“Barack Obama is a war criminal” - Harvard Political Review

Excusing the psychopathic behavior of your beloved Hillary, makes you a fool.

Only a dumb fuck thinks destroying a nation is good for the people of that nation.

I bet you’d love to shove a bayonet up Trump’s ass.
Hillary said we bombed Libya to safeguard oil for Europe, that we owed them for supporting us in Afghanistan.

Exxon was there... also Sinopec, Conoco Phillips and four others. Hillary wouldn't say anything so stupid.. You can't eat petroleum. Libya imports 90% of it's food. Do you ever think?

Col Tim Osman trusted them
W sided with them against The Northern Alliance in the Afghan civil war
Traitor Joe loaded them up with $80 billion in brand new US arms (not the first time Zionist Fascism stole our weapons - 'nam too)


In the "war on terror," the "terror" was all done by Zionist Fascists, most of whom were ZPFs pretending to be islamic...

Gaddafi grew up a barefoot Bedouin boy. He was always threatening to assassinate some Arab leader... like when he drank rosewater out of a finger bowl at a state dinner. The Arabs despised him. He was an uncouth bully... a lot like Trump.
In America, an American Citizen is considered innocent until proven guilty.

I don't know what its like in your shithole country.

Obama violated his constitutional rights and murdered that man, like a fascist dictator.

Obama is a criminal.

Al Awaki would still be making bombs and training up suicide bombers.
Gaddafi grew up a barefoot Bedouin boy. He was always threatening to assassinate some Arab leader... like when he drank rosewater out of a finger bowl at a state dinner. The Arabs despised him. He was an uncouth bully... a lot like Trump.
Does this justify in your mind the NATO intervention sainted Hillary and your Messiah Obama managed to unleash? Resulting in the destruction of a once stabile nation.

Why do you defend him against this?

Why do YOU want to hang him on this? You give W a free pass on Gitmo, torture and the Iraq War. Your attacks are all political, and not moral, and therefore you have no credibility when you make them.

If you were applied your so-called "principles", you would be calling out both sides, just like Democrats called out Obama consistently over his failures - like failing to end Patriot Act Surveillance, closing Gitmo, or using drones against American citizens, and surveillance of members of the press.

Donald Trump tore up your arms limitations treaties, allowed the North Koreans to acquire ICBM capability, tried to give nuclear technology to the Saudis, and he killed 1 million Americans with his failed covid response, and crickets from you clowns.
In America, an American Citizen is considered innocent until proven guilty.

I don't know what its like in your shithole country.

Obama violated his constitutional rights and murdered that man, like a fascist dictator.

Obama is a criminal.

So Trump is not a criminal despite having confessed to all of his crimes on TV, and having been found guilty of tax evasion, sexual assault and fraud, but Obama, who has never been referred for a criminal charge, much less indicted or convicted of ANYTHING, is a "criminal".

The USA is the only 'shit hole' country in the first world. Democrats are trying to civilize you asshats, but Republicans are determined to turn the USA into Chile, or Brazil. Those of us living in the best countries in the world to live in, stand by astounded by the idiocy.
Does this justify in your mind the NATO intervention sainted Hillary and your Messiah Obama managed to unleash? Resulting in the destruction of a once stabile nation.

So in your mind, Putin should have been allowed to commit genocide because war is "destabilizing". What about the rights of the Ukrainian people to fight for their own country - something they VOTED for?
Why do YOU want to hang him on this? You give W a free pass on Gitmo, torture and the Iraq War. Your attacks are all political, and not moral, and therefore you have no credibility when you make them.

If you were applied your so-called "principles", you would be calling out both sides, just like Democrats called out Obama consistently over his failures - like failing to end Patriot Act Surveillance, closing Gitmo, or using drones against American citizens, and surveillance of members of the press.

Donald Trump tore up your arms limitations treaties, allowed the North Koreans to acquire ICBM capability, tried to give nuclear technology to the Saudis, and he killed 1 million Americans with his failed covid response, and crickets from you clowns.
Since when do you call out both sides?

O certainly gave W a free pass on Gitmo, torture, and the Iraq War. To say nothing of his bailing out the banks that caused the Great Recession while throwing millions out of their homes, renewing W’s tax cuts for the rich, expanding the Patriot Act, spending like W, increasing the war budget, and taking W’s two wars and adding five more, etc.

