Barack Obama: Keeping 2.2 Million Americans In Prison Is Hurting The Economy

Yes we need more drug pushers, thieves,rapists and murderers back on the streets.

Yes. Cause those are the only people in prison .

With today's tech we can track people easier than ever . You could still watch people without the high cost of incarceration .

So you're saying there are some quality people in prison Timmy.

Not everyone in prison is Charles Manson. People can learn/change .

Maybe they did somthing as stupid kid, maybe they were drug addicts . Whatever .

There's all kinds of stories about 3 strikes people getting crazy time for minor shit .

Tell ya what Timmy. If they'll move em all to your town i'm good with it.
We imprison more people than ANY country . And it's superexpensive !

This is the kind of shit that blows up our debt .

while on stage

obama once wondered aloud "why cant we be more like china" "why"

Context ??? You righties love to misquote and pull a few words out context . Cause all u have now is bullshit propaganda .

who in their right mind would want to be more China

Put it in context you jackass . "China has less heart disease ? Fuck them! Well keep our heart attacks ! Usa!!!"

only a libtard would want to be more like china in any context
We imprison more people than ANY country . And it's superexpensive ! This is the kind of shit that blows up our debt .

It's not like we send out policemen to round-up law-abiding citizens to incarcerate. People are in jail for a reason...they break the law. Obama is not a big fan of enforcing the Rule of Law, never has been, especially when it pertains to blacks.

Want to keep less people out of jail? Give them Jobs. Give them training. Give them a hand UP not a hand OUT. Institute a mandatory enrollment into the military for all young people - as soon as you graduate from high school or when you drop out of school. They don't have to go to war but can be used in military-style/run units that will teach them respect, honor, discipline, hard work, a unit that can / would help local / state communities, help out in disasters, etc. IMO, this is about the only thing that probably can save this nation from further decline / collapse.

'Idle hands are the devil's tools' - change that. Don't let them 'learn' from other thugs / on the street. Take an active role in the development of our future - our young people.

Like with many other issues in this country, there is not an inability to do this, just a lack of desire.
Yes we need more drug pushers, thieves,rapists and murderers back on the streets.

Yes. Cause those are the only people in prison .

With today's tech we can track people easier than ever . You could still watch people without the high cost of incarceration .

So you're saying there are some quality people in prison Timmy.

Not everyone in prison is Charles Manson. People can learn/change .

Maybe they did somthing as stupid kid, maybe they were drug addicts . Whatever .

There's all kinds of stories about 3 strikes people getting crazy time for minor shit .

Three strikes should get you dead, not more time. Think of all the money you'd save, lower incarceration cost, lower insurance rates and the costs of good and services would go down.
Listening to him is like being tortured. I think I'd rather be water boarded.

gawd the man is a freak of nature and one of the worst Presidents and human being I've lived under


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