Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

The residents of Martha’s Vineyard must be so honored to have the Obamas live there
I'm sure it helped relieve those limousine liberals some of their white guilt to have a token negro living there
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Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

I hear Obama made a cool $30 million after becoming President.

It is very lucrative. Winning an election is like winning a lottery.
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

I hear Obama made a cool $30 million after becoming President.

It is very lucrative. Winning an election is like winning a lottery.
Obama is a global Rock Star
People want to hear what he has to say

Bush 43......Not so much
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining
Is Obammy a racist?
Why didn't he buy a house on Chicago's south side?
Martha's Vineyard is only about 5% minority.
Why does he want to live on 94.4% white Martha's Vineyard island?

If we started shipping the illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard do you think that all of those dumb white Liberals would freak out?
When Bob Dole ran for president the Press branded him a racist because his tiny hometown Russel Kansas is over 90% white.
So Barry the Magnificent must also be a racist because Martha's Vineyard is even whiter.
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Barack and Michelle Obama are close to buying a massive Martha’s Vineyard estate.

TMZ reports that the former president and first lady are in escrow — aka in contract to purchase — a 29-acre beachfront plot with a 6,892-square-foot main house. The Obamas were initially just renting the seven-bedroom, 8½-bathroom spread for summer 2019, but apparently loved it so much that they made an offer.

Another prime example of grubby liberal elite hypocrites the do as I say not as I do

Obama was always criticizing his perceived excess of the rich proclaiming quote "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money."

15 million dollars that's ten times more then the average person makes in a lifetime

so Obama sycophant liberals do your spin and excuse this it should be entertaining

Yeah, but did they pay their fair share in taxes?
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.
Yeah, but did they pay their fair share in taxes?
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

Obama has shown his taxes and the causes he contributes to
Trump has not
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

Obama has shown his taxes and the causes he contributes to
Trump has not

Trump has not gone around claiming all of us need to give more of our money to others.

Therefore, I don't care what Trump does with his money.

Obama claims that all of us working folk, need to give more to government, and give more to the poor, and give more to minorities, and on and on. Therefore, he had better be giving up his $15 Million mansion, and giving his money to the poor. Practice what you preach, or don't preach.

A Conservative, a Liberal and a CEO walk into a room. There are ten cookies on the table. The Liberal takes nine and whispers to the Conservative .......CEO is trying to take your cookie
Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

Obama has shown his taxes and the causes he contributes to
Trump has not

Trump has not gone around claiming all of us need to give more of our money to others.

That's not true. The entire concept of taxation is to redistribute wealth and Trump in part manages how that money is spent. Such as giving welfare to farmers for his own fuck ups.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

Obama has shown his taxes and the causes he contributes to
Trump has not

Trump has not gone around claiming all of us need to give more of our money to others.

That's not true. The entire concept of taxation is to redistribute wealth and Trump in part manages how that money is spent. Such as giving welfare to farmers for his own fuck ups.
no the concept of taxation to pay for government services that everyone that pays those taxes can benefit from like national defense fire and police protection building and maintaining roads and other public utilities and infrastructure management of publically owned land and so forth
It isn't supposed to be about taking from those that earned it and giving to those that haven't

redistribution of wealth is a communist concept
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Good for the Obama's, they made money the real way, without daddy.
Buying a mansion on the beach shows Obama knows the climate crap is a hoax.

Does Trump living in the Penthouse in Trump Tower show that he knows climate change is real?

I believe Trump is still pro asbestos.

As for Obama, I'm more comfortable with someone who understands climate change is real living in a mansion that has already been built and can retrofit to use more green energy than some idiot who doesn't give a shit how long the lights are left on for.

Not that it matters with the Amazon going up in flames thanks to a Trump protege I don't think we stand much of a chance in turning this around.
Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

Obama has shown his taxes and the causes he contributes to
Trump has not

Trump has not gone around claiming all of us need to give more of our money to others.

That's not true. The entire concept of taxation is to redistribute wealth and Trump in part manages how that money is spent. Such as giving welfare to farmers for his own fuck ups.
no the concept of taxation to pay for government services that everyone that pays those taxes can benefit from like national defense fire and police protection building and maintaining roads and other public utilities and infrastructure management of publically owned land and so forth
It isn't supposed to be about taking from those that earned it and giving to those that haven't

We don't share taxes collected evenly on all citizens, the government takes in money and redistributes it as it needs to. That's just how taxes work, sorry.
Yeah, but did they pay their fair share in taxes?
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

know anyone thats spending $105 million dollars of taxpayers money PLAYING GOLF ?
not if they can afford a 15 million dollar mansion because "at a certain point you've made enough money" (quote from Obama)
and paying 15 million dollars for a house which cost 10 times more then the average person makes in a lifetime is far past that point

Full quote:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

It's about paying your share in taxes, not capping anyone's income.
its an argument for a more aggressive progressive taxing
so why doesn't he practice what he preaches "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" another quote from Obama
if he can afford a house costing ten times more then the average person makes in their lifetime he has made more then enough and should have donated to the less fortunate and lived in a much more moderate house not one with over 8 bathrooms
but like I said the hypocrisy of the liberal elite from which you worship
do as I say not as I do

Does he not donate any of his money? Is that your claim? Prove it.

If he has a $15 Million dollar estate, then by definition he has not spread the wealth around, because I know people who have a negative networth.

know anyone thats spending $105 million dollars of taxpayers money PLAYING GOLF ?
Obama. He still has a SS team.

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