Zone1 Barack Obama

Actually, she said he was born in Hawaii
She said both

So which time was she lying?

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

"I thought she said she was present," McRae said. "Was she able to see him being born in Hawaii?''

"No, no," the translator said. "...She was not ... she was here in Kenya. Obama was born in America ... Because the grandmother was back in Kenya and Obama was born in America, where he is from, where his father was learning, learning in America, the United States."

Listen to the full conversation yourself. The parts in question begin about the 4:20 mark.

McRae -- who we should emphasize was not the translator -- has kept the theory alive. In a Dec. 5, 2008 article, Salon ran an affidavit from McRae in which he maintains Sarah Obama confirmed she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya:

"Though some few younger relatives, including Mr. Ogombe (one of the translators), have obviously been versed to counter such facts with the common purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Mr. Ogombe attempted to counter Sarah Obama's clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, I asked Mr. Ogombe, how she could be present at Barack Obama's birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but Ogombe would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, "No, No, No. He was born in the United States!"
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She said both

So which time was she lying?

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

"I thought she said she was present," McRae said. "Was she able to see him being born in Hawaii?''

"No, no," the translator said. "...She was not ... she was here in Kenya. Obama was born in America ... Because the grandmother was back in Kenya and Obama was born in America, where he is from, where his father was learning, learning in America, the United States."

Listen to the full conversation yourself. The parts in question begin about the 4:20 mark.

McRae -- who we should emphasize was not the translator -- has kept the theory alive. In a Dec. 5, 2008 article, Salon ran an affidavit from McRae in which he maintains Sarah Obama confirmed she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya:

"Though some few younger relatives, including Mr. Ogombe (one of the translators), have obviously been versed to counter such facts with the common purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Mr. Ogombe attempted to counter Sarah Obama's clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, I asked Mr. Ogombe, how she could be present at Barack Obama's birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but Ogombe would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, "No, No, No. He was born in the United States!"
McCrae was blatantly trying to put words in her mouth
She began by admitting that barack obama was born in kenya

Then changed her story
She was obviously confused by the way the question was worded and relied on a translator
McRae continued to badger her and would not accept “he was born in America” as an answer
Very true
It was widely thought that the election of a black man would signal the end of our racial tension.

Just the opposite happened.
A Black Man in the White House triggered the racists to come out of hiding. Obama received no Good Will from the far right on any issue
Because Komrade Obama never got past Left of Center.
First off, Who was Frank Davis?

Secondly Rev. Wrights church was no more racist than the Church in Chicago Pastor Brooks preaches in.

Mike, whites don't get to get us racist for calling out the racism we have endured.

Obama was never a communist, nor was anyone in his family. And Obama damn sure loves this country more than trump. You don't get to determine who is America.
Frank Marshall Davis (December 31, 1905 – July 26, 1987) was an American journalist, poet, political and labor movement activist, and businessman.

Davis began his career writing for African American newspapers in Chicago. He moved to Atlanta, where he became the editor of the paper he turned into the Atlanta Daily World. He later returned to Chicago. During this time, he was outspoken about political and social issues, while also covering topics that ranged from sports to music. His poetry was sponsored by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs. He also played a role in the South Side Writers Group in Chicago, and is considered among the writers of the Black Chicago Renaissance.[1]

In the late 1940s, Davis moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he ran a small business. He became involved in local labor issues. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tracked his activities as they had investigated union activists since the early 20th century.
He began to work on community organizing, starting a Chicago labor newspaper, The Star, toward the end of World War II. The paper's goal was to "promote a policy of cooperation and unity between Russia and the United States"[18] seeking to "[avoid] the red-baiting tendencies of the mainstream press."[19] In 1947, the Spokane Daily Chronicle of Washington state described the paper as "a red weekly", saying that it "has most of the markings of a Communist front publication."[20] After World War II, Americans became suspicious of the Soviet Union, a former ally, after it extended its control over Eastern Europe, and fears were raised about the influence of Communism in the US.
In 1948, Davis and his second wife, whom he had married in 1946, moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. In a 1974 interview with Black World/Negro Digest, Davis said they had been attracted to the place because of a magazine article his wife had read.[28]
Davis died in July 1987, in Honolulu, of a heart attack, at age 81.[30][31] Three works were published posthumously: Livin' the Blues: Memories of a Black Journalist and Poet (1992), Black Moods: Collected Poems (2002), and Writings of Frank Marshall Davis: A Voice of the Black Press (2007).
In Barack Obama's memoir Dreams from My Father (1995), Davis is referred to as a friend in Hawaii of Obama's maternal grandfather Stanley Dunham; Obama later identified the man as Davis.[38][39] Obama said Davis recounted that he and Stanley Dunham had grown up 50 miles apart in Kansas, near Wichita, although they did not meet until living in Hawaii. Davis described the way Kansas race relations were back then, including Jim Crow restrictions, and his belief that there had been little progress since then. As Obama remembered, "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."[40] Obama also remembered Frank Davis later in life after taking a job in South Chicago as a community organizer. One day Obama visited areas where Davis had lived, writing, "I imagined Frank in a baggy suit and wide lapels, standing in front of the old Regal Theatre, waiting to see Duke or Ella emerge from a gig."[41]
Your link

, "As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are … us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata. They go to bed at night watching ‘Star Trek’ reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon."
Pravda ...

