Barack Obama and the New Party/Progressive Chicago


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama Camp Lied About New Party Membership

Saturday, June 16, 2012 by Tad Cronn

To this day, Obama, his supporters and the mainstream media maintain that President Obama is not a socialist.

It’s been known since before Obama was elected, however, that he had some sort of connection to the New Party, a far-left socialist group in Chicago whose goal was to drag American politics leftward and establish a socialist nation by infiltrating the Democratic Party.

In 2008, the charge that Obama had sought the New Party endorsement for office or had been a member was called a “crackpot smear” by the Obama campaign. Writer Ben Smith at Politico printed an article quoting New Party founder Joel Rogers, who said that the New Party didn’t have members, therefore Obama couldn’t have been one.

This past week, National Review author Stanley Kurtz uncovered minutes from a New Party meeting in 1996 that said Obama sought an endorsement and became a member:

“Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party ‘Candidate Contract’ and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.”

Obama Camp Lied About New Party Membership – Patriot Update

"you are doing well cucaracha"

Barack Obama and the New Party/Progressive Chicago

Barack Obama and the New Party

Strong in the mid to late 1990s the New Party was an electoral alliance dedicated to electing leftist candidates to office-usually through the Democratic Party.

Two organizations formed the backbone of the New Party- the Democratic Socialists of America and the U.S.'s largest radical organization, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now ). Radical labor union SEIU also had considerable input, as did members of the Communist Party USA breakaway group, Committees of Correspondence.

Another very strong influence was the far left Washington DC based "think tank" the Institute for Policy Studies.

In Chicago, the New Party founded an equally radical "sister organization" Progressive Chicago.

There is strong evidence that Barack Obama was a member of both organizations.

Chicago New Party

In Chicago, the New Party consisted mainly of ACORN, Democratic Socialists of America, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Committees of Correspondence (CoC). A breakaway from the Communist Party USA, CoC worked closely with DSA and many activists were members of both organizations.

The Chicago New Party began to get organized in January 1995.[1]

On Saturday, January 14, the New Party in Chicago took another step in its effort to establish itself as a political force by holding a major outreach meeting directed at Chicago's Left. About 100 people, with sizable delegations from DSA and CoC among others, heard Bruce Colburn and Elaine Bernard preach the gospel of the New Party...
Elaine Bernard, a Labor Studies lecturer at Harvard, is a prominent DSA member. Bruce Colburn was an officer of the Milwaukee Central Labor Council and the Chair of the local New Party affiliate in Milwaukee.

The meeting was held at the meeting hall of SEIU Local 880, a local that is tackling the extremely difficult task of organizing home health care workers in Illinois. SEIU Local 880 and ACORN share office space.

Potential third party
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