Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining
There comes a time when you've made enough money........and OBAMA OBVIOUSLY HASN'T COME TO THAT TIME YET!!!
I am sure it's got Unicorn Power, so no fossil fuel generated electricity needed, and Rainbow inverters for clean water, and you know....."the flag".
Dude, some people were unhappy with the classes some were happy. Only an idiot would pay money for “Trump U”. LOL

You’re such a little wimp

Unhappy with their classes? They were lied to, laws were broken, fraud committed. Only an idiot would elect the guy who put his name on Trump U.

Link? What are you talking about? It was a civil suit. What criminality are you referring to? Trump won. Get over it. You have one more year plus left maybe more if your party runs another awful candidate. I agree Trump is not a saint but he has done many things that I like.

Did you know breaking the law can lead to civil court?

Here you go, just do a search for the word "law".

Trump University - Wikipedia

Yes and he paid his fine. So why are you still harping on this?

Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

Who cares another Negro hit the lottery off of tax payers
It's going to be their "Love Nest". You know Valerie Jarrett and Michele's. Their pool boy, Barack will be happy as he's got head pool boy Ramone to keep him company.
Unhappy with their classes? They were lied to, laws were broken, fraud committed. Only an idiot would elect the guy who put his name on Trump U.

Link? What are you talking about? It was a civil suit. What criminality are you referring to? Trump won. Get over it. You have one more year plus left maybe more if your party runs another awful candidate. I agree Trump is not a saint but he has done many things that I like.

Did you know breaking the law can lead to civil court?

Here you go, just do a search for the word "law".

Trump University - Wikipedia

Yes and he paid his fine. So why are you still harping on this?

Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.
The residents of Martha’s Vineyard must be so honored to have the Obamas live there
The residents of Martha’s Vineyard must be so honored to have the Obamas live there

In the meantime the citizens of Trump's hometown are trying to change the name of the street that Trump Tower is on to Barack Obama Blvd.
Link? What are you talking about? It was a civil suit. What criminality are you referring to? Trump won. Get over it. You have one more year plus left maybe more if your party runs another awful candidate. I agree Trump is not a saint but he has done many things that I like.

Did you know breaking the law can lead to civil court?

Here you go, just do a search for the word "law".

Trump University - Wikipedia

Yes and he paid his fine. So why are you still harping on this?

Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.

I always knew he was not a saint. All you do is see negative in everyone. Not just Trump. You’re a true Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you, you label as a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, idiot. You bore me.
Did you know breaking the law can lead to civil court?

Here you go, just do a search for the word "law".

Trump University - Wikipedia

Yes and he paid his fine. So why are you still harping on this?

Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.

I always knew he was not a saint. All you do is see negative in everyone. Not just Trump. You’re a true Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you, you label as a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, idiot. You bore me.

He's a crook, actually.

And no I don't label everyone I disagree with as a bigot or any other multisyllabic insults you could think of in the moment.
The residents of Martha’s Vineyard must be so honored to have the Obamas live there

In the meantime the citizens of Trump's hometown are trying to change the name of the street that Trump Tower is on to Barack Obama Blvd.
Trump should feel honored to live on a street named after such a great president

Totally and knowing the graciousness of Princess Snowflake I'm sure Trump will be thrilled.
Yes and he paid his fine. So why are you still harping on this?

Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.

I always knew he was not a saint. All you do is see negative in everyone. Not just Trump. You’re a true Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you, you label as a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, idiot. You bore me.

He's a crook, actually.

And no I don't label everyone I disagree with as a bigot or any other multisyllabic insults you could think of in the moment.

That is precisely what you do. I told you before the options in 2016 were limited. I am Not beholden to any party. Run Tulsi Gabbard and I will vote for her. Run Liz or Bernie and no chance. That is my right as an American.
“ a certain point, you’ve made enough money”. This “do as I say not as I do” is why I believe Liberals are corrupt. Who the fuck are they to tell me that I have made enough money while it is OK for them to make millions? Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Kerry...... they can all make as much money as they want but they have no right, moral or authoritarian, to tell me when enough money is made. Obama and Warren also tell small business owners they did not build their business.

Obama To Wall Street: "I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money" | RealClearPolitics
Then why the tax cuts for billionaires?

You people are fine with Billionaires and tax cuts as long as they are writing checks for your cause. How come Democrat’s never support tax cuts?
The Obamas are buying on Martha’s Vineyard
Trump is banned from Greenland
Like he had a choice.

Because it says a lot about his character.

You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.

I always knew he was not a saint. All you do is see negative in everyone. Not just Trump. You’re a true Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you, you label as a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, idiot. You bore me.

He's a crook, actually.

And no I don't label everyone I disagree with as a bigot or any other multisyllabic insults you could think of in the moment.

That is precisely what you do. I told you before the options in 2016 were limited. I am Not beholden to any party. Run Tulsi Gabbard and I will vote for her. Run Liz or Bernie and no chance. That is my right as an American.

OK, vote for whoever you want, doesn't change what Trump is.
You had two options in 2016. The opponent was not exactly full of character herself. Trump is an attack dog and I wanted to see what he could do in office. I am disappointed regarding the deficit and debt but other than that I do not have an issue with him. No one is perfect. Look at you for example. You only see the negative in people. Sad life you live.

I have to say something positive about Trump? I don't think so, I'm not sipping tea with him.

Anyway, glad you can at least see the light that Trump has broken the law and he doesn't seem to give a shit either.

I always knew he was not a saint. All you do is see negative in everyone. Not just Trump. You’re a true Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you, you label as a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, idiot. You bore me.

He's a crook, actually.

And no I don't label everyone I disagree with as a bigot or any other multisyllabic insults you could think of in the moment.

That is precisely what you do. I told you before the options in 2016 were limited. I am Not beholden to any party. Run Tulsi Gabbard and I will vote for her. Run Liz or Bernie and no chance. That is my right as an American.

OK, vote for whoever you want, doesn't change what Trump is.

I am not disputing who he is. And yes it is my right to vote as I see fit. As are you.
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

It pays to be a one percenter.
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

Yeah, but did they pay their fair share in taxes?
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.
not enough apparently if afterward he still can afford an 8 bathroom 15 million dollar house
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