The New York Times video opinion team took a cross-country trip for a project to humanize the "deep state," declaring it to be "kind of awesome" in its new report. ...
How do they run the country without any organized structure or knowing who can be trusted and who can’t and no way of communicating orders?
Their first priority is to remain employed until they can retire and receive full Guv'mint benefits.

Most couldn't cut it in the private for profit sector, so guv'mint employment is their best option. Most have been indoctrinated via their schooling to be left of center and their socialist/communist leanings and ideological beliefs are what shape the subjective and discretionary decision making aspects of their jobs.

Their loyalty is to the Government, not to the Constitution or the Nation.
When did that happen?

Obama and Bill Ayers: Together from the Beginning​

Barack Obama has said repeatedly that his association with ’60s radical Bill Ayers, a “radical, leftist, small-‘c’ communist,” as he recently described himself, and one of the founders of the Weather Underground, an anti-war group during the Vietnam period, was entirely in passing. Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” said Obama, and “not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis.”

But recently, Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spent a few days at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, going through the papers of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Ayers and Obama were involved in. He says that the Ayers/Obama relation runs more deeply than previously reported. The documents in the CAC archives make clear that Ayers and Obama were partners at the CAC, he writes in The Wall Street Journal.

Barack Obama’s first run for the Illinois state Senate was launched at a famous fundraiser and kickoff for the campaign at a 1995 gathering at the house of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, says Kurtz.
Ayers and Dohrn are well-known to people my age. As Kurtz relays it in a recent interview: In 1970, Ayers, along with wife Dohrn, were indicted for inciting a riot and conspiracy to bomb government buildings. Dohrn was convicted; Ayers was not. However, Ayers remains unrepentant, telling The New York Times in 2001, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” As Kurtz reports, Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon as part of his anti-war activities.

Today we would consider these to be acts of domestic terrorism when coming from the opposite end of the political spectrum with someone like the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh. Maybe we should begin to ask ourselves where we are going in our world today when a right-wing terrorist, resolute in his conviction to the very last, like Ayers, gets a quick and short ride to the death chamber and a shallow and forgotten grave, while bombers from the ’60s get tantalizing offers from Harvard, $100 million grants from Ambassador Walter Annenberg and dinner with Professor Fish?

Between 1995 and 1999, Obama led the CAC, which was founded by Ayers, and remained on the board until 2001.
The CAC’s agenda flowed from Ayers’s educational philosophy, says Kurtz, which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.

“CAC translated Mr. Ayers’s radicalism into practice. Instead of funding schools directly, it required schools to affiliate with ‘external partners,’ which actually got the money. Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down. Instead CAC disbursed money through various far-left community organizers, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or Acorn).”

According to Kurtz, Obama once conducted “leadership training” seminars with Acorn, and Acorn members also served as volunteers in Obama’s early campaigns. External partners like the South Shore African Village Collaborative and the Dual Language Exchange focused more on political consciousness, Afrocentricity and bilingualism than traditional education. CAC’s in-house evaluators comprehensively studied the effects of its grants on the test scores of Chicago public-school students. They found no evidence of educational improvement.
When did that happen?
Interestingly the MSM sources in a web search tend to down play and diffuse the Obama and Ayers-Dohrn association. To be expected. Bits and pieces of the truth tend to filter out if going deep enough down the lists. This tends to be like Obama's claim that despite 20 years of attending Reverend Wright's racist church, Barry slept through those anti-America sermons.

Barack Obama’s ties to the Weathermen aren’t ties that were 40 years removed from a child’s experiences, but the conscious decision of a young radical to establish a relationship to an infamous terrorist because of shared ideology and interests.

Barack Obama never set any bombs. But he’s never had problems with associating with those who did.
Following is from a VERY long article, but also very informative. Too much for me to excerpt now, but I think some will find it well worth the read. Here is one excerpt with some between the lines implications;
David Garrow interviewed Bill Ayers for Rising Star on September 10, 2009 and Bernardine Dohrn and Mona Khalidi in 2013. Out of these interviews emerged a story that utterly disproves all the media’s efforts to deny Michelle and Barack Obama’s real relationship with Ayers and Dohrn. Using the participant’s own words, Garrow disclosed that Ayers and Dohrn, the Obamas, and the Khalidis organized their evenings in a semi-communal fashion, sharing dinner and childcare several times a week for eight years.

