame he didn’t kill more , he had every right to

If he had every right to, he wouldn't be dead now.
Not sure what that means, Him being dead now has nothing to do with his constitutional rights
What it means is he didn't have Constitutional rights to fire his gun.
The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for people to use reasonable force or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life (self-defense) or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.[1]

If a defendant uses defensive force because of a threat of deadly or grievous harm by the other person, or a reasonable perception of such harm, the defendant is said to have a "perfect self-defense" justification.[2] If defendant uses defensive force because of such a perception, and the perception is not reasonable, the defendant may have an "imperfect self-defense" as an excuse.[2]

Try to keep up
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

You’re talking about the mob surrounding him and his father? They felt threatened? Is this a joke?

Anyone would feel threatened when threatened with a firearm.

Don’t be a black thug and you won’t get shot

Oh? So Gardner would not have brandished his firearm had he not been facing whites? Thanks for admitting Gardner was racist. Thanks for admitting you are too.

white thugs? Do they exist?

Maybe not to racists, but yes, of course they exist.

Well they were black that’s why I brought it up ..

You broughg it up because you're racist as evidence by your suggestion whites can't be thugs. "Thug" is a racist dog whistle for "black."
The patriotic American was doing well with his bar, especially under the Trump years. Then the fraud Fauci and the Democrat governors FUCKED most economic activity and especially bar owners. The dude defended himself from a domestic terrorist and violent criminal and did not face charges, but then because inbred, low IQ racist savages signed a petition inspired by the fact George Soros in effect runs much of the Deep State prosecutors, the dude apparently threw in the towel, assuming he was not Seth Riched.

Looks like George Soros and those "inbred, low IQ racist savages" won, huh? The bar owner is dead, the bar is closed, and the state doesn't have to spend another dime prosecuting and incarcerating him.

Wouldn't like people to think you are a crackpot.

The guy acting as judge, jury and executioner is the evidence. Who knew better than Gardner that he was guilty?


The evidence is in the post immediately preceding yours.

Link? I don’t see it. Copy and paste?

I can't help that you're brain-dead. I already instructed you how to find that post.

Your evidence was pointing to another post? Lol hahah

That post contained the evidence you seek.

Ok what would that be? Can you tell me exactly what he did that was against the law? Thank you

Brandishing a firearm.

To thwart violence.. he was backing up not moving forward

Matters not. Threaten folks with a firearm, expect them to act in self-defense.

Actually it does matter we have the right to self defense,, and there is nothing you can do about that

As did the folks Gardner threatened with his firearm.

He wasn’t the aggressor that’s from the DA .. try to keep up

That was before more evidence was found.
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.

The totality of the event makes it apparent that several crimes were committed. First. Carrying without a permit. That is a Misdemeanor. Second. Brandishing. Lifting his shirt to show the gun and try to scare the people away. You can’t do that.

Discharging warning shots. That is illegal in cities because the bullets have to go somewhere. And they can and have struck bystanders in the past. Innocents a long way off can be hit.

The manslaughter charge was a stretch. But not an impossible conviction. I doubt they would have gotten a conviction on that. But the others were just short of certain. Even with some 87% of the people in the city being White they almost certainly would have found him guilty for the other crimes.

Now back to the history of Gardner. He went through life imagining himself as Billy Badass. He spent years getting into trouble. That history is the reason I think a Manslaughter conviction was a very slim possibility. The Prosecutor could convince the Jury that this guy was always looking for a fight. A confrontation. That day was his dream come true. He did not care about the law. He did not care that it was illegal to carry a gun without a permit. He wanted to show that those animals rioting would run like scared rabbits just from his showing them the pistol he had.

As I said. Slim. But not impossible.

What is interesting is that all those times that people fought with police and the Law and Order types say it can be sorted out in court if the guy is really innocent. You all don’t sound so enthusiastic about the idea of one of you having their day in court. All of a sudden you sound like the Liberals. He can’t get a fair trial. In a town with 12.33 percent Blacks, below the national average, he can’t get a fair trial? Really?

As soon as he decided to carry without the permit, he was going to jail eventually. It was merely a matter of time. And oddly the Law and Order folks are outraged by that simple truth.
Yes in a normal situation you
Are correct but when under attack from
A mob your your constitutional right to self-defense Kicks in.
he did not ask for his business to be attacked he did not ask for his father to be attacked he did not ask for himself to be attacked. god bless that hero
Stop lying. His father was attacked because his father attacked others first.
He was pushing a mob away from the business that was having its windows broken, he should have pulled out right there. Blasted them. Like the hero he is

Heroes don't kill themselves to avoid prison.
His life didn't matter.

Jake Gardner killed protester while defending his bar during BLM riots.

D.A. & police find shooting was in self-defense.

Under pressure, D.A. appoints black prosecutor to indict Gardner.

Gardner's GoFundMe page taken down.