“Obama approved the use of 563 drone strikes that killed approximately 3,797 people. In fact, Obama authorized 54 drone strikes alone in Pakistan during his first year in office. One of the first CIA drone strikes under President Obama was at a funeral, murdering as many as 41 Pakistani civilians. The following year, Obama led 128 CIA drone strikes in Pakistan that killed at least 89 civilians.”
He murdered 41 Pakistani civilians with a drone strike. No one is above the law.

”With the exception of the wars themselves, the claim that former President Barack Obama is a war criminal also lies within the double-tap initiative. Double-tap drone strikes are as disturbing as they sound; these attacks are follow-up strikes on first responders as they rush to the bombed area trying to assist any survivors. In 2012, an attack on the Shawal Valley aimed at Taliban commander Sadiq Noor reportedly killed up to 14 people in a double-tap drone strike. These attacks are both morally and legally reprehensible, as they are conscious acts of murder against civilians.”

DOUBLE TAP TO KILL FIRST RESPONDERS? Obama is a monster a should be tried for war crimes.

Obama also executed multiple American citizens, with no due process, using drone attacks.
Does this justify in your mind the NATO intervention sainted Hillary and your Messiah Obama managed to unleash? Resulting in the destruction of a once stabile nation.

Obviously it wasn't stable. Nobody wanted to change the status quo, but there was no stopping what happened in Libya. The best hope was a return to the Idris constitution, and that was a long shot.

That's what was going on at the Annex in Benghazi. They were trying to identify the tribes that might support a return to the Idris constitution.
Obviously it wasn't stable. Nobody wanted to change the status quo, but there was no stopping what happened in Libya. The best hope was a return to the Idris constitution, and that was a long shot.

That's what was going on at the Annex in Benghazi. They were trying to identify the tribes that might support a return to the Idris constitution.
“Nobody wanted what happened”…lol. So the regime change effort your beloved leaders wanted and pursued, by bombing Libya, didn’t anticipate what resulted. Lol. Of course they did.

Remember the USS Cole? Remember the shoebomber? Al Awaki would still be making bombs and training suicide bombers.

He was a piece of shit, no doubt. But our constitution demands due process for everyone.

It wouldn't have been hard to convict him and sentence him appropriately, but Obama decided murder was quicker.
So in your mind, Putin should have been allowed to commit genocide because war is "destabilizing". What about the rights of the Ukrainian people to fight for their own country - something they VOTED for?
We’re discussing Libya. Yes? Not Ukraine.

However everything you know about the provoked proxy war in Ukraine is wrong.
Al Awaki would still be making bombs and training up suicide bombers.
Yeah and Gaddafi gave his troops viagra to commit mass rape. After all, your girl Hillary said so.

The dumb things you believe.
We’re discussing Libya. Yes? Not Ukraine.

However everything you know about the provoked proxy war in Ukraine is wrong.

First I was "just parrotting" right wing talking points, and now everything I know is "wrong".

I know that Russia promised to never attack the Ukraine if the Ukraine agreed to give up their nuclear weapons, and they've attacked the Ukraine twice in the past 10 years.

I know that Putin has claimed that the breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 21st Century. I know that Putin is slaughering civilians, bombing hospitals, schools and apartment buildings. That he imprisons and murders his political opponents, journalists and anyone who criticizes him. And that he LOVES him some Donald Trump.

What exactly do I have wrong here?
Yeah and Gaddafi gave his troops viagra to commit mass rape. After all, your girl Hillary said so.

The dumb things you believe."wea

It wasn't Hillary Clinton who said it, it was the International Criminal Court who made the accusation. Hillary Clinton condemn the use of rape as a "weapon of war", but did not make the accusation you claimed. Here's the BBC Report from 2011, when Clinton was still Secretary of State:

This is why your bullshit and lies are no longer working. We have internet records and newspaper reports uploaded for the past 40 years. The internet never forgets what really happened. So when the Cult tries to twist and lie, and manufacture bullshit about what happened, we can debunk all of the bullshit.

That's why your "Biden Crime Family" lies aren't taking root. We have the FACTS at our disposal to prove you're lying.

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