Nebraska bar owner who killed George Floyd protester dies of apparent suicide

This is pretty scary. It is like South Africa in slow motion. Blacks when they migrated to the cities invariably ruined them with the exception of one or two streets in one city, I forgot the name of it. When Whites step in and invest money to pay the (((landlords))) and invest time and labor to make once great cities great again, Black and their (((MSM))) call that gentrification, in other words bad. Point being shithole areas are not to be fixed up because that implies Blacks made them shitholes, which they obviously did. So a hip dude owns a hip bar and good looking chicks feel safe there is attacked by a grotesque, low IQ, violent monster and defends himself, that is a crime because some bogus law says a petition of savages can supercede the decision by the local prosecutor? What in the fuck is going on folks?
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Protection from who? The people his father assaulted?
if you want to call a shove assault then the mob should have only tried to stomp the father to death but not the son
A shove is an assault. The son came out and threatened to kill people who were defending themselves from his father, therefore the son was also guilty of assault as an accomplice.
A shove is an assault. The son came out and threatened to kill people who were defending themselves from his father,
You are just becoming totally ridicules now

the rioters came to the bar looking for trouble and they found it

Defending someone in the commission of a crime makes you an accessory. You don't get to threaten to kill people who were defending themselves against a criminal.
He doesn't care. To him, the mob can do no wrong and anyone defending themselves against said mob needs to be burned as a witch.
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