“Barack Obama is a war criminal” - Harvard Political Review

Queer Barry fought the war in Iraq for three years, bombed the hell out of Libya when they were no threat to the US and escalated the war in Afghanistan.

Maybe they are on to something.

Before NATO bombed Libya all the embassies were vacated and all the oil companies pulled out. Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy..if they didn't drown first. Have you ever read the Libyan constitution?
Iraq was on the ropes before the invasion... crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were no threat to the US or their neighbors. It was a huge blunder...as stupid as Operation Ajax.
That is a hindsight vision. At the time, it made sense to at least take the war to the Middle East. We invaded Afghanastan following 9-11 and no one gave a shit. But with Iraq and given Saddam was believed to be a threat, I am glad we did. I am also happy Cheney got to rebuild our decades- long decimated intelligence infrastructure…. I know Obama was as well; though he will never admit it. He sure did benefit from it.
That is a hindsight vision. At the time, it made sense to at least take the war to the Middle East. We invaded Afghanastan following 9-11 and no one gave a shit. But with Iraq and given Saddam was believed to be a threat, I am glad we did. I am also happy Cheney got to rebuild our decades- long decimated intelligence infrastructure…. I know Obama was as well; though he will never admit it. He sure did benefit from it.

The invasion made no sense to Arabs, oilmen, diplomats and expats... including me. I resigned the Republican party before the invasion. Anyone who knew anything about the Middle East opposed the war. It was a ridiculously stupid move.

We invaded Afghanistan for ENRON. They were huge contributors to Dubya's campaign.
Strongly disagree.
So far, drone attacks have been over 90% failures and murdered innocent people instead of those intended.
Assassination has always been considered illegal by the rules of war.
While you can kill the enemy, you are legally supposed to give them an opportunity to surrender.
That is why the capital buildings of enemy nations in war are not normally targeted.
The ONLY assassination I can think of is how we deliberately murdered Admiral Yamamoto in WWII.

But I do agree it was wrong for Trump to murder Gen. Soleimani.
There is NO law requiring anyone to give the enemy an opportunity to surrender.

Yamamato was not murdered he was legally killed.
In America, an American Citizen is considered innocent until proven guilty.

I don't know what its like in your shithole country.

Obama violated his constitutional rights and murdered that man, like a fascist dictator.

Obama is a criminal.
Not if they make war against America
Its not a good point. Collateral damage in war is not murder. And I would add that we have spent trillions developing smart weapons to avoid that very thing. e are the only nation in the history of mankind to spend treasure to protect the enemies innocents in wars.

You are a moron, and MinTrut is a degenerate who defends pedophiles in other threads.

"Smart weapons". LOL

When a country that did nothing to you see's their citizens get killed by any type of bombs is murder.
The US can pick-and-choose its friends and allies as it likes, with no rhyme or reason due to those who differ.

As such, our support for Ukraine is vital to the long-term survival of Europe... Niger is unimportant by comparison.

There is no war in Ukraine without the U.S. being willing to fund it.
our support for Ukraine

was using US taxdollars to enable Victoria Nuland to rig the Ukraine election in 2014 for Zionist Fascist Zelenskky.

The result of that is Ukraine became a global Zionist Fascist laundromat, a "host" of 40+ US taxpayer funded "bio labs," mistreatment of ethnic Russians in Crimea, and that's what started the war.

The innocent people of Ukraine are now being wiped out, what happens when a country allows Zionist Fascism to rig elections...
The truth about homO is off the scale awful. homO is a completely despicable life form.

The truth about Gaddafi is this...

which explains why the Zionist Fascists so eager to invade Iraq over lies really loved Gaddafi and wanted him in power...
Idris was king of Libya from 1951-1969. The Libyan constitution was remarkable.... enlightened.

Gaddafi threw it out.
Yet he built the most successful nation in Africa. Then your girl Sainted Hillary killed him for the benefit of bankers.

“We came, we saw, he died…hehehehe.“

You and her are psychopaths.
The US can pick-and-choose its friends and allies as it likes, with no rhyme or reason due to those who differ.

As such, our support for Ukraine is vital to the long-term survival of Europe... Niger is unimportant by comparison.
Destroying Ukraine is vital to Europe how?
The US can pick-and-choose its friends and allies as it likes, with no rhyme or reason due to those who differ.

As such, our support for Ukraine is vital to the long-term survival of Europe... Niger is unimportant by comparison.
And how is it vital to the American people?
Its not a good point. Collateral damage in war is not murder. And I would add that we have spent trillions developing smart weapons to avoid that very thing. e are the only nation in the history of mankind to spend treasure to protect the enemies innocents in wars.

You are a moron, and MinTrut is a degenerate who defends pedophiles in other threads.
Lol. You call massive aerial bombing missions over civilian areas collateral damage. I think not.
Yet he built the most successful nation in Africa. Then your girl Sainted Hillary killed him for the benefit of bankers.

“We came, we saw, he died…hehehehe.“

You and her are psychopaths.
Libya has had gold dinars for 70 years and central banking since 1953. You're all caught up in gossip and conspiracy theories.

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