Gardner commits suicide.
Rip patriot. We had your back.. time is coming
That's was nice of him to do that. Now the state doesn't have to waste any money on a trial.
Why is it that when something shitty happens to someone who doesn't deserve it, all these lowlifes ( yeah, I mean you) come out to show their ass about it?
Who says he didn't deserve it? Seems he thought he did or he would have fought the charges to clear his name.
Why do you think he did deserve it?
And what's he gonna fight with? He's already been bankrupted and lost his business.
I thought abuse by the legal system was what everyone was protesting about, are you willing to admit that it's not?
I'm not saying he did or didn't deserve it. I'm not privy to all the evidence. What I said is it seems he thought he deserved it by taking his own life.
You don’t have access to the video? He took his life because of the mob. Are you for mob justice?
I watched as the mob attacked him in self defense because he threatened them with a firearm.
Link? He was retreating and shouting warnings, than was attacked. Not sure you have the same case here

Your saying from that video THAT Jake is some how at fault!? So if I chased you down, pushed you in a puddle , punched you in the head, you would would be charged and not me!? WELL OK THAN . Lol

That video shows Gardner threatened them with a firearm and they reacted in self-defense.

You’re talking about the mob surrounding him and his father? They felt threatened? Is this a joke?

Anyone would feel threatened when threatened with a firearm.

Don’t be a black thug and you won’t get shot

Oh? So Gardner would not have brandished his firearm had he not been facing whites? Thanks for admitting Gardner was racist. Thanks for admitting you are too.

white thugs? Do they exist?

Maybe not to racists, but yes, of course they exist.

Well they were black that’s why I brought it up ..

You broughg it up because you're racist as evidence by your suggestion whites can't be thugs. "Thug" is a racist dog whistle for "black."

Or by the music they make calling them selves thugs.
I honestly do not get it. Ok. Maybe I do. Gardner was White and White folks are not supposed to be treated like Black Folks.

First Gardner had a history of fighting and causing problems. Several Misdemeanor Convictions are on his record. Note. Pretty much all of them have to do with his getting in fights.

If Gardner had been the one who was both Black and killed the White Wing would be on here screaming that Gardner was a thug who lied and broke the law regularly and his death is a good thing. He deserved it.

He lied on the Liquor Permits. He was argumentative with police. He failed to notify police he was armed. He got into fights. All of this shows that he was a troublemaker. If he was Black the people singing his praises would be here shouting he was a thug a product of the gangster lifestyle and cheering his death.

But he was White. So we will ignore his criminal history.

Now to the Charges. First the text of the law.

A person commits manslaughter if he or she kills another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or causes the death of another unintentionally while in the commission of an unlawful act.

Carrying a pistol without a permit is an unlawful act. Brandishing is an unlawful act. Discharging two shots into the sky is an unlawful act.

Scurlock was another guy with a criminal history.

You guys really need to find a more sympathetic poster child for the race hatred you are trying to stir up.
And what does that have to do with him acting in self-defense? We have a video of two men and a business the business is getting windows broken a father is trying to push the mob away from his business he was violently a pushed into the ground the son approached the mob and ask them to leave as they were coming towards him he was retreating telling the mob that he had a gun and they still attacked him.
They attacked him in self-defense. Scurlock attacked him when he fired his gun.
He was backing up from the mob, the hero was protecting him self, father and business from black masked thugs. It’s a shame he didn’t kill more , he had every right to

If he had every right to, he wouldn't be dead now.
Not sure what that means, Him being dead now has nothing to do with his constitutional rights
What it means is he didn't have Constitutional rights to fire his gun.
The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for people to use reasonable force or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life (self-defense) or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.[1]

If a defendant uses defensive force because of a threat of deadly or grievous harm by the other person, or a reasonable perception of such harm, the defendant is said to have a "perfect self-defense" justification.[2] If defendant uses defensive force because of such a perception, and the perception is not reasonable, the defendant may have an "imperfect self-defense" as an excuse.[2]

Try to keep up
That applies to Scurlock.
The patriotic American was doing well with his bar, especially under the Trump years. Then the fraud Fauci and the Democrat governors FUCKED most economic activity and especially bar owners. The dude defended himself from a domestic terrorist and violent criminal and did not face charges, but then because inbred, low IQ racist savages signed a petition inspired by the fact George Soros in effect runs much of the Deep State prosecutors, the dude apparently threw in the towel, assuming he was not Seth Riched.

Looks like George Soros and those "inbred, low IQ racist savages" won, huh? The bar owner is dead, the bar is closed, and the state doesn't have to spend another dime prosecuting and incarcerating him.

Wouldn't like people to think you are a crackpot.

The guy acting as judge, jury and executioner is the evidence. Who knew better than Gardner that he was guilty?


The evidence is in the post immediately preceding yours.

Link? I don’t see it. Copy and paste?

I can't help that you're brain-dead. I already instructed you how to find that post.

Your evidence was pointing to another post? Lol hahah

That post contained the evidence you seek.

Ok what would that be? Can you tell me exactly what he did that was against the law? Thank you

Brandishing a firearm.

To thwart violence.. he was backing up not moving forward

Matters not. Threaten folks with a firearm, expect them to act in self-defense.

Actually it does matter we have the right to self defense,, and there is nothing you can do about that

As did the folks Gardner threatened with his firearm.

He wasn’t the aggressor that’s from the DA .. try to keep up

That was before more evidence was found.

Quote from the DA?

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