Thus all the media coverage and statements by Obama, Michelle, and his campaign staff about Ayers and Dohrn leading up to November 2008 were falsehoods. This should have attracted notice, but, true to form, neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post even mentioned the controversy in multiple reviews of Rising Star.

Garrow’s exhaustively footnoted biography, which also detailed previously unknown stories about Obama’s relationships with women and his attitude toward interracial dating and electability, was not received well by newspapers that had praised his similarly meticulous scholarship on Martin Luther King and the history of Roe v. Wade. Michiko Kakutani, then-book editor of the Times, sniped that “Garrow has turned up little that’s substantially new.” Brent Staples of the Times and Carlos Lozada of the Washington Post even discussed Garrow’s depiction of the Obamas’ marital problems without revealing the explosive fact that one of the main sources for that intimate information was Bernardine Dohrn herself. Nor did any paper correct their prior, monumental misreporting.[35]

The three couples’ regular dinners began in 1996 after Obama won the primary election for Alice Palmer’s Illinois state senate seat. “Barack and Michelle began to see a great deal more of not only Bill and Bernardine but also their three closest friends, Rashid and Mona Khalidi and Carole Travis,” Garrow wrote. The dinners continued until at least 2003, when Obama was launching his campaign for the U.S. Senate.[36]

By the time the Obamas joined them in 1996, the Khalidis, Ayers and Dohrn, and their children had been dining together six nights a week for several years. To many people, such an arrangement among well off professionals might seem odd. But Ayers and Dohrn have long adhered to a radical politics that endorses communal living as a means to fully commit to politics in every aspect of life. Their nightly dinners were also gatherings of politically connected Chicagoans, including openly Maoist “school reformer” and Obama friend Mark Klonsky, whose plans for radicalizing K-12 education were funded by Obama during his tenure as the head of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge foundation.[37]

According to his own words and those of his wife and close friend Mona Khalidi, Ayers was anything but just a “guy from [Obama’s] neighborhood.” The Obamas shared their evenings several times a week with Ayers and Dohrn from the time of Obama’s start in politics to his ascent to the U.S. Senate. Significantly, the timeline laid out by Garrow demonstrates that the Obamas were in constant contact with Ayers and Dohrn before, during, and after 9/11. Thus the couples were intimates during the publication of Fugitive Days, the book notoriously profiled in the New York Times on the morning of September 11, 2001, with Ayers crowing from the pages of the Times that he didn’t regret bombing the Pentagon and wished he had detonated more bombs, while thousands perished in the Twin Towers and hundreds more burned to death at the Pentagon.
Muslims don't go to church for 25 years.
Lapsed, apostates might. Especially if that church is helpful for community contacts and winning elections.
Islam considers anyone whom has converted to Islam to be a Muslim for life. Fundamental extremists consider denouncing one's status as Muslim to be punishable by death.
Obama's biological father did not divorce his wife that he left in Kenya, with their children.
That might not make Barry a bastard, but it does question his integrity to dedicate his first book to his bigamist father.
Obama's biological father did not divorce his wife that he left in Kenya, with their children.
That might not make Barry a bastard, but it does question his integrity to dedicate his first book to his bigamist father.

Your integrity is what shows up in neon.
Their first priority is to remain employed until they can retire and receive full Guv'mint benefits.

Most couldn't cut it in the private for profit sector, so guv'mint employment is their best option. Most have been indoctrinated via their schooling to be left of center and their socialist/communist leanings and ideological beliefs are what shape the subjective and discretionary decision making aspects of their jobs.

Their loyalty is to the Government, not to the Constitution or the Nation.
I spent 40 years working for the Federal Government

We were forbidden by the Hatch Act from participating in partisan politics
For the most part, politics was never discussed and I had no idea about the political leanings of my supervisors or those I worked with.
That is the glory of Civil Service. You are allowed to just do your job without political influence. Presidential Administrations come and go, but Civil Service keeps continuity
I mean the unelected shadow government in washington that seeks to run the country from behind the curtain
He's really stoopit enough to believe that the Constitution and taking an oath to it means anything.
I spent 40 years working for the Federal Government

We were forbidden by the Hatch Act from participating in partisan politics
For the most part, politics was never discussed and I had no idea about the political leanings of my supervisors or those I worked with.
That is the glory of Civil Service. You are allowed to just do your job without political influence. Presidential Administrations come and go, but Civil Service keeps continuity
Nobody is talking about being a 30th level grundoon at the post office, like you were, and you got-dammned well know it